cheese sculpture Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cheese sculpture 32 32 Any cheese sculptors out there? Wed, 05 Nov 2008 22:27:02 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I’ve had an email:

I have been asked to support the children in need appeal and I would like to get a Pudsey the Bear figure carved out of a 25kg block of cheese.
Can you help?
Can you give me a call if this is something you could do.
The event is being held next Friday the 14th November in the Asda store in Wolverhampton.
I can get the cheese to you by next Monday the 10th

Now, it’s not something I can help with personally, so I thought I’d open this up to CiB’s readers.  I’ve no reason to believe this isn’t genuine, by the way (there’s a name and mobile number attached in the full email).

If anyone can help then email me at the normal address and I’ll pass on your details.  Don’t get in touch if you just fancy 25kg of cheese.

To illustrate this post, and given the recent fuss over the pond, I present the signing of the Declaration of Independence in cheese form:

Image by Reuters.

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