Gavin Auty Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gavin Auty 32 32 Links for 30 December 2011 Fri, 30 Dec 2011 08:27:12 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Bread&Circus
    “Bread & Circus is a distraction of two Birmingham based designers. Posting travel, design, fashion, music and food.” Claire Hartley (who helped make CiB look like it does) and Gavin Auty got a blog
    I missed this back in July, but Vice recorded some live footage at The Flapper and some interviews at Star City
  • Fish Fight Included in App Store Rewind 2011 – ‘The Best of the Year’ | Clusta
    Good stuff from Clusta
  • This’ll be the last post of 2011. See you in the new year for more fun and japes.

    Pointe Blank Mon, 13 Jun 2011 23:47:39 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Pointe Blank is:

    An exhibition of original images inspired by the story of Coppélia. In a first-of-its-kind project for Birmingham Royal Ballet, 27 artists and designers have been invited to produce individual pieces of artwork based upon toymaker Doctor Coppélius, and his attempts to breathe life into his most prized creation

    The exhibition has been pulled together by Rob Lindsay at Birmingham Royal Ballet and Claire Hartley.

    It features the work of (deep breath…) Ashley O’Brien, Ben Javens, Chris Henley, Christine Hughes, Claire Hartley, Crayonfire, Darren John, Dave Hughes, Gavin Auty, Harriet Grey, The Hidden Dingbat Collective, Ian, Caulkett, Jamie Littler, Jimmy Rogers, Jo Spencer, Katie Parry, Luke Tonge, Mezzetty, Middle Boop, Nathan Monk, Rachel Tighe, Ryan Dean-Corke, Sam Pierpoint, Sarah Ray, Simon Wild, Studio Family and Sweaty Eskimo.

    It’s all online so go and have a look. There’s some lovely work there.

    Pointe Blank

    It launched tonight for one night only (I was there – that photo stands as slightly blurry proof), although there are plans to exhibit the prints elsewhere and maybe sell them online or something.

    It always seems to me that the illustrators around Birmingham are a very talented but criminally underserved bunch. When they get together and do something it tends to be really very good – see also the Not My Type exhibition that we hosted at the CiB shop last year.

    Still, a very well done to everyone involved in this.

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