Discovery Season Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Discovery Season 32 32 Craftspace: Story Meadow Tue, 26 Nov 2013 07:59:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Next up in residency at The Library of Birmingham as part of Capsule’s Discovery Season is arts organisation Craftspace, along with lead-artist Jivan AstfalckShelanu: Women’s Craft Collective and MA students from the School of Jewellery.

Visitors will be invited to take a moment of reflection in the busy environment to write their experience of coming to, or being in, Birmingham on a piece of paper, in their first language. The paper will then be made into an origami flower which will become part of the ‘Story Meadow’ within the Discovery Space. The stories will be shared on digital screens in the library and through social networking raising awareness of the positive contribution of migration to the city. As the week goes on the Discovery Space will become home to a meadow of stories which reflect the diversity of the city.

They’ll be in the Discovery Space between 26th November and 1st December. More information here about the residency… and more about the Discovery Season, as well as other upcoming Capsule events here.

Here’s the flyer:



