foursight theatre Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 foursight theatre 32 32 Heading to Edinburgh Mon, 08 Aug 2011 07:48:17 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Well, I’m not (more’s the pity) but plenty of others are. Among them:

These two were previewed at the MAC the other week, following which everyone there had a bit of a chat:

many representatives of WM companies heading up to Edinburgh this month got together to find out about each other’s shows and discuss how we can co-promote our work up there

There’s now a hashtag – #WM2edin – people can lump Twitter activity around and Pippa Frith seems to be making the running in pulling together a list of folks who are travelling up.

I’m sure there’ll be other shows up there too but the only other one I’m aware of is The Other Way Works’ Avon Calling (which I’ve seen and was good). The flyer for that one’s below. If you know of any other local folks taking shows up then hit me in the comments.

Avon Calling - Edinburgh flyer

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