ed vaizey http://www.createdinbirmingham.com Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-CiB-Google-copy-32x32.jpg ed vaizey http://www.createdinbirmingham.com 32 32 Jonathan Harvey http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2012/02/23/jonathan-harvey/ http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2012/02/23/jonathan-harvey/#comments Thu, 23 Feb 2012 12:54:16 +0000 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/?p=11687 [Read more...]]]> In his keynote speech at the State of the Arts conference in Manchester last week, in a list of notable cultural things happening this year, Ed Vaizey included:

an epic new choral work from composer Jonathan Harvey to be performed by the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra

Which was a coincidence because, only a few days before, the person behind the @thinkwalsall Twitter account mentioned to me that Jonathan Harvey is from Sutton Coldfield.

I’d not heard of Jonathan Harvey before but I did some quick digging around and here’s his website and his Wikipedia page. Very recently the BBC put on a weekend of music, film and discussion celebrating his music at the Barbican.

If you’d like a listen to some of his work, here’s ‘Madonna of Winter and Spring” for orchestra, synthesizers and live electronics, from 1986.

http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2012/02/23/jonathan-harvey/feed/ 2
The launch of Birmingham Creative City http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2011/10/25/the-launch-of-birmingham-creative-city/ http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2011/10/25/the-launch-of-birmingham-creative-city/#comments Tue, 25 Oct 2011 16:24:39 +0000 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/?p=10875 [Read more...]]]> So I went to the previously-mentioned Birmingham Creative City launch at lunchtime.

I’d still struggle to explain exactly what it is, so here’s some blurb from the council’s press release:

The Creative City initiative will play a significant role by:

  • Creating a fund to build on existing public sector funding of the arts through loans, grants, match-funding and investments. The allocation of funds will be based on the potential for job creation and economic growth.
  • Outlining the vision for a new ‘museum quarter’, including a new museum of photography and the development of a new contemporary art gallery.
  • Exploring ways to unlock private sector and philanthropic support for culture, linking cultural development to wider economic growth.

So this was really the launch of an idea. In the way that Manchester has Media City and London has Tech City, Birmingham (if it wants it) could claim the title of Creative City.

Thing is, the designations of those other two seem to have been built on much stronger foundations (a strong BBC presence and an already burgeoning tech scene, respectively). All we seem to have at the moment is ideas, visions (like this one for a Museum Quarter), pledges and plans with comparatively little substance. Maybe’s it’s just early days, but if the intention of this event was to make people excited about the possibilities on offer then I don’t think it worked.

Maybe the more substantial conversations are all taking place behind closed doors this afternoon – but then I got the sense from others that therein lies the problem. Chatting to people afterwards actually left me kinda depressed by it all.

Personally, I’m not sure what to make of it and I’m pretty busy, so here’s the audio from the speeches that were made. Please have a listen (they’re all quite short) and I’d love to hear what you make of this in the comments below.

In typical Peter O’Hanra-Hanrahan style, I managed to miss the bit where James Yarker from Stan’s Cafe thanked Cllr Timothy Huxtable for name-checking his theatre company but asked him how he squared that with the council cutting their funding by 100%. The response is in the final audio clip above (although it does make for uncomfortable listening).

On the subject

It would be hugely remiss of me not to point out this rather angry post by Pete Ashton, many of the sentiments of which I would endorse.

A couple more links

http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2011/10/25/the-launch-of-birmingham-creative-city/feed/ 17
Links for 19 October 2010 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2010/10/19/links-for-19-october-2010/ Tue, 19 Oct 2010 00:09:04 +0000 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/?p=7438 [Read more...]]]>
  • Call for submissions – Interactive artwork for touch-screens
    Shiny tech stuff at The Public – “Submissions are now being accepted for TOUCHinteractive, UK’s first open submission exhibition specifically for digital-interactive artwork”
  • Mark Harris
    “My work has a strong interest in systems and generative processes in art and music – I have developed a number of software applications which allow me to work with these processes in a live performance environment.”
  • BBC News – Ten ‘most threatened’ buildings in England and Wales
    Includes the former Moseley School of Art, Moseley Road, Birmingham
  • Birmingham newspaper war: Chris Bullivant closes the Birmingham Press and the Free Press and complains to Office of Fair Trading
    “Chris Bullivant says he fears “there is no future for independent publishing in the UK” after deciding to close The Birmingham Press and The Birmingham Free Press, admitting he cannot compete with ad rates he claims are being offered to estate agents by the Birmingham Mail.”
  • Birmingham Post – Arts funding cuts will hit West Midlands hard, admits Ed Vaizey
    ‘Birmingham’s arts organisations will lose out to London when they are forced to bid for private investment to keep afloat amid Government cuts, Culture Minister Ed Vaizey said”
  • Birmingham Mail – Brum lap-dancing clubs left out of pocket by Tories
    Question is, when referring to ‘one of Birmingham’s leading industries’ was John Lamb referring to Birmingham’s entertainment sector in general or lap-dancing in particular? I should probably be asking Jon Griffin that, but then I’m no journalist
  • A&B Awards 2010 announced – Audiences Central
    People got dressed up and were given statues. Yay!
  • Screen WM – Birmingham International Film Society wins Film Society of the Year Award
    Awarded at the annual conference of the British Federation of Film Societies
  • contemporary monkey //
    A Birmingham-based online art critic who isn’t afraid to call something rubbish if he thinks it’s rubbish. That’s refreshing (says Cheerleader No. 1, despairing of himself)
  • de papel
    I’m not sure who’s behind this blog, but CiB is in the blogroll (a list of ‘Super Blogs’, no less) so I’m giving a courteous nod back
  • About DANCE BOX « Dancebox’s Blog
    “DANCE BOX is a dance network for young people who LOVE TO DANCE, in Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire”
  • Radio Wildfire
    “Radio Wildfire broadcasts to you from the West Midlands of England. It concentrates on live literature, spoken word performances and oral art”
  • William Gallagher
    A writer and photographer from Birmingham. Seems to write knowledgeably on Strictly too
  • ]]>
    Arts and culture at the Tory conference http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2010/10/02/arts-and-culture-at-the-tory-conference/ http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2010/10/02/arts-and-culture-at-the-tory-conference/#comments Sat, 02 Oct 2010 11:51:15 +0000 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/?p=7395 [Read more...]]]> The Conservative Party Conference starts tomorrow, so expect a fair amount of disruption around the city centre – especially the city end of Broad Street around the ICC and Symphony Hall.

    Travel advice aside, arts and culture will be getting a foot in the door a few times over the duration, including this lot:

    There’s probably more happening too, but those are the ones I’ve come across.

    I’ve also been invited, with a bunch of other local bloggers, to go and meet Sayeeda Warsi (Co-Chairman of the Conservative Party and Cabinet Minister without portfolio) and Andrew Mitchell (MP for Sutton Coldfield and Secretary of State for International Development) later today.

    http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2010/10/02/arts-and-culture-at-the-tory-conference/feed/ 1
    Liveblog – creative industries election debate http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2010/04/20/liveblog-creative-industries-election-debate/ Tue, 20 Apr 2010 16:21:20 +0000 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/?p=5546 [Read more...]]]> At 6.30pm today I’m running a liveblog for International Dance Festival Birmingham at a debate that will look at the future of public investment in the arts. The Hippodrome are hosting and these are the panelists:

    Journalist, broadcaster and author, Rosie Millard will chair the debate.

    The politicians on the panel are, or have until recently been, party spokespeople for arts and culture. Marc Reeves has recently advised DCMS on new models of independent news provision. They’re all busy people at the moment so pinning them down can’t have been easy.

    What would you want to see them asked? How far spending cuts are going to go? Whether encouraging philanthropy is going to help anyone other than large venues? What the heck they were thinking with the Digital Economy Act?

    You can watch follow the debate on CiB below and chip in with any thoughts or comments as we go along. The liveblog has a page of its own here too.

    Links for 13 April 2010 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2010/04/13/links-for-13-april-2010/ Tue, 13 Apr 2010 11:13:59 +0000 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/?p=5489 [Read more...]]]>
  • Election debate for creative industries – 20 April at the Hippodrome
    Ed Vaizey (Con), Sion Simon (Lab) and Marc Reeves (thebusinessdesk.com) talk creative. Spoiler – it’s really, really important but cuts are going to have be made. Might be fun to ask Sion about the Digital Economy Act if you’ve been following that
  • “Look you f..king idiot” « John Mostyn’s Blog
    John’s eventful first day at Endale Associates, tour bookers for the Sex Pistols, happened to be the day after ‘that’ Bill Grundy interview
  • Birmingham Has No Music Scene by @JeffStuka « The Blue Whale Blog
    In which the author states the opposite. Well said, in that sweary kind of way
  • Tom Lennon’s First Standup on Vimeo
    Via Pete Ashton – “My good friend Tom went on a stand up comedy course which culminated with his first ever gig. Here’s the audio”
  • An Endless Supply Street Team
    “An exciting opportunity has arisen in the world of independent publishing: An Endless Supply is offering a part-time voluntary position within our distribution department”
  • ]]>