foursquare Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 foursquare 32 32 Links for 5 August 2011 Fri, 05 Aug 2011 08:33:50 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Fundraising Session from the RSC « mid * point
    “the Royal Shakespeare Company would like to share its resources and expertise, and have put togethera fundraising session that will be held in Birmingham on Monday 19 September from 1.30pm -4.30pm”
  • Birmingham: Why Bother? • Future Cities of the Future
    As always the rhetorical answer to the rhetorical question is “well, who asked you to bother?”. Still, it’s always a shame when someone gives up
  • Supersonic ) Supersonic podcast no.1
    “It’s that time of year again when things start hotting up on the Supersonic front. The wonderful Little Chris of Brumcast fame has lovingly put together a series of podcasts together for your listening pleasure. Here is the first Supersonic special – ENJOY!” Very pleased to hear Little Chris’s voice again
  • Birmingham Toolkit
    “The Birmingham Toolkit is designed to help you talk about Birmingham with pride and confidence”
  • Enterprise zone ‘to make Birmingham creative hub’
    “The zone – which includes Eastside, Paradise Circus and New Street Station – will attract start-up firms by offering discounts on business rates of up to £275,000 over five years, simplifying planning laws and offering superfast broadband”. Plus other good stuff. Also, George Osborne says there are some iconic buildings here “if you look around”.
  • foursquare :: Created in Birmingham
    We have a page on Foursquare now. It’s probably not going to be used much but you never know.
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