Funding Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Funding 32 32 Flatpack Submissions – Now Open Fri, 20 Sep 2013 11:25:31 +0000 [Read more...]]]> 20th – 30th March 2014 are dates for your diary as it sees the return of Flatpack Festival. For a reminder of what you enjoyed, or missed, last year watch the below video to view the highlights of the seventh Flatpack Festival.

Submissions are now open for Flatpack 8 and this year a new category has been added – the medium length film (defined as between 20 – 40 minutes). Alongside this category, the films under 20 minutes category is also now open. The best film from each category will be awarded £1000 and will feature in the programme for Flatpack 8. More information about submitting your work is available on the site.

The deadline for submissions is 6pm on Friday 29th November 2013. For those not interested in submissions, look out for the programme schedule which will be announced in February 2014. Make sure to follow Flatpack on twitter for updates!

Friday Lunchtime Links – 21st December 2012 Fri, 21 Dec 2012 13:42:16 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Bit of a mixed bag today for Friday Lunchtime Links:

A few things Flatpack:

One Applination Under A Groove Sat, 25 Aug 2012 10:00:21 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Do you like to push your writing to the extreme? Well next Saturday at Grand Union you will have the chance to push your pen wielding fingers to their very extreme with a 12 hour, all night writing extravaganza.

‘Part 12-hour exam, part club night, part endurance writing event’, the organisers BAZ and Hooky Street Press welcome all those who cross the path of the location to take part and give their unique responses to the proposed subjects. A little more info:

Writing produced during the event will be collated into a print on demand publication which all participants will receive a free copy of. 

Participants should bring a laptop, sleeping bag, biro and a digital version of an up to date CV and biography. DJ facilities will also be present, so bring any records you would like to play.  

Energy focused beverages and food will be available throughout the night; a free fry-up will also be provided as reward for the 12 hours of fictitious proposal writing.

 It should be an interesting event, even though I am still a little puzzled by what it actually is, but it is certainly something very different and looking to be challenging in both art and physical stamina of your fingers.

Full event details: Friday August 31st 8.00 pm – Saturday September 1st 8.00 am /Grand Union, Central Digside, B5 5RS

For more information and a few insights on the brief of the applications head over to

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Ikon Eastside Closure Mon, 21 Feb 2011 12:52:06 +0000 [Read more...]]]> After settling at 183 Fazeley Street back in 2008, Ikon have confirmed that as of April 2011, Ikon Eastside will be closing up for the final time, due to public funding cuts.

The large exhibition space at the heart of Digbeth, has provided the perfect setting for large-scale work, video and events over the past few years. It’s hosted work by internationally recognised artists, including Andy Warhol, Damián Ortega, Józef Robakowski and Siobhan Davies Dance.

Rites of Spring, a three day music festival featuring Turner Prize winner Martin Creed, Modified Toy Orchestra and Epic45 will be the last event held at Ikon Eastside, from 7 – 9 April.

We are extremely saddened to be losing Ikon Eastside, but our commitment to bringing internationally recognised art to the city is unwavering. Looking to the future, our goal remains to create a permanent museum of contemporary art for Birmingham.

– Jonathan Watkins, Ikon Director

It’s not all sad news though, since Ikon are intending to keep up their involvement with the Eastside district, focusing instead on site-specific events and promoting cultural regeneration through their membership of the Eastside Contemporary Art Consortium. Their current study into the feasibility of this permanent museum, (‘Ikon Two’) also remains unaffected.

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The Public loses Arts Council backing Wed, 28 Jan 2009 14:54:03 +0000 [Read more...]]]> In a meeting yesterday it was decided that the Arts Council will not fund any further plans from The Public, West Bromwich, including those for the long awaited interactive gallery. The reasons given are an absence of a firm opening date for the gallery and the considerable increase in annual revenue funding required to deliver the plan. It was announced last year that tickets for the gallery will be priced at £6.95 for adults, which stoked the fires of many angry taxpayers.


They have, however awarded Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council an award of up to £3m to allow them to develop a revised plans and to bring the building fully into public use. The Arts Council’s intention is that the significant investment made by all the funders will benefit the residents of Sandwell.

Sir Christopher Frayling, Chair of Arts Council England, said:

“We are the national development agency for the arts, and investing in ground breaking creative projects that have the potential to give more people access to great art is central to what we do. That is why we supported this project and why, at every stage, we have worked with our partners and carefully weighed the level of risk involved against the potential public benefit.

But the fact is that, although the building is open, the interactive art gallery at the centre of the vision for The Public is not. We have done everything we can but there comes a point where we have to make a difficult judgement – and regretfully, that moment is now.”

The Public will be releasing a statement later on today.

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Birmingham arts funding Tue, 02 Dec 2008 12:06:54 +0000 [Read more...]]]> At the kratesitwards (as some are calling them) on Saturday, Coun Neville Summerfield bigged up some of the support initiatives for creative types in Birmingham:

  • Creative Birmingham – pulling together key public agencies investing in the creative industries
  • Design Space – accommodates and finances new design agencies in the Jewellery Quarter
  • SRB6 Creative Industries – offers a range of business support to new businesses in the north-west of the city
  • Enterprise City – provides coaching and mentoring services to new and expanding businesses
  • Business Support for Creative Industries Programme – £9m flagship initiative.  Created 800 jobs, safeguarded 400 jobs, helped start 250 businesses and supported 1,200 businesses in total.  Generated over £15m in new sales

As far as I can tell, SRB6 has ended, enrolment in Enterprise City is closed (the scheme ends in March 09) and I can’t find any info about Creative Birmingham at all.

D’log tried looking into the schemes mentioned when Coun Summerfield responded to the issue of support for the creative sector last month. He had problems finding any useful information too.

The thing is, maybe there are lots of helpful support schemes out there but how many eligible people/companies know about them and where’s the information being made available? I guess the place to go would be Creative Launchpad (currently residing online here) or Business Link but it’s a shame the info doesn’t seem to be collected together somewhere useful.

Actually, I’ve just found West Midlands Finance, which describes itself as “comprehensive, continually updated finance information for West Midlands SMEs”. Feel free to register and have a root about but the need to register has put me right off – what’s the need exactly? Humph.

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Links for October 25th Sat, 25 Oct 2008 10:22:41 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • First Light Movies: Win Hammer film posters here!
    First Light’s blog has got off to a good start and now they’ve got a competition going. Have a look at one of the films they’ve funded and, by commenting on it, you can win yourself a poster
  • stereographic » Plus+ 2008 – call for help…
    Can anyone help Stereographic out? They need:
    (1) a mannequin – full sized / male or female. (If by any chance anyone has a reflective mannequin that would be a mega bonus!)
    (2) any ‘discarded design’ fellow designers / artists / companies have that they want to get rid of – things like demo prints / failed pitch designs / overruns on brochures etc
  • WOW: Hello, my name is Sarah :)
    Sarah Carter is “a design student that loves branding and typography”. She’s been working on Baskerville: The Animated Movie and did some live drawing at Re-Sketch at The Rainbow. This is her blog
  • Miss Halliwell make their back catalogue available for free download!
    Little Chris spots that Miss Halliwell (not Geri) have put their two EPs up online for free
  • Modulate says “Hello” with digital technology
    “some of our members have been working away in the background on one of the interactive installations, “Field of Light ”, a project dreamed up by the PLUS team, who also devised ’Illuminate‘”
  • Plus+: Booking Tickets NOW OPEN
    £40 (25 conc) for four days, £15 (10 conc) for one. Get em while they’re hot.
  • Anthony J Hughes on arts funding
    Interesting piece – “Funding as a concept and the funding and economic redevelopment projects aimed at supporting ‘creative industries’ has actually become a system supporting government ‘intervention’ and policy”
  • stitches and hos October
    The 8th meeting of the “monthly knitting hootenanny” at the Hare & Hounds is on Tues 28 October
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    News from The Edge Wed, 09 Jul 2008 08:39:55 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Some good news from the Edge has dropped into my inbox.  Having secured a ten-year lease for their premises they’ve now secured funding for a big refurb:

    The wonderful SITA trust have blessed us with the resources to install a new heating system, disabled loos, insulation and a new kitchen!  This will be stage one of our ongoing plans to develop the place as the (informal) venue for experimental arts in the city and operate year-round.

    There’s good news and bad(-ish) news: the bad(-ish) news is that public activity will be suspended until late summer while things are sorted out.  The good news is that they’d like people to help out with, in their words:

    mainly smashing stuff and chucking it away/recycling, quite therapeutic, actually

    So if you’d like to get involved drop them a line.

    There are still a few events happening at the Edge in the meantime – the Strange Ways Cheapside Show is there until 12 July and there are some talks on 25 July which I’ll blog about later.

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