crowd6 Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 crowd6 32 32 CiB links for 4 February 2011 Fri, 04 Feb 2011 14:11:57 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • If Birmingham City Council meetings were televised…
    Not strictly arts/culture related, but if you only click one of these links, click this one. Includes chicken dancing, physical abuse of the Respect Party and what gold dealers in the city can be like
  • Why are Birmingham’s Hackers letting FizzPop die?
    Thanks to a bit of nudging from afar, it looks like FizzPop/a Birmingham Hack Space might be back in some form
  • A Sneak Peek Inside New Library of Birmingham
    References to ‘sneak peeks’ in my RSS reader went into overdrive the other day with lots of people posting a CG fly-through of the new library. Nice big escalators.
  • Nigel Singh to step down as CEO – Audiences Central
    “Audiences Central today announces that Nigel Singh is leaving the organisation after three years as Chief Executive Officer”. Due to a serious family illness – best wishes to Ni
  • Behind Gamer Camp: Nano on Vimeo
    “This short promotional documentary about the Gamer Camp: Nano course ran at NTI Birmingham in November to December 2010, to help prepare graduates for working in the games industry.”
  • Team Gozooheck Presents ‘Kung-Fu Night’
    An (early) evening of workshops, networking, screenings of 3D animations and shorts from around Birmingham as well as classic kung fu films and free Marvel comics. There’s also something about a Film Society and Festival but I can’t quite tell how that fits in
  • Culture chief won’t rule out Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery charges in future
    BMAG could be merged into a trust with Thinktank . “Martin Mullaney confirmed moves are under way to form the Trust during questions at the City Council but added that there are currently no plans to end free admission.”
  • Simon Clarke Video Production
    I liked the vid for Munroe Effect
  • Rhubarb Seminars
    Rhubarb Rhubarb are doing a one-day artist development event in March. It’s a similar format to one they ran in London last year that seemed to go down very well (click the link and scroll down the page to ‘The Crossing’)
  • Events – Architecture WM
    A list of architecture-related events happening in Feb
  • Bursary opportunity for West Midlands museum staff
    “OpenCulture is the annual international event for Collections Managers, Curators, Registrars, Archivists, Librarians. Renaissance West Midlands are offering 10 free bursary places to museum staff or volunteers who work at a West Midlands Museum”
  • Soldier On
    “I’ve seen some of the best bands in Birmingham play to a handful of people. It’s actually quite sickening. A terrible waste of talent”.
    Ronan is in a band called Nerve Centre and blogs about that and unsigned music in general
  • Call For Submissions – Crowd6 Online Gallery
    “Crowd6 will soon be launching an online gallery, showing artwork made specifically for the web. This might be time based, code based, illustrative or performative”
  • February at VIVID – We Are Eastside | Birmingham
    “VIVID kicks off its 2011 programme with the launch of ‘The Garage presents…’ a brand new strand of one off events embracing music, live arts, installation, performance, and films”
  • ]]> 1
    Merry Christmas Fri, 25 Dec 2009 14:30:38 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Merry Christmas one and all. I’m spending a couple of days with the family Unitt and will be back on the case shortly.

    Festive thanks to everyone who reads, comments, supports or sends me bits and bobs to write about. Most importantly, biggest thanks to everyone in Birmingham who does creative stuff, whether we get to write about you or not. There are loads of you and you’re ace.

    In the meantime, there’s something odd happening in Berlin today. Check out this chap:


    I’m going to just post the email that I received, there’s really no point me trying to re-write it.

    Berlin Hoodening: Nagual for Bjørn Nørgaard

    On 25 December 2009, a.a.s will perform the nagual performance Berlin Hoodening.

    Hooded figures, wearing Fleischmasken, will process in a spiral up the hill at the centre of Volkspark Friedrichshain in Berlin, disembowel the treehorse, and make its organs circulate on its surface.

    We will celebrate the depraved, deviant, tramp-spirit with the silver skull, calling forth disarticulation, experimentation and nomadism for the new decade.

    This performance is part of the joint Parfyme, Reactor, a.a.s, Berlin residency 2009, and incorporates elements drawn from discussions with members of the other groups, and the guided walk developed by Reactor during their time in the city.

    Hoodening is a British folk theatre tradition featuring a Hooden Horse – a wooden horse’s head mounted on a pole, with sackcloth attached to hide the bearer. The head would normally have a hinged jaw, which could snap shut with a mighty crack. Groups would tour around before Christmas, engaging in tomfoolery (horseplay) at local landowners’ houses and requesting funds to tide them over. There are also links to traditional Robin Hood Games and the Pantomime horse. Among the pagan Scandinavians the horse was often the sacrifice made at the winter solstice to Odin for success in battle.

    A Nagual in Mesoamerican folk tradition is a  “transforming trickster” or “shape shifter” ? someone who has the power to magically turn into an animal form. This relates to the belief of tonalism, that all humans have an animal counterpart, to which their life-force is linked.

    The Berlin Hoodening re-performs aspects of The Nagual (2007), which was originally featured at Crowd6 in Birmingham. The pulling out of tinsel, representing intestines, and spiraling it around the tree refers to the mythological origins of tinsel as a shamanistic, solstice ritual involving the draping of animal guts on trees in the forest in order to bring about the return of spring.

    Follow the blog here

    Bearwood Snooker Hall Mon, 02 Jun 2008 13:20:57 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    From 1930 to 1960 Bearwood Snooker Hall was a cinema, then a variety theatre and finally a rep theatre. Since then the building has been used as an ice rink and, in its present incarnation, a snooker hall.

    Parts of the old theatre space remain and Nikki Pugh was recently invited by the people of Crowd6 to have an explore. There’s information on her blog and plenty of photos too.
