filmrats Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 filmrats 32 32 Filmrats Sun, 28 Nov 2010 10:30:55 +0000 filmrats

The final Filmrats of 2010 is tomorrow evening from 8pm at The Victoria. Join them for an evening of short films and live music at just £2 in.

This scrapbook, cut & stick style poster was also designed by illustrator Hayley Warham, which is rather cool.

Links for 1 October 2010 Fri, 01 Oct 2010 15:18:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Report – Birmingham Municipal Bank / TSB, Broad Street Birmingham, Jan 2010 – UK Urban Exploration Forums
    “The vaults are amazing, this is real hollywood film territory”
  • Decibel performing arts showcase: Artists’ information sessions
    At the Arts Council offices on 5 Oct, 11am to 1pm
  • Filmrats September 28th « Art, music, film and luna riot
    Nice write-up of Filmrats from the other night. Includes some of the films that were shown
  • Adventures In New York City and House Dance Elements =] « Dancegeek’s Blog
    Champion dancer from Birmingham heads to NY and shows the locals how it’s done
  • Interview with: Hannah Geddes, Freelance Creative Designer | Creative Boom Birmingham
    Specialising in theatrical performance art, designing for bands and artwork for weddings and civil ceremonies
  • Moseley Road Baths Memorabilia Day
    On 30 Oct, with guided tours, displays of the history of the Baths and a speaker from Manchster’s Victoria Baths
  • Digbeth is Good » Getgood Link: YouTube – Inside the Custard Factory-Bryn: Freelance Artist
    “Bryn talks about his practice and how having a studio at the Custard Factory has helped him”
  • Soho Road – from the Five Rivers to the Five Boroughs (1 of 5) « Thinking & Thumping
    “I’m on the road again. This time to the USA, as Punch Records, the producers of “Soho Road to the Punjab“, will take it to New York next year”. Worth reading the other posts in this short series too
  • GOTOJAIL – The Cell Project | Arts Nation West Midlands
    “Imagine if you could walk in to a prison cell and talk to a serving prisoner… now you can.” It’s a compelling sales pitch
  • Radio Pebble Mill
    The emergings of a new online radio station, maybe
  • photosynthesis » a collective of photographers from the Birmingham Botanical Gardens
    Lots of names I’d not come across before
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    Is Digbeth any good? Also, film nights Tue, 06 Apr 2010 18:10:48 +0000 [Read more...]]]> An article on the Guardian’s film blog has asked:

    Can Birmingham’s eclectic lucky dip of a festival help rejuvenate its Digbeth base?

    That festival being Flatpack. Now, I was always told that if the title of a newspaper article asks a question then the answer is most likely ‘no’. In this case, the answer given is revealed to be more like ‘well, first of all Digbeth needs a cash machine, some residents, public transport, a post office and some street lighting’. Which is fair enough.

    Hanging the cultural hopes of  an entire area on one annual festival (no matter how good) was a bit of a reach anyway.

    On another matter, two parts of the article jumped out:

    Amazingly, points out George Clark, a curator who put together Flatpack’s Build Them in the Mind programme of short films, Birmingham still lacks a proper arthouse cinema. This in England’s second-largest city.

    Which is true but needs tallying against Ian Francis saying:

    “I hate it when people say Birmingham is apathetic” about film and culture, he says. “The interest is there”

    Which is also true.

    That there’s only one independent cinema in Birmingham is a bit of a shocker, but mac reopens soon and don’t forget the Light House is only just up the road.

    Even better, there are quite a few people getting off their backsides to put films on away from the multiplexes. Film nights are rife – off the top of my head there’s Moving Pictures, Juniper Cinema, Kino Concrete, Filmrats, Popcorn, the Animation Forum events, BIFS, Screen Sunday at The Plough and occasional things at The Sunflower Lounge. Those are just the ones I can remember, too. Pretty much all of those are in pubs, which isn’t always going to be ideal and they’re unlikely to show the latest releases, but I think Ian’s right about apathy not being the problem.

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    Filmrats Thu, 19 Nov 2009 11:35:25 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Filmrats_Poster_Nov

    Having mentioned it yesterday, it’s the last Filmrats of the year on Wednesday 25 November. From the blurb what has been emailed to me:

    the event is a multimedia evening of short films and live music, a hybrid of different creative artistry coming together to showcase their talents, enjoy music, film and to socialise. The night is being held once a month on a Wednesday evening at the Bristol Pear, in the heart of Selly Oak. If you love music and film this really is the best place to go to in Birmingham.

    Filmrats is always looking for more Singer/Songwriters, Bands, Poets, Comedians, Performance Artists and Short Films. If you want to showcase your talent then please get in contact. Entry is £1.50, so go along and remember to send in those short films on DVD format to:

    Filmrats, Flat 3, 889 Bristol Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 6ND

    Email any questions, etc to

    You can also grab them via MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

    Tricks and treats Thu, 15 Oct 2009 08:20:28 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Only kidding, it’s all treats here. If you’re looking for Halloween-y things to do around Birmingham then here are a few ideas:

    28 October 2009

    30 October 2009

    31 October 2009

    2 November 2009

    I’ve been cobbling this list together over the past few days – further suggestions would be welcome in the comments…

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