gigbeth Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 gigbeth 32 32 Project X & Brum’s creative scene – by Rich Batsford Wed, 06 May 2009 21:56:55 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Nearly five years ago, a group of friends and I decided to take some initiative and create for ourselves the kind of organisation and event that we would most want to be a part of. The result is Project X Presents – a Birmingham based creative network producing events once or twice a year which aim to fuse many different strands of creative endeavour into one cohesive whole.


So what is a network anyway? In our case, a free association of individuals bonded by two essential qualities – an interest in creativity and a friendly, open minded attitude. We realised that between ourselves and our immediate friends we have between us a tremendous variety of interests and an urge to be together and be creative. Weekly meetings began and continue still, the network steadily grew. Our fifth event – Xhibition, comes up this Saturday in Moseley.

Something like Project X could happen and very probably is happening in many places around the world right now, as cultural change and the IT revolution put ever more power into the hands of us all. The fact that it is happening here is surely a good sign – one flowering amongst many to rise out of a rich bed of active and creative individuals and groups. The considerable diversity in both medium and content we’ve been able to manifest and the willingness to explore the boundaries of production and presentation suggest a very healthy grass roots level of creative practice and a varied and eclectic community.

The independent scene in Birmingham can seem very strong – colossal events like Drop Beats Not Bombs show how much energy and drive there is in the in the city, although Boogie Dave has been sounding frustrated in his communications lately and has mentioned last weeks’ event could be the last. Gigbeth is seen by many as an establishment based event, but closer to the real truth is that it relies on the dynamism and organisational skills of one person, Clare Edwards. Worrying then, that Clare isn’t planning another festival this year? At least Supersonic is going strong.

I wonder if there’s a bit of vacuum in the creative hierarchy of the city – which means when an organisation gets so far, its not immediately obvious where the support is at city level or the inroads to a national direction.

There is the traditional Arts Council funded route to consider – eg the successes of Friction Arts and Stans Cafe although that route isn’t going to be for everyone and creativity isn’t something that travels well on predetermined paths.

If the community and the Council really care about creativity, expression and community cohesion then how can it be that one of our best and most energetic venues – the Rainbow – is currently facing closure due to issues of noise abatement from the complaints of one person?

The City does try, but I’ve never been a big fan of ArtsFest – feeling it suffers from a lack of cohesion and direction that curation could bring. It has its place perhaps, but its not enough.

Perhaps our lack of cohesion is an inevitable product of the very diversity we celebrate. Perhaps the apparent lack of a clear, strong leadership at the city level in creative terms is in itself partly responsible for the relative strength of our independent scene? Perhaps I just need to go lay down for a bit!

Whatever is happening, or will happen, I’ve loved my time with Project X so far – its brought me into contact with a great many wonderful and talented people and for every difficult moment where it feels like an arduous labour of love, there are many more magic ones in which I sense – no, experience – our tremendous energy and appetite for progression, development, expression and fun.

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If I could, I would… Sat, 08 Nov 2008 09:56:00 +0000 [Read more...]]]> …be at Gigbeth tonight, but I’ve got to go to a birthday party the other end of the world instead. Humph.

If I could, I’d be checking out The Destroyers (amusingly described as “Oompah oompah oompah oompah oompah oompah pah, OY! x 1m” by one unconverted soul), the Sugar Hill Gang and the 4Talent stage.

In fact, 4Talent can have an extra plug because not only are they hosting the stage debut of CiB-founder Pete Ashton and friends, including this chap:

Personalising the Thingamakit 02

but they’re also giving away USB wristbands to the first 100 people through the door.  They’ve been preloaded with videos, MP3s and a podcast from the acts they’ll be featuring on the night.  If you need to know more, here’s what the 4Talent wristbands contain.

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Another big weekend Wed, 05 Nov 2008 14:50:51 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Another big weekend with something for everybody (unless you happen to hate animation, music and design in equal measure, in which case you can just do one) with:

  • Plus+ International Design Expo
  • Flip Animation Festival
  • Gigbeth

Plus+ kicked off today at Fazeley Studios, Digbeth.  I’m heading over in a bit and am not really sure what to expect other than the much-discussed tart cards.  I suppose I’m looking forward to catching a talk or two and just having a mooch about.

Flip is over in Wolverhampton at the Light House and consists of three days of animation goodness – screenings, portfolio dissections, talks and all sorts, with a closing party hosted by Colour.

Gigbeth kicks off with the conference tomorrow and carries on through to Saturday evening.  There’s loads of info out there for anyone wanting to look.  May I direct you to:

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Links for November 2nd Sun, 02 Nov 2008 16:48:08 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Plus+ International Design Expo – schedule
    Listings of all the events are up online. Read what’s going on, become intruiged, buy a ticket. Or don’t – maybe design’s not your thing
  • The Big Picture film
    “the story of a record breaking project…”
  • Lots Of Things To See And Do In The West Midlands: November 2008
    It’s a good month for music by Russ L’s reckoning. Other notables include the Flip Animation Festival and the Supreme Cat Show
  • Gavin Strange at the Apple Store
    Gavin Strange, founder of JamFactory and designer of graphics for skateboard decks and toys, will be showcasing his work at the Apple Store. November 4, 5pm
  • Gigbeth Conference – Delegate tickets
    They’re available now and will set you back £100 plus VAT. Sessions include Fyfe Dangerfield interviewed by Janice Long and talks from Marc Jaffrey (Music Manifesto), Maggie Crowe (BPI and Governor of the BRIT School), Rich Castillo (A&R for Shalit Global) and Alexis Grower (International music lawyer)
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    Not long til Gigbeth Tue, 14 Oct 2008 21:20:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Gigbeth looks to be coming together quite nicely.  There are some well recognised names signed up (Sugarhill Gang, Young Knives, Guillemots, Stanton Warriors, Kano, Fabio and so on) along with some good localness too (Einstellung, The Destroyers and a who’s who of local promoters organising their own nights).

    Here are some links to things out there:

    • Today (15 Oct) is the last day for buying cheaper earlybird tickets
    • Here’s the Gigbeth schedule, although at the mo there are more bands listed on the Gigbeth MySpace
    • For a second year, Jon at B:iNS has braved the Gigbeth MySpace Marathon, checking out each band that’s playing
    • From watching the interview below, it seems that although the music part of the festival serves as the shop window, the Gigbeth Conference is a bigger thing than many of us will appreciate
    • Incidentally, rather than churning out press releases, the Gigbeth blog is an engaging and lively thing written by a few people (I think – who writes each post is a bit of a mystery)

    Last, and certainly not least, our Frankie sat down with Gigbeth’s organiser, Clare Edwards, for a natter about how the festival and conference started, what it’s all about and this year’s most exciting acts:

    Interview with Clare Edwards, Gigbeth from Created in Birmingham on Vimeo.

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    Links for September 30th Mon, 29 Sep 2008 23:43:35 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Gigbeth – What’s On
    The schedule for Gigbeth is coming together. Young Knives, Guillemots, The Destroyers, Sugarhill Gang and Einstellung are down so far with more to come
  • Light House October Highlights
    Featuring independent film releases and new photography exhibition ‘Imagined Lines’cib by Matthew Hammond
  • Curates Egg Autumn Programme
    Here’s the Curates Eggs’ latest mailout. All sorts of things going on including some stuff for the Birmingham Comedy Festival. There’s also some recommendations for other peoples events, which is always good to see
  • The Bad One review
    Whatsonstage Midlands reviews Women & Theatre’s latest play… and they like it
  • Clusta Brand Cool Brands
    “CoolBrands, the annual survey of the UK’s coolest brands, appointed Clusta to overhaul the brand identity for its 2008/09 programme”
  • Another Byte Of Banality: Turn It up Sonny…
    Looking for used Soundsystems, PAs, Speakers, Amps, Microphones and other audio miscellany? Mark 19 October in your diary as the date of ‘Urban Village’ Dave’s Used Pro Audio Fair at the Custard Factory
  • Homer Creative
    “a creative communications agency” who seem to do any number of related things including graphic design, web design, writing, editing, art direction, photography, etc and so on. They designed the cover for Gaynor Arnold’s Booker longlisted ‘Girl In A Blue Dress’ too
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    Interview with Mary Wakelam, Birmingham Jazz Wed, 24 Sep 2008 14:17:35 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Frankie Ward interviews Mary Wakelam of Birmingham Jazz and they discuss winning her BBC bursary, her new band Maylight, Rush Hour Blues, bringing jazz into Birmingham’s music venues, Gigbeth and resonance events:

    Tomorrow I’ll be offering some tickets for the next resonance events shindig at the Town Hall.  There might be a question from the interview, so take notes.

    Coming up from Birmingham Jazz:

    • Wednesday 24th September
      Jazz Club with Maylight at The Rainbow, Digbeth (£3)
    • Thursday 25th September
      Sara Colman Album Launch at The Glee Club (£8/£6)
    • Tuesday 30th September
      James Bashford Quintet at The Jam House (free)
    • Friday 3rd October
      resonance events presents The Heritage Orchestra (playing the music of Amon Tobin) the Lizzy Parks Band, DJ Cro plus guests
      The Town Hall at 7.30pm, live music starts at 9pm (£15.00)
    • Friday 3rd October
      Rush Hour Blues – Mike Hatton’s MHJQ in the Symphony Hall Foyer (Free)

    If you’ve not come across them before, there are other CiB interviews on Vimeo with the likes of Capsule, 7 Inch Cinema and Ditto Music with more to come.

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    Links for July 30th Wed, 30 Jul 2008 22:13:12 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Music Network meeting Thursday 31 July 4pm at The TIC
    “The Birmingham branch of Musicians Union will be supplying luxury chocolate biscuits and good coffee for all. There’s food and drink afterwards supplied by the creative networks lot too. Come and talk about what you’re up to and meet some new people”
  • Rosie Kay Dance Company at the Edinburgh Fringe
    Rosie has been invited to show Double Points: K at the festival but could do with some support to help make it happen. Here’s the justgiving page set up for that purpose
  • Birmingham fails to make cultural top 10
    Paul Groves doesn’t know what to make of what purports to be a list of the UK’s ‘most cultured local authority areas’. Neither do I. Birmingham comes in 14th behind a slew of London authorities and Manchester
  • Baron Davenport’s Charity require someone to copy a (bronze?) bust
    If you can help, or if you know someone who can, then contact Marlene Keenan at or on 0121 236 8004
  • Moseley Folk Festival 2008
    “Moseley Folk Festival is again looking for smiley, happy people to help
    out at the festival”. Details via the link and/or email
  • Bobbie’s 1st Post
    Bobbie Gardner joins the Gigbeth bloggers
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    Gigbeth 2008 announces first act Fri, 25 Jul 2008 09:45:29 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Unfortunately the Gigbeth website & blog are having a few issues at the moment so, in case you can’t go there directly, here’s the announcement:

    Well ladies, gents and those who merely resemble humans, I am pleased and rather smug to let you know that in November you’ll have the opportunity to ‘hear the rhythm of the boogiddy beat’ live when The Sugarhill Gang perform at Saturday night’s Gigbeth!

    Fused happen to have an interview with the Sugarhill Gang in their current issue.

    Tickets will go on sale in August and we can expect to see a few more acts announced soon too.  If you want to get involved with the Gigbeth street team CiB’s Frankie Ward is organising the street team so if you want to get involved with that give her a shout at frankiepromotes[@] or via the Gigbeth Facebook group.

    Links for July 5th Sat, 05 Jul 2008 08:44:37 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Custard Factory – new website
    The new internet home for the Custard Factory went live yesterday. There are many bits to finish off and some bugs to iron out but it looks to be an improvement on the previous incarnation.
  • What is Submerged Magazine?
    Submerged is being developed by Emma Wooley and cover electronic music and feature reviews on galleries, art centres, pubs, clubs and venues in the Birmingham area
  • BBC WM Introducing – Bands wanted: Gigbeth 2008
    Frankie has a piece on the BBC’s website about this year’s Gigbeth. If anyone wants to help out with street-teaming for the festival then get in touch with her
  • Birmingham Poet Laureate 2008 – 2009 Application Form
    “Birmingham Library and Archive Services is now searching for the city’s 13th Poet Laureate”. Closing date is 31 Aug
  • but she’s a girl… » Happiness lecture
    “I attended the Baggs Memorial Lecture on Happiness at the University of Birmingham on Monday, which this year was given by the Poet Laureate, Andrew Motion”
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