climate change festival Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 climate change festival 32 32 Links for June 11th Wed, 11 Jun 2008 16:58:34 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Supercool talk BIAD
    Ex-BIAD students themselves, the Supercool people have been checking out what this year’s Visual Communication graduates will be putting on display.
  • Live Brum: Win tickets to see the CBSO
    For Carl Davis and the CBSO on Friday 18 July (tickets are worth £62). Closing date is Friday 20 June.
  • Royal Shakespeare Company: Head of Digital Media
    Ok, slightly outside CiB’s geographical remit but I thought it was interesting – the RSC want someone who will (amongst other things) make ‘the web an integral part of the way we work and create a new accessible global venue for performance and other content’
  • Elisabeth Ingram: Spaghetti Junction Heamatite Rings
    Nod to Bounder for this one. A fascinating blog post from a jewellery designer who has made rings based on our favourite concrete tangle.
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    Climate Change Festival 2008 Wed, 07 May 2008 17:54:22 +0000 [Read more...]]]> CABE, the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, are partnering with Bham City Council for what is apparently “the world’s first climate change festival” between 31 May and 8 June.

    They’re promising “no guilt and no finger wagging. This will be collective, dramatic and fun”. CABE’s thinking is that the environmental crisis is largely a planning and design crisis and so the festival will explore how cities are planned, designed and used.

    Over to the organisers:

    Over nine days, the Climate Change Festival will help you see your city with new eyes. Exhibitions and debates, clay modelling, parkour (free running), street theatre, ideas and fun for anyone aged 9-90. Come along!

    You can check out the Climate Change Festival website or thrill to the Council’s own brand of wild enthusiasm but all the action seems to be on Facebook so far. CABE have a fair amount of info too but there are no listings yet (that I can find).

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