charlie levine Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 charlie levine 32 32 Aedas Presents: ‘Sparrow+Castice VS…’ Wed, 11 Jan 2012 08:53:12 +0000 [Read more...]]]> This looks like an interesting one:

a show in which we make work in direct competition with other artists on topics chosen at random, both selected by an impartial curator Charlie Levine

There’s a preview show from 5pm – 7pm on Thursday 26 January at Colmore Plaza. For more info head to:

Links for 15 July 2011 Fri, 15 Jul 2011 11:13:02 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Flip Festival – Call For Submissions – We’re back!!
    “This years festival will be held, on Thursday 27 to Saturday 29 October (2011 of course) and we’re already looking for  animators to submit films of up to 15 minutes in length.”
  • Musical scores for silent firms unearthed in Birmingham
    “About 500 scores – including a theme tune used in Charlie Chaplin films – found in council’s music library”. Wowsa.
  • Travel Photo Competition: The Finalists / Places / Stylist Magazine
    Jill Evans would be very grateful if you’d take a sec to vote for the very yellow pic here. I did and you can too.
  • Sonya Russell and Chris Clinton are seeking like minded artists
    “We are seeking like minded artists to form an experimental art group […] Suitable for most disciplines. The group includes a curator and we aim to use the space for exhibitionsand events.”
  • Toy Theatre Festival 2011
    This looks kinda cool
  • curatorcharlie: anticurate submission saturday
    Write-up with pics
  • Symphony Hall Birmingham Panoramic
    Taken as part of a photography degree
  • Physical. | lukehalliley
    “Just done some interesting work for Birmingham based designer Physical Novel. He designs wonderful unisex clothes, which are being currently sported by JLS”
  • London 2012 Open Weekend, 22-24 July 2011
    “Marking one year until the start of the Olympic and Paralympic Games” Quite a few events happening – Jamaica Live, Circus in the City, Breathe the Beat and more
  • Birmingham Central: Spinning spiceal surprise
    “a new planning application, 2011/04345/PA, has been submitted for a piece of public art sitting nearby designed by Wolfgang Buttress”
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    Aedas Presents: Jo Gane Tue, 25 Jan 2011 12:48:01 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Shadow maps is the third exhibition in the ‘Aedas Presents‘ series, showcasing the work of artist Jo Gane.

    For Aedas, Gane has assembled a body of work made with teams of field archaeologists at various dig sites which explores the search for evidence of history and plotting of time within the landscape.  Instead of unearthing finds, the archaeologists spend time chasing shadows and mapping out past events.

    Including photographs, archaeological constructions and projections, the installation will make use of shadows to describe the unknown historic events that occurred within these sites.

    After opening at a preview event on 10 February, the exhibition will be on display until 18 February. To arrange a visit, email

    Paris Correspondence School Fri, 21 Jan 2011 12:22:18 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Trove‘s latest project, initiated by curator Charlie Levine during a summer spent in Paris, features an exchange of postcards between 17 artists across the world.

    Inspired by Walter Benjamin’s method of documenting travels via postcards sent home, Levine commissioned 17 artists to instead design a postcard.

    These were then printed and packs of the final 16 postcards distributed to all the artists involved with each other’s addresses. During the month of August a postcard exchange project took place. Cards were altered, added to, written upon and cut up and sent around the world.

    Contributing artists include; Darren Banks, Ana Benlloch, Tom Butler, Martyn Cross, Vicky Cull, Anna Francis, Jo Gane, Caitlin Griffiths, Gabo Guzzo, Elizabeth Hingley and Tomonaga Tokuyama, Lulu Horsfield, Calum F Kerr, Hayley Lock, Kira O’Reilly, Samantha Voong and Emmett Walsh.

    Paris Correspondence School opens at Trove with a preview on 21 Jan at 6-8pm. The exhibition can then be visited until 28 January by appointment.

    Aedas Presents Tue, 09 Nov 2010 08:42:59 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Hannah Ainsworth

    Aedas Presents is a new monthly art programme held at Aedas Architects in Colmore Plaza, which will present a series of exhibitions by students and emerging artists.

    The first 12 months are to be curated by Charlie Levine, and the first artist is Hannah Ainsworth, whose work focuses on matters relating to light, movement and surface

    Duration is explored through work that is in a state of decomposition alongside a process that could be eternal.  Perceptual experience measured through time is tantamount to the reading of Ainsworth’s work and these works in particular.

    After opening on 18 November the exhibition will be displayed in Colmore Plaza until 26 November. To arrange a visit, contact

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    The Terminal Bar at TROVE Wed, 28 Jul 2010 08:20:11 +0000 TROVE is the gallery that Charlie Levine and David Miller direct, currently located at The Old Science Museum in Jewellery Quarter.

    The Terminal Bar is the latest exhibition and it launched the other side of the weekend. Here are some pics and here’s a short interview with guest curator Morgan Quaintance:

    TB,B Wed, 24 Mar 2010 11:06:51 +0000 Which stands for Tits Brains, Balls, a new thing from Ben Rackstraw, Charlie Levine, Emma Vickers and Edward Green Fingers.

    Read it here.

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    Birmingham contemporary art museum Sun, 01 Nov 2009 10:33:22 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I’m playing catch-up on this one. I’ve heard the idea of a contemporary art museum for Birmingham (or Tate Birmingham, as it’s been referred to in some quarters) mentioned in passing a few times but that’s it, so consider this a glorified links round-up as I try to find out what info has thus far passed me by.

    So, in chronological order…

    At the end of June this year, Terry Grimley revealed that a feasibility study was being undertaken into developing such a museum. The Arts Council and AWM had each chucked in £90k and the city council have apparently also contributed £200k ‘to enable Ikon to mount a programme of high-profile events in Eastside as a test bed’.

    The idea for this was first mooted in 2006, around the time Ikon Eastside was first opened. Unfortunately I can’t find Terry Grimley’s article from back then.

    Coun Martin Mullaney was quoted saying:

    I’m keen to support this. We want it to be on a par with Tate Modern and the Guggenheim in Bilbao

    and suggesting the site of the wholesale markets as the location. The Birmingham Central blog picked up on this, adding:

    With the Wholesale Markets moving and a large space being created it would offer a central focal point to attract visitors to the Southside area and build on the creativity of Digbeth.

    The idea was discussed by a panel at The Art of Ideas II – A New Museum for the 21st Century on 8 July, but I’ve no idea what was said. Does anyone know if there was a recording?

    A few weeks later, The Guardian’s Matt Price asked ‘Does England really need another contemporary art museum?‘ He put some bones on the proposal:

    From the public discussion earlier this month, it was clear that Watkins (Jonathan Watkins, director of Ikon, and the person leading the proposal) is thinking big: he wants vast spaces capable of presenting large-scale sculptures and installations, with an acquisitions policy aiming to collect the most celebrated artists currently working around the world

    He also pointed out some of the rationale behind the project – that many towns:

    don’t actually own much of the art they show; public collections of contemporary art around England simply aren’t as good as they should be. Arts Council England acknowledged this in a 2006 report, bluntly asserting that “regional collections in England do not represent the visual art of our time”

    Providing some balance, he goes on to point out that many West Mids museums have good, specialist collections of contemporary art and that developing these might be worthwhile (not to mention cheaper). However, the conclusion to the article, and so Matt’s answer to the question, is ‘yes, it could be really good if it works’. Well, yes…

    Curator and writer, Charlie Levine, chipped in with an article ‘Tricky: A new museum for Birmingham?‘. Although initially convinced by the arguments espoused at the Art of Ideas II, she sounded a few cautious notes and wondered whether it would not be better to invest in and support local, emerging artists ‘to create a successful and supportive art economy’.

    Which leads us to the item that sparked this post – a news piece on the Arts Council website proclaiming that ‘Our chair welcomes plans for Birmingham contemporary art museum‘.

    Arts Council chair Liz Forgan, at Ikon’s annual dinner this week, said:

    It is truly ambitious. I know that it is early days, and the feasibility study is only just being developed. But Birmingham needs the visual arts to flourish in the city; it needs to realise its aspirations for the visual arts that it has already achieved in other art forms. People may say that it’s not an auspicious time to raise funds for such an ambitious project. But I say ambition is good!

    We at the Arts Council support ambition and excellence and we will do our utmost to support you in this endeavour. Of course I can’t make any commitments, and I am sure you wouldn’t expect me to – not here, not tonight anyway! But I do want to say that we have supported you, we are supporting you and now we are keen to try to apply some of the innovation we have talked about tonight to find new ways of supporting you.

    Although she also made some odd claims about Ikon’s existence halting the proliferation of lap dancing clubs in the city. You can download Liz Forgan’s speech here.

    So where does that leave us? Well, the feasability study’s yet to be completed and there’s been very little mention of the cost of the thing so far, which must be a big issue at the moment. There seems to be a lot of intial support for the idea though, so I guess we wait and see what that report says.

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    Links for July 1st Tue, 01 Jul 2008 13:42:25 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Lucent Harmonic Colour at Flummoxed
    The flyer for ‘a Colortone experiment by Film Ficciones and Micronormous’ as part of the 7 Inch curated Flummoxed – part of the Flux Festival.
  • Charlie Levine on GOODS In
    “These are some pics of the show from the front and back of the space”.
  • New Substrakt team member
    Tom Martin has joined Substrakt, which is worth mentioning as an excuse to point you towards his rather excellent Tumblr at
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    GOODS In Tue, 24 Jun 2008 10:03:38 +0000 [Read more...]]]> This one’s come to my attention a bit late and I’m struggling to find much info on it.  Praise be, then, to Nikki Pugh who has blogged about her involvement:

    GOODS In: a one-day exhibition curated by Charlie Levine and Harminder Singh Judge.

    This is a group show with the works chosen for the theme of “mechanics, engineering, the factory and multiples” in response to the location: a disused bed warehouse.

    The warehouse can be found at 332-346 Moseley Road and the exhibition will be open from 4pm to 8pm on Saturday 28 June.

    What’s also interesting is that the owner, Sham, is apparently working to turn the huge warehouse space into a viable arts venue of some sort.  Which should be supported, I reckon.

    Nikki Pugh will be exhibiting some work there on Saturday before shows in Manchester and Germany in the coming weeks.  Read about that on Nikki’s blog.
