counteract Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 counteract 32 32 Links for 4 May 2010 Tue, 04 May 2010 16:56:21 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • calendar | mac
    As far as finding out what’s on when, mac’s website is a lump of awfulness until you find this page – a nice, simple list. Congrats to Dave Harte for finding it
  • Project Brutal Forum • Index page
    There’s now a place for people interested in documenting the Central Library to chat and such
  • Area 08
    Latest copy of the monthly culture guide
  • Brum Book Club
    A new online book club. The first book being read will be Catherine O’Flynn’s ‘What Was Lost’ which I’ve had lying around at home for ages
  • Counteract – Music news from the heart of Birmingham
    “the aim is to provide contemporary and local coverage of news, reviews and interviews via all methods and mediums possible”
  • Free TAK! bag
    Bags! Getcha bags here
  • ]]> 2