flyering Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 flyering 32 32 The flyering/postering issue Tue, 13 Jul 2010 11:42:43 +0000 [Read more...]]]> This is one for the promoters out there. And for anyone who gripes about not being able to find out what’s going on in this fair city (that’ll be most people then).

Ian Ravenscroft has a new blog and has used is to voice his annoyance at the lack of places available for trumpeting stuff that’s happening (in his case, the Popcorn Comedy nights at the Victoria):

So realistically, we’re left with flyering and postering. Which is fine. Well, unless you live in Birmingham that is. If you’ve tried to do it here, you’ll know it’s a nightmare. You can’t flyer, you can’t poster, and subsequently promoters of all events face the prospect of shutting down due to a lack of numbers.

Venues don’t want to cross-promote, understandably, but as a result, it looks to the average punter like there isn’t much going on in the city. And when I say ‘average punter’ I mean, someone who likes going out, but isn’t switched on to the whole social networking/blogging/RSS thing.

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