collective memory Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 collective memory 32 32 Links for 30 March 2012 Fri, 30 Mar 2012 07:45:14 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • For Sale – Birmingham: It’s Not Shit
    This is kinda sad but hopefully it can find a good home. Also, at £5k this should’ve sold already
  • Audiences Central
    It’s technically their last day tomorrow but their pub-based send off was last night. Good luck to everyone who’s moving on. For now: “This website is part of the legacy for Audiences Central, the regional audience development agency for the West Midlands (2004-2012)” The links page is very useful
  • Audiences London : AL and AAA announce successful bid to Strand 1 of ACE Audience Focus Fund
    Hello. I hadn’t spotted this before: “All About Audiences will be managing a contract from Warwickshire County Council previously delivered by Audiences Central to coordinate audience development support in the county during 2012/13”
  • We want your food stories! at Birmingham Repertory Theatre
    The Rep. They want your food stories.
  • Emma Case Photography: please RT…
    Sad to hear this from Emma. Insure your stuff and back up your computers people – there are bad people about
  • Flatpack 6 collective memory
    One of those round-ups of what everyone’s written about the festival. I like these.
  • VIVID POD SPACE FOR SALE – Architecture WM
    The VIVID Pod prototype is arguably the first manufactured, mobile artist’s space in the UK. The pod concept was developed by architect Ranbir Lal in collaboration with VIVID in response to VIVID’s artist research programme; it explores the possibilities of integrating production within an exhibition environment.
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    Birmingham Opera Company – King Idomeneo collective memory Thu, 14 Aug 2008 11:19:04 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Time for another one of these I reckon.

    If you spot a review, some photos, film or whatever (or produce something yourself) then let me know in the comments.  I’ll be searching out what I can and hopefully we’ll collect together some interestingness.

    First up the Birmingham Opera Company website and the Birmingham Opera Design Brains Trust blog which has profiles of the people involved and sneak previews from July when rehearsals were going on and the building was being prepared.



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    Supersonic 2008 – Collective Memory Sat, 12 Jul 2008 14:16:25 +0000 [Read more...]]]> CiB’s frequent flyers may know that 2007’s Supersonic collective memory was a thing of rare beauty, pulling together all sorts of mentions of the festival from across the interwires.  This is an attempt at replicating that for Supersonic 2008.

    [Update, 29 July 2008]  I’ve noticed very little new stuff recently so I’m going to stop actively searching and have unsubscribed from my automated updates.  However, if you produce/come across any writings/photos/videos/whatever about this year’s festival then please mention them in the comments and I’ll update this post.

    On with the good stuff then…

    Capsule/Supersonic themselves

    Here’s the Supersonic website itself.  If you had a good time at the festival you can say thanks to the Capsule ladies, Lisa & Jenny, on this Capsule blog post.  Here’s the festival catalogue, digitised.



    Other websites/mags


    Social networks



    If you’re interested about the process of pulling together all this info as quickly/easily as possible then I’ll be writing about it at shortly.  By shortly I probably mean ‘in a month or two’.

    Remember if you spot something Supersonic 08-related on the internet (or just want to say what you thought of the festival) then please use the comments below to let me know.

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    Collective Memory – the Surface Unsigned Debacle Thu, 22 May 2008 09:25:57 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Are you sitting comfortably? Well, it all started back in March with Danny’s post about Surface Unsigned.

    A couple of months later (on 15 May) Danny received a threatening email from Surface Unsigned which worried him. After a weekend of checking that CiB had done nothing wrong, the original post was amended and an addendum was posted.

    Danny blogged about it, then Pete blogged and I blogged. Then a lovely thing happened – the blogging community of Birmingham showed their support. As ever, BiNS and D’Log were quick on the scene.

    Cat Bray was amused. Russ L made me laugh. Goodfaf Central chipped in. Birmingham Alive put up a banner. Simon Gray posted on his blog and on The Stirrer forum where an interview with Surface was promised ’soon’ (as if that forum and the comments section of an increasing number of blog posts didn’t give them enough space to reply/apologise).

    And the blog posts did increase, with contributions from Brenda Dada, Bobbie Gardner, Si Hammond, Mabblog, The Careless Gene (aw, one of my faves), Graphiquillan, Art Stalking Ana and New Folder. Andrew Dubber pondered pay-to-play on New Music Strategies while Antonio Roberts got visual.

    Dave Harte got forensic on his Birmingham Post blog, revealing who was behind Surface, shortly before the interview on The Stirrer appeared with the representative of Surface asking not to be identified (hello to Jay, probably). The interview discussed pay-to-play but not sending unnecessarily aggressive emails. Dave Harte cross-posted to his own blog, where dp wisely commented that

    it’s interesting watching this thing unfold, partly because it’s going through phases, where the first reaction was indignation, then organised criticism, then more reflective stuff

    Widening the social media net, several people tagged the story on delicious including Joanna Geary and Catnip, who deployed the word ‘nastygram’ to devastating effect.

    Then things started moving away from Birmingham. First to Oxford (OxfordBands), then Yorkshire (fictions) and then on to the national music site Culturedeluxe.

    By the end of the day Danny was feeling much happier.

    But it didn’t stop there, with Ben Neal (who once played at Surface) saying hi. The Getgood Guide got with the LOLspeak. Stef examined what Surface should perhaps have done (executive summary – anything but what they did) and even the Daily Mirror’s forum received the good news. Paul Thewlis threw a link in, as did Who Knows Where Thoughts Come From. Dunc from the Autumn Store says we don’t need battle-of-the-band contests.

    And so on.

    Today’s the day we’re supposed to take down the original post. We’re not going to, obviously – Danny’s still not even received an apology.

    However, as far as CiB’s concerned I intend to draw a line under the matter with this post (the comments are still open of course). It’s been fun but we’ve made our point. I for one would rather turn my attention to the many positive things happening in Birmingham (although every time I Google ‘Surface Unsigned’ I stare hungrily at all the forums that appear).

    I’d just like to say thanks to those who have offered support, kind words and legal advice over the past few days. You’re beautiful people.

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