doc brown Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 doc brown 32 32 Everything* launches today Thu, 09 Jun 2011 00:53:52 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Endeavour Space Shuttle Blastoff

(Photo is Endeavour Space Shuttle Blastoff by jurvetson)

Thankfully Heath Mill Studios have written up 3/4 of it already, so here’s a digest:

Digbeth triple launch

At 5pm, Heath Mill Studios are opening their doors for the first time and Bay Leaf, a new Bangladeshi restaurant in the Custard Factory, are providing the food – I think this counts as their launch too.

At 8pm everyone’s going to leg it over to The Rainbow for the BASS Festival launch. Ghostpoet‘s performing and he’s meant to be good.

BE at the mac**

If theatre’s your thing then the BE Festival is launching at the MAC tonight with various things and stuff happening there. The festival itself doesn’t start for a good few weeks, but you can’t knock the enthusiasm to get started.

On top of all of that

They’re not launching anything, but Yo La Tengo, Welsh National Opera and Doc Brown are all in town (not all on the same bill, more’s the pity). Aren’t we lucky to live somewhere with so much stuff going on? Yes, we are.

(* not everything)
(** see what I did there?)

Popcorn Comedy Mon, 05 Oct 2009 14:39:05 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Very late notice, but if you’re at a loose end tonight then you could do a lot worse than head over to the Electric Cinema for the Birmingham launch of stand-up/video comedy phenomenon Popcorn Comedy:

featuring the rap/stand up stylings of Doc Brown and the wonderful Holly Walsh live on stage, as well as a selection of the newest and funniest videos from the web in glorious high resolution

It’s part of the Birmingham Comedy Festival (which is currently ongoing) as well as being sponsored by Hello Digital.

Tickets are £6, get them from the Electric Cinema website or, more realistically given the time, on the door. I’ll be going along, maybe see you there.


There’s a little more info on Dice Productions’ blog – they’re organising things and will be premiering their new video.

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