gigbeth conference Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 gigbeth conference 32 32 Not long til Gigbeth Tue, 14 Oct 2008 21:20:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Gigbeth looks to be coming together quite nicely.  There are some well recognised names signed up (Sugarhill Gang, Young Knives, Guillemots, Stanton Warriors, Kano, Fabio and so on) along with some good localness too (Einstellung, The Destroyers and a who’s who of local promoters organising their own nights).

Here are some links to things out there:

  • Today (15 Oct) is the last day for buying cheaper earlybird tickets
  • Here’s the Gigbeth schedule, although at the mo there are more bands listed on the Gigbeth MySpace
  • For a second year, Jon at B:iNS has braved the Gigbeth MySpace Marathon, checking out each band that’s playing
  • From watching the interview below, it seems that although the music part of the festival serves as the shop window, the Gigbeth Conference is a bigger thing than many of us will appreciate
  • Incidentally, rather than churning out press releases, the Gigbeth blog is an engaging and lively thing written by a few people (I think – who writes each post is a bit of a mystery)

Last, and certainly not least, our Frankie sat down with Gigbeth’s organiser, Clare Edwards, for a natter about how the festival and conference started, what it’s all about and this year’s most exciting acts:

Interview with Clare Edwards, Gigbeth from Created in Birmingham on Vimeo.

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