get a grip Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 get a grip 32 32 CiB links for 11 March 2011 Fri, 11 Mar 2011 08:59:43 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • We Are Fierce – Open Invite to Flatpack & Fierce Festival Launch, Tues 22nd March
    Don’t forget to RSVP
  • YouTube – Motionhouse Machine Dance ‘The highlights’
    A dancing digger. Cool
  • Culture – Funding opportunities 2010 | EACEA
    Apparently something on this page says that Birmingham Rep have been given some European cash for ‘Four Cities, Four Stories’
  • Swede it! :: Become a star on the big screen at Broadway Plaza
    Re-make a movie lo-fi-style for Broadway Plaza, AMC Cinema and Kerrang. Submissions in by 20 March. Proceeds from the screening go to Birmingham Children’s Hospital. There are prizes too
  • Moqapi Selassie
    “a Rastafari dub poet, born and raised in Birmingham”, says the Apples & Snakes newsletter
  • GET A GRIP – An open call for illustrators, artists and designers
    “We’re looking for enthusiastic designers, illustrators and artists of all different styles and disciplines, who like our ethics and business, and reckon they’d be up for working with us.”
  • Inspired Designs
    “Inspired Designs allows users to search the decorative art collections held by museums services within the Black Country region”
  • 16 Days
    “For 16 days from April 1st 2011, Tether will be stationed at The Lombard Method in Birmingham. The Nottingham based collective will work towards creating 16 new works that seek to interfere with the Lombard Method and the way people interact and react within it”
  • Love Birmingham
    “I will try my hardest not to moan about the state of things as ‘Love Birmingham’ will exist to be a wholly positive collection concerning Birmingham.” Aw, shame – criticism is so hot right now
  • YouTube – Kerrang! Radio: Watville Primary School Sing Iron Maiden – Flight Of Icarus
    Kids at a school in Wolverhampton singing Iron Maiden. From the comments, it seems this vid’s very popular with Brazilian metal fans. Fancy
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    Cum Clubbing, Zine Festival & Artsfest Fri, 10 Sep 2010 19:18:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Just a quick round up of everything going on this weekend, there’s a lot and we wouldn’t want you to forget and miss out on anything!

    Cum Clubbing – Hosted by VIVID, this art party does not look like something to be missed (although it’s happening now, so get down quick). From 8pm – late, VIVID’s project space will be taken over by live music, DJs and visual artists who’ll conspire to create an excitingly strange evening of camp disco. Tickets are £5.

    To save time I’m going to be both lazy and efficient, and link you to everyone else who’s been talking about this. Take a look at Digbeth is Good, More Canals than Venice, brianduffyhasabigbrain, and Birmingham: It’s Not Shit.

    Zine Festival – Not put off by the scale of Artsfest, this niche festival has a weekend full of events for you to get involved in.

    • Starting this evening at The Edge is a screening of ‘$100 & A T-Shirt‘, Joe Biel’s documentary on zine culture. Entry is a £1, which also gets you a bag of popcorn, along with a talk from Pete Ashton and Rob Horrocks on the emergence of the small press comics scene and music zine influence in the 80s.
    • The Victoria is host to the Zine Fair on Saturday from 12 – 6pm, along with a workshop from 2 – 2.30pm with Peter Lally, as he runs through the history of Alternative Press and curates a Q&A session on running your own zine events.
    • At 5 – 6.30pm Island Bar are inviting zine fans to ‘Drop in + Draw’, offering a pencil and paper to unwind with, before the party starts with the Atta Girl Zine Party, 8pm – 2am.
    • From 6.30 – 8.30pm, Get A Grip will be guiding guests through the process of making your very own totally unique t-shirt. T-shirt, equipment, inks, images and expertise supplied for £20 per person. If you fancy it, book in advance, more details here.
    • Sunday will be a chilled out picnic in Cannon Hill Park at 1 – 4pm. With nothing for sale and free to attend, the party will be meeting at mac.

    Artsfest – As already mentioned, the weekend of free arts events kicks off this evening and will continue to entertain through to Sunday night. With live performances coming from Centenary Square and Chamberlain Square, along with short films and animations screened at the Crescent, plus various performances and workshops held at theaters and bars across the city, don’t let the miserable weather deter you from leaving the house!

    Links for 9 February 2010 Tue, 09 Feb 2010 22:49:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • New Art Gallery Walsall is 10 « area magazine
    “To mark New Art Gallery Walsall’s double figure milestone they will be celebrating with Party! an exhibition designed both to celebrate their 10 years of achievements and the range and diversity of visual arts”
  • Library of Birmingham to partner with British Film Institute
    The Library of Birmingham (or LoB, meaning the people working there will be LoBsters) “will become the home of a BFI Mediatheque”. No doubt croissants will be served with a gallic shrug
  • Art Events for Feb-April « area magazine
    A round-up of visitable stuff. I would urge you to go to at least one of these things
  • a photog blog & more…
    It’s a photoblog (spotted by @getgood), presumably by someone living in Birmingham town (I have deduced this based on the photos that are blogged)
  • GET A GRIP – Handpulled Waterbased Screenprinting in Brimingham, UK
    Sam and Kay are based in the Custard Factory. They “Started from a combination of DIY ethics, ecological thinking and a mutual love of Punk Rock”
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