esrc report Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 esrc report 32 32 Links for January 6th Tue, 06 Jan 2009 22:28:25 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Vote for Created in Birmingham (another shameless plea)
    If you’ve not yet voted, please do.
    If you have voted please vote again (you can vote DAILY until Tues 13 Jan)
  • Birmingham Photospace: Choose a Photographer
    Birmingham Photospace, the people looking to establish a permanent photo gallery in Birmingham, are asking which photographer you’d like to see exhibiting in the city
  • Big Brum Quiz of the Year 2008 – Birmingham: It’s Not Shit
    I got 71%. I’m sure you can do better
  • Birmingham Jazz News – Sammy Goulbourne: Barack Obama Mixtape
    In honour of 2009 and of Barack Obama’s Election victory, Birmingham Jazz’s friend Sammy Goulbourne has recorded a mixtape for you to download
  • ESRC report on Future Management of the UK’s Creative Industries.
    Nick summarises the report which he also paraphrases as “Whoah – this is all a bit confusing. Can we do some more research please?”
  • ]]>