chuggers Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 chuggers 32 32 Links for 2 June 2012 Sat, 02 Jun 2012 10:56:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Capsule to curate the Library of Birmingham’s Opening Season : Capsule Blog
    “We are extremely proud to announce that Capsule have been appointed to curate the Library of Birmingham’s opening ‘Discovery’ season.”
  • A Brummies Guide to Birmingham
    “I’ve set this blog up really to document my mini adventures around my home city; to promote the good bad and the ugly parts of it; to give a sense of what goes in on in Brum, from the city centre to the suburbs I call home”
  • Richard Battye Photographer BLOG: BLP / BRB workshop
    Last night I had the pleasure of running a workshop for Birmingham Loves Photographers at the request of Craig Bush who is doing great things in the city for the photography community.
  • Twitter / Fusedmagazine
    “We’re organising a design and illustration festival in Autumn. Wanna know more/get involved kerry [@]”
  • Birmingham Community Safety Partnership
    I filled this out because walking through the city centre feels increasingly like that bit in Gladiators where contestants had to run down a channel trying to avoid being blocked by people who were all muscles and lycra. And who wants that?
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