friction arts Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 friction arts 32 32 Links for 10 February 2012 Fri, 10 Feb 2012 19:21:05 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • The (animated) Digbeth Summit | Digbeth is Good
    More student-animated Digbethness. Nice this.
  • Radio To Go: Shambala and Moseley Folk – summer scheming in the bleak midwinter
    Interviews with Jon Walsh (Kambé Events, Jibbering, Shambala) and John Fell (Moseley Folk, Goodnight Lenin)
  • Volunteers needed!
    Friction Arts are looking to get more people involved in what they’re doing, with an exploratory event on Thursday evening (16 Feb)
  • Floozy in the Gutter
    “The weekly best bits of Birmingham street art (and my own guerilla knitting ventures) updated every Sunday”
  • IDEA Birmingham
    A university/business collaboration promoting design-driven innovation
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    Links for 9 September 2011 Fri, 09 Sep 2011 07:33:27 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • George Noszlopy « D’log
    “It’s sad to hear that George Noszlopy has died. The College Art Association has a fine obituary. He spent more than 40 years teaching art history in Birmingham, latterly based in the School of Theoretical and Historical Studies at BIAD, Birmingham City University”
  • Rebecca Short « Area Culture Guide
    “When Lady Gaga’s stylist spotted Rebecca’s designs during graduate fashion week she asked if she could borrow a piece”. That’s a heck of a break to catch
  • Happenings in September | Friction Arts
    Espirito Brum, the Wilderness of Manitoba and an Artist’s Salon from Space2develop, all over at The Edge
  • SHOUT, Birmingham’s queer cultural festival
    The programme for this year’s festival (running 7 Oct to 30 Nov) is now up online
  • Rage Arts – Digital Stories – Crowdfunder
    “This project is part of our Digital Stories appeal which consists of giving one group the opportunity to work with professionals to make their own film.”
  • Selfridges Polar Circle
    An interesting shot
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    CiB links for 8 April 2011 Fri, 08 Apr 2011 11:49:20 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Keeping it local: regional theatre needs new media | Stage |
    “The challenge for arts organisations outside London is to embrace the blogosphere, and fast. I think we need to work hard to nurture the brave souls who are often spending their free time running what’s-on sites and blogs – invite them to our shows, treat them like proper journalists, buy them lunch, encourage our suppliers to buy advertising space on their websites, link to their sites from ours and so on. If we help listings sites and blogs to grow, we’re safeguarding the future of arts criticism.”
  • Sky Arts launches Ignition investment scheme
    £200,000 cash investment for six chosen projects, and bursaries of £30,000 each for young, talented individuals
  • GZA/Genius (of Wu-Tang Clan) | Hare and Hounds
    The GZA. In a pub. In a Birmingham suburb. For a tenner. How?
  • Fireworks, intrigue and change
    A thoughtful piece from Friction Arts’ Sandra Hall. Turning Point West Midlands are apparently lining up some specially commissioned essays from a range of people – looking forward to the rest
  • “Brum band The Toy Hearts had the following stolen last night: STOLEN GEAR – 6th April 2011 2 x…”
    Ouch. Have a look at the list, see if you happen see any of this stuff anywhere
  • Staffordshire Hoard
    New website for the hoard. Hat tip D’log for spotting it
  • Support Sound It Out (SIO)
    Petition for Sound It Out’s ACE National Portfolio application to be reassessed
  • Highbury Studio – Birmingham’s Top40 Artists
    A list of Birmingham artists who have had a Top40 record somewhere
  • Fullrange – Colman Getty
    Good follow-up from Lee Kemp on the Library of Birmingham PR contract thing. Includes an interesting bit on tender documents
  • The Catapult Club celebrates 10 years at Birmingham’s 02 Academy « Area Culture Guide
    Impressive stuff
  • Birmingham’s £25m academy
    “The academy, which is adjacent to Millennium Point in central Birmingham, is being created in partnership with London’s Brit School and Maverick TV”
  • We Are « Nomad Projeckt
    “The Nomad Projeckt is an artistic collective which specialise in the producing audio and visual work of all kinds inspired by old and new hip-hop movements, for details of our work have a look around the site.”
  • Twitter / David McAlmont: Birmingham is also confoun …
    “Birmingham is also confounding one’s expectations with its hot male totty count. I’m warming to the place.”
  • Turning Point West Midlands – Artists’ News & Opportunities Bulletin, 31 March 2011
    Loads of stuff in this. Worth subscribing to (it’s a PDF, btw)
  • Bank your thoughts: artists access to technology?
    “iShed ( is conducting a  feasibility study, supported by Arts Council England, into the potential of a web-based ‘Technology Bank’, where tech and related software can be advertised and offered on loan to creative projects in return for accreditation and shared learning”. Looks like it could be a good thing
  • The Blue Orange Theatre – Birmingham
    Funny – I was wondering about this place the other day. New theatre in Birmingham, due to open 13 April with ‘What The Butler Saw’ although I think there may have been a launch event last night
  • Fused Magazine – Fused at SXSW 11
    Fused went to SXSW and pointed a camera at bands and people dancing in the street
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    Biting Back chat Fri, 18 Mar 2011 11:53:07 +0000 [Read more...]]]> It’s the Biting Back event on Monday. An event about:

    how arts sector professionals and individual artists can learn from examples of successful partnerships in austere cultural landscapes

    I’m sure there are still some tickets available if you’re still thinking about coming.

    The website’s been a hive of activity over the past couple of weeks, with links to similarly themed events happening around the country. Sandra Hall from Friction Arts has written about what she’s hoping to get out of it and Helga Henry’s written about why the event is important.

    There’s also been some strong words from Pete in advance of the event.

    Biting Back Fri, 11 Mar 2011 11:50:09 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Biting Back

    Today’s the last day for picking up discounted early bird tickets for Biting Back, taking place on 21 March:

    a one day event from Birmingham City Council, mac and Sampad that will address how arts sector professionals and individual artists can learn from examples of successful partnerships in austere cultural landscapes.

    Tickets will still be available, they’ll just be more expensive and saving money is the name of the game here. With less cash around to make things happen over the coming years, the idea is to hear from people (some from Birmingham, some from much further away) with practical experience of interesting partnerships and different ways of working.

    The schedule for the day is here. I’ll be there talking about what we did with the Created in Birmingham Shop last year. Friction Arts, Stan’s Cafe, the Flyover Show, La Tabacalera, MIR Festival and more will feature too.

    Biting Back is also on Twitter, Facebook and Lanyrd.

    Inside Out Festival Tue, 14 Sep 2010 08:05:27 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Inside out festival

    On 24 September – 1 October, Friction Arts are holding Inside Out Festival. With artists, installations and performances all hosted at The Edge, the festival will also showcase performances, installations and interventions across Digbeth.

    The idea behind this mini-fest is to continue to connect the communities around our HQ – The Edge, through a shared experience of contemporary art – in and around the streets of Digbeth.

    There’ll be a series of art trails around the area, taking in works specially made for the festival, but also the street art and built environment of this very special district.

    The programme so far has events running across the opening weekend, with a launch party on 24 September in association with Sonic Asylum, featuring live music, installations and artwork. Other events will include art trails, live art and an artist’s brunch.

    For more information on currently listed events, plus updates and information on volunteering, take a look at their website.

    The Great Excursion Wed, 02 Jun 2010 10:47:26 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    There are two parts to this one:

    • A debate on Thurs 3 June
    • An installation by Raycho Stanev from 3-19 June

    Both at Friction Arts’ The Edge. Having seen mentions of this all over the place I’m guessing it’s going to be reasonably popular, which is good.

    Nicky Digbeth gives the info:

    The Great Excursion will be in Friction Arts’ home The Edge, Cheapside 3rd-19th June, and will kick off with a Critical Debate from 6pm this Thurs 3rd June, with a panel that includes Ammo Talwar (Punch), Paul Murphy (The Destroyers), Mukhtar Dar (The Drum) and Paradox (Munchbreak)

    The debate is also part of the BASS Festival, which kicks off today.

    Links for 2 March 2010 Tue, 02 Mar 2010 10:08:08 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • A Conversation with Government – Help!
    On Weds, Clare Edwards is off to “a 90 minute session to tell Government how they can better help creative entrepreneurs and where things are working and where are they failing”. Suggestions welcomed
  • Introducing-DJ Shadow’s Endtroducing-Live | Hare and Hounds
    “Full 10 piece live band perform DJ Shadows classic album – “Endtroducing””. Looks interesting
  • Lots Of Things To See And Do In The West Midlands: March 2010 « Oh. (Russ L wishes you way more than luck)
    “The theme of the month definitely seems to be “motion pictures””. Russ cherrypicks the pick of the cherries
  • Postcard from South Africa – Reloaded |
    The film of the seminar. I turned up late to this and completely missed it. People were saying good things though
  • Area Culture Guide 06 « Area Culture Guide
    “The latest edition of the Area Culture Guide is out now for March 2010”
  • We Are Eastside | Birmingham
    Ooh, tasty. “Welcome to We Are Eastside; your guide to the organisations that host and produce bold new work across film, digital media, crafts, music, visual arts, literature and photography all based in Eastside, Birmingham, UK”
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    Postcards from South Africa Sat, 06 Feb 2010 12:00:32 +0000

    Friction Arts are holding a free talk on their recent three-month residency in South Africa on Thursday 18 February, which should give some interesting insights into international public arts programmes.

    As you can probably see on the flyer above, the talk will also be followed by a Q&A session with the artists that were involved.

    Doom and gloom Tue, 02 Feb 2010 10:23:36 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The other day someone described CiB as ‘a little ray of sunshine in [their] RSS reader’. I’m going to take time out now to ruin that by talking about funding cuts and such. Sorry. If it’s any consolation I’ll end the post with a picture of a bunny.

    The other week West Midlands Regional Observatory brought out their latest recession snapshot. For the cultural sector the figures weren’t bad:

    the cultural sector continued to see increases in numbers of customers through the door in the last three months of 2009, building on the unusually high increase in footfall seen over the summer.

    Strong audience figures suggest the value placed on culture by the general population has only increased during the economic troubles

    However, people are expecting cuts – 72% of respondents being ‘less optimistic’ about the stability of core funding compared to a few years ago. Quite right too – on a daily basis you hear politicians dodging around the c-word like [insert inappropriate simile here].

    Jeremy Hunt, the shadow culture secretary, has gone some way towards setting his stall out (could The Guardian have found a pic of him looking any more smug?), saying (and I paraphrase hugely):

    • arts administration costs need to be hacked back to 5% of any cash government hands over
    • they’ll introduce a US-style culture of philanthropy by encouraging tax breaks on lifetime giving
    • The national lottery would be returned to its original good causes (which includes arts)
    • they’d get rid of audience development targets in the arts

    Some might find encouragement in some of that, although he did add:

    I wouldn’t say that everything that happened under the last Conservative government was good

    So nevermind.

    The philanthropy thing has been jumped upon and was clearly at the forefront of people’s minds on a recent Cultural Leadership Programme session, as blogged about by Friction Arts in a post called Preparing for a Cultural Nuclear Winter.

    On the Stan’s Cafe blog James gives the benefit of their experience and says:

    Big UK arts institutions are already doing all they can to raise sponsorship and court donors, it’s not as if a funding cut is ‘required’ to prod them into action. […]

    In short, the US model is deeply flawed and we are a million miles away from being able to deliver that model as well as they do.

    As things stand the figures, for the West Mids in particular, support him, the Birmingham Post pulling the numbers from analysis by Arts & Business. The headline numbers there being that in the West Mids private investment dropped 25% over the last period, while the national average was a drop of 7%.

    A&B chief Colin Tweedy said that:

    We would like to be optimistic but predict the worst is yet to come

    Here’s the bunny:

    Little bunny bun

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