creative times Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 creative times 32 32 Predictions and resolutions for 2012 Tue, 03 Jan 2012 08:43:27 +0000 Creative Times have published some predictions and resolutions for 2012 featuring contributions from Noel Dunne, Katie Day and James Yarker among others.

Their hopes and aspirations cover better collaboration, apps for artists and a look at what to expect from Birmingham’s theatre scene over the coming months.

Have you got any predictions you’d like to make?

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Creative Times presents: The Beauty of Digital Wed, 09 Nov 2011 08:43:39 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Creative Times

Creative Times are doing a series of events around the country, with the first being a panel discussion at Fazeley Studios on Wednesday November 30 from 6.30-8pm. It’s titled ‘The Beauty of Digital: New technologies, old aesthetics and where the two meet‘.

Tickets are FREE and available here.

Here’s the info:

A panel of four, chaired by Creative Times editor Chris Sharratt, will share their own experience of the creative interplay between old and new, followed by an audience Q&A and a chance to chat in the bar afterwards.

The panel for the night is:

Pete Ashton, Blogger, photographer, ‘webmonkey’ and trainer (
Chris Unitt, Head of Social Media, Made Media Ltd (
The Brothers McLeod, BAFTA-nominated animators (

The event is supported by Hello Culture.

Pete’s making a few appearances this month, and I’m speaking at a bunch of things too. Say hi if you come along.
