dee patel Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 dee patel 32 32 Land of Hope & Glory Thu, 24 Feb 2011 08:59:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Dee Patel‘s photographic series ‘Land of Hope & Glory‘, is a non-political piece aiming to remind us that immigration is not a 21st century phenomenon, it’s been occurring for hundreds of years, bringing with it opportunity and diversity.

Behind each immigration statistic lies a story and with it, a human being. Throughout the series, Dee photographed and listened to stories from the people in Handsworth communities, where 170 of the world’s countries are represented.

I sat down with each individual asking questions to get an idea of their roots. I laughed with them and we shared coffee. This opportunity enabled me to look into their lives, into their histories, listen to their hopes and fears and to share a moment at some deeper level.

‘Land of Hope & Glory’ is currently on display at Handsworth Library until 18 March. From there it will join Anna Fields in the Creative Leap Exhibition at The Drum , opening 25 March until 14 April.

Handsworth Library is open Mon/Tues/Sat 9am – 5pm; Thursday 12 noon – 7pm.

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