CiBmail Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CiBmail 32 32 2010 Year in Review: April Mon, 03 Jan 2011 11:58:15 +0000 [Read more...]]]> April was a busy month by the looks of things. The 4am Project took the opportunity of the fourth day of the fourth month to take an early morning photowalk, there was a look at what could be expected from the MAC reopeningInternational Dance Festival Birmingham got into gear and all sorts of events popped up in the CiB Shop.

The CiB Shop window was jazzed up with the help of Birmingham Royal Ballet, Art Detection Services set up their workshop in store and Shady Bird popped by to play a set. In other CiB news, CiBmail was launched.

The Rainbow announced their plans for developments and expansion both upstairs and below, we said goodbye to more independent record shops and sampad celebrated their 20th anniversary.


Trove showed some science, we had a nosey at CBSO’s summer programme and some behind the scenes footage from The Electric showed up.

Not My Type brought together “a veritable who’s who of Brum talent” (to quote myself) and, in other illustration-related news, the Love To Print crowd released Patterns #1.

Other things to look back on and go ‘oh yeah, I remember that’ include Such Tweet Sorrow, BAP’s document on Birmingham’s Creative Capital, the Big Culture Blog and a call for “more of the Simon Rattle effect”. Also, In Our Backyard looked interesting and Chris Bates made a video for Munchbreak’s Television:

Become a CiB Supporter for free (deadline extended) Tue, 06 Jul 2010 11:31:45 +0000 [Read more...]]]> In the last week’s CiBmail (sign up if you haven’t already) we featured a competition to win a free 12-month CiB Supporters slot. We’re extending the competition for a couple more days.

To enter – email the name of your organisation to using SUPPORT as the subject.

We’ll draw a winner on Wednesday 7 July at about 5pm.

CiB Supporters is our way of helping to keep Created in Birmingham going. For £75 for 12 months we plaster your name and logo in the blog’s sidebar, in a monthly ‘thank you’ post, on our Supporters page and on our Facebook Page. We also include you in a special Twitter list and give you regular  mentions at the end of CiBmail.

We’ll even send you a Christmas card.

Sounds good? As online advertising goes it’s cheap. It also helps to keep this website going, which hopefully you think of as a Good Thing.

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Introducing CiBmail Mon, 19 Apr 2010 09:22:44 +0000 [Read more...]]]> New CiB thingy alert – on Wednesday 21 April we’re launching CiBmail.

[pause for applause]

It’ll be a weekly email that will come out mid-afternoon every Wednesday and will feature:

  • News about what CiB is up to (online and in the shop)
  • A brief summary of the past week’s posts
  • FREE stuff (competitions and the like)
  • Suggested upcoming events

If you’ve got any stuff you want us to give away competition-style (tickets, CDs, swag, etc) then get in touch. Likewise, if you’re interested in advertising via the email give us a shout.

It’ll probably be a bit rough and ready to start with but we should get into the swing of things soon enough. If there’s anything you’d like to see in just such an email then it’d be good to get some suggestions.

Those that are signed up by mid-afternoon today will get a quick taster to see what it’s all about. Give it a go. If you think it looks like a waste of time you can always unsubscribe again. Sign up by adding your details here:

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