chris sharratt Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 chris sharratt 32 32 Creative Times presents: The Beauty of Digital Wed, 09 Nov 2011 08:43:39 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Creative Times

Creative Times are doing a series of events around the country, with the first being a panel discussion at Fazeley Studios on Wednesday November 30 from 6.30-8pm. It’s titled ‘The Beauty of Digital: New technologies, old aesthetics and where the two meet‘.

Tickets are FREE and available here.

Here’s the info:

A panel of four, chaired by Creative Times editor Chris Sharratt, will share their own experience of the creative interplay between old and new, followed by an audience Q&A and a chance to chat in the bar afterwards.

The panel for the night is:

Pete Ashton, Blogger, photographer, ‘webmonkey’ and trainer (
Chris Unitt, Head of Social Media, Made Media Ltd (
The Brothers McLeod, BAFTA-nominated animators (

The event is supported by Hello Culture.

Pete’s making a few appearances this month, and I’m speaking at a bunch of things too. Say hi if you come along.
