Devika Rao Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Devika Rao 32 32 Sampad at The Barber Institute Fri, 11 Feb 2011 13:10:37 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

sampad launch their residency at The Barber Institute on 16 February, with a free performance of Dancing About Sculpture at 1.10pm.

In the first of a series of performances and discussions, Devika Rao will present a unique and free performance, responding to key pieces of work from the Barber’s collection of European sculpture, encompassing everything from classical marbles to bronzes by Degas and Rodin.

‘Four artists from sampad, with the artistic direction of Piali Ray, will be in residency between February and June 2011. My opening performance, through sequences of movement and poses, will complement the sculptural works of art contained within the exhibition Carved, Cast and Modelled. The residency will be able to make creative connections between ancient Indian myths, legendary epics and stories and the mythical characters of the Barber collection.’

– Devika Rao

For more information on the residency, take a look at sampad’s website.
