carol ann duffy Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 carol ann duffy 32 32 Lichfield Festival 2010 Tue, 04 May 2010 14:16:11 +0000 I’ve just had a flick through the programme for the Lichfield Festival (PDF). There’s some good stuff, presided over by a new Festival Director, Fiona Stuart. Names I recognised – Rich Hall, Laura Solon, Jenni Murray, Claire Sweeney, Adrian Edmonson, Andrew Motion, Carol Ann Duffy, Ex Cathedra and Rachel Gillies.

Lichfield Festival website.

Birmingham Book Festival’s Spring Thing: A Festival In A Day Sun, 25 Apr 2010 08:05:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Birmingham Book Festival are having an extra one-day festival on 29 May this year. The line-up of events (shamelessly nicked from their website) looks like this:

  • National Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy returns to Birmingham for another much-anticipated reading.
  • Novelist Helen Dunmore talks about her new novel Betrayal.
  • Novelists Amanda Smyth (Black Rock), Aifric Campbell (The Semantics Of Murder, The Loss Adjustor) and Samantha Harvey (The Wilderness) talk about their writing experiences.
  • Writer, Presenter and Broadcaster Stuart Maconie talks about his Adventures on the High Teas and that elusive ‘middle England’.
  • Poet Jo Bell and Novelist Jenn Ashworth come together in Too Much Information, ‘wise wicked and witty words from two lively writers’.

It’ll be held at Birmingham Conservatoire, there’s more detail here and tickets are on sale.
