capsule Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 capsule 32 32 Craftspace: Story Meadow Tue, 26 Nov 2013 07:59:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Next up in residency at The Library of Birmingham as part of Capsule’s Discovery Season is arts organisation Craftspace, along with lead-artist Jivan AstfalckShelanu: Women’s Craft Collective and MA students from the School of Jewellery.

Visitors will be invited to take a moment of reflection in the busy environment to write their experience of coming to, or being in, Birmingham on a piece of paper, in their first language. The paper will then be made into an origami flower which will become part of the ‘Story Meadow’ within the Discovery Space. The stories will be shared on digital screens in the library and through social networking raising awareness of the positive contribution of migration to the city. As the week goes on the Discovery Space will become home to a meadow of stories which reflect the diversity of the city.

They’ll be in the Discovery Space between 26th November and 1st December. More information here about the residency… and more about the Discovery Season, as well as other upcoming Capsule events here.

Here’s the flyer:




Links for 2 June 2012 Sat, 02 Jun 2012 10:56:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Capsule to curate the Library of Birmingham’s Opening Season : Capsule Blog
    “We are extremely proud to announce that Capsule have been appointed to curate the Library of Birmingham’s opening ‘Discovery’ season.”
  • A Brummies Guide to Birmingham
    “I’ve set this blog up really to document my mini adventures around my home city; to promote the good bad and the ugly parts of it; to give a sense of what goes in on in Brum, from the city centre to the suburbs I call home”
  • Richard Battye Photographer BLOG: BLP / BRB workshop
    Last night I had the pleasure of running a workshop for Birmingham Loves Photographers at the request of Craig Bush who is doing great things in the city for the photography community.
  • Twitter / Fusedmagazine
    “We’re organising a design and illustration festival in Autumn. Wanna know more/get involved kerry [@]”
  • Birmingham Community Safety Partnership
    I filled this out because walking through the city centre feels increasingly like that bit in Gladiators where contestants had to run down a channel trying to avoid being blocked by people who were all muscles and lycra. And who wants that?
  • ]]>
    Links for 25 May 2012 Fri, 25 May 2012 07:05:50 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Goldie Speaking after the final performance of Wings of Desire – IDFB 2012
    Nice little interview this.
  • The Golden Age of silver.mp4 – YouTube
    “A BBC Production with the Birmingham Assay office as a Key Contributor”
  • Celebrating Sanctuary Birmingham – Home of Birmingham’s World Music Festival.
    Showcasing the UK’s refugee musical culture, both traditional and contemporary, alongside music from across the world
  • Supersonic Festival – 10th anniversary | WeFund project
    Capsule are doing the crowdfunding thing for Supersonic this year
  • Jewellery Quarter Popup Art Exhibition at The Spectacle Works June 2012
    Midland`s artists are invited to submit artwork for inclusion in a selling exhibition to be located at the heart of the Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham in June 2012
  • Birmingham Council garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show
    Birmingham City Council is the only local authority in the UK to have a stand at this year’s flower show
  • Participant Call Out: If Only I Could
    “a basic level of physical fitness and awareness of your own body is an advantage”. Sorry, but that bit made me laugh.
  • Radio To Go: Reggae City. This year, they got The Beat
    Yet another good post by Robin Valk – this time talking to Jon Walsh and Ranking Roger about the Reggae City festival (2 June at the Rainbow in Digbeth)
  • The Voyage rehearsals at Birmingham NEC – a set on Flickr
    A sneak peek at the upcoming show
  • ]]>
    Links for 14 May 2012 Mon, 14 May 2012 11:41:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Is Digbeth the new clubbing capital of Britain? | Digbeth is Good
    Interesting. Also, seeing as how I’ve mentioned LAB11, Gibb Street Warehouse and Air on here recently, there might even be a small chance I’ve got my finger somewhere near the pulse after all
  • A destination wedding in Sierra Leone with Lee Allen photography | Rock My Wedding
    Rock My Wedding features Lee Allen’s trip to Sierra Leone to photograph a wedding with 1,100 guests
  • Supersonic ) Info ) Jobs
    This could be good – Capsule are looking for a new design illustration person/team to give the Supersonic Festival a new look
  • Pictures in the News | May 1, 2012 – Los Angeles Times
    A peek at The Voyage, coming to Birmingham soon…
  • ]]>
    Ikon’s Autumn Almanac Fri, 28 Oct 2011 07:57:38 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Ikon‘s Autumn Almanac, from 17-20 November will be:

    a four-day celebration of Birmingham’s creative life showcasing the city’s artists, filmmakers and musicians. Ikon’s gallery spaces will exclusively exhibit works created in Birmingham, also hosting some of our best-known music festivals and organisations in a programme of live performances

    The list of people involved includes Oliver Beer, Stephen Earl Rogers (below is a painting from his What To Do In An Emergency series of paintings), 7 Inch Cinema, Moseley Folk Festival (presenting Treetop Flyers), Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, Capsule and others. There’s a PDF press release with more info here.

    Stephen Earl Rogers - What To Do In An Emergency

    Links for 16 September 2011 Fri, 16 Sep 2011 10:19:14 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Mark Essen, Gene-George Earl, Sarah Farmer and Cathy Wade – CRASH
    “An experimental season of sonics, moving image, installation and construction stimulated by the vision of J.G. Ballard”
  • Growing Our Own Producers « mid * point
    I can’t remember whether I’ve already linked to this or not. Either way: “During the First Bite Festival on Saturday 24th September, there will be a series of events that explore these questions, and offer opportunities for you to expand your network of Artist and Producer contacts and potentially shape a new West Midlands Producers Network”
  • Wolverhampton Art Map
    There’s no info on the site about who or what this is but a bit of Google action reveals this: “Project Dandelion is the BSF Public Art programme for the City of Wolverhampton”. So there you am. Watch that space, I guess. I know you won’t.
  • Indie Champion Award – The Association of Independent Music
    Lisa & Jenny of Capsule/Supersonic/Home of Metal fame have been nominated for an award. Please go give them a quick vote
  • Localise West Midlands – Award winning Eastside cafe under threat
    Not happy to hear this.
  • ]]>
    Supersonic illustrators wanted Thu, 11 Aug 2011 11:31:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> From the Supersonic website:

    Capsule are currently putting together a zine about all things Supersonic and we’re looking for illustrators to contribute. If you’re interested, please contact by 16th August and we can send you more details.

    Capsule’s previous zines are on Issuu, in case you wanted to have a look.

    Flyers for things happening this weekend Fri, 29 Apr 2011 04:21:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Gor blimey, it’s another one of those really long weekends. Here are some things you might want to consider filling all that time with.

    For starters, I haven’t got a flyer for this one but Lizzy Parks is playing in the Symphony Hall foyers today (Friday) from 5.30pm to 7pm and it’s free. Info on the THSH website. Or indeed the Birmingham Jazz website.

    Earlier in the day (in fact from 12pm to 7pm) head over to Lombard Street in Digbeth for PST’s street party. This here flyer says there’s going to be food, live art and heavy bass. And face painting.

    PST street party

    MakeIt Zone are having an open day on Saturday.

    MakeIt Zone open day

    Capsule have got an event at Kings Heath’s Hare and Hounds on Saturday night called Wedlock. Dunno what that’s a reference to but I like the pretty picture.

    There’s loads of other stuff happening too. Have a look at Live Brum for listings.

    CiB links for 25 February 2011 Fri, 25 Feb 2011 09:01:39 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Where does everyone go for classes and craft-based socialising?
    …asks Kate from the Birmingham Bead Shop
  • Paul Hamlyn Award for Capsule « We Are Eastside | Birmingham
    Capsule have had £60k from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. “The award will be used toward capacity and organisational development in particular the successful delivery of forthcoming projects Home of Metal and Supersonic 2011, and the development of a five year plan”
  • collaborationx2011
    “The aim of Collaboration X is to create a collection of music that will go on to be sold at online music stores, iTunes, eMusic, Napster, Amazon, and more. This will be produced by six musicians who have never met before and will only meet once the collaboration has ended. The whole production process will take place over the internet on All proceeds will be donated to Sound It Out Community Music”
  • Dizzy heights of Spring cleaning | Flickr
    Spring cleaning at the Hippodrome
  • Creative fund supports Birmingham arts firm
    Artbrand Publishing (who supply retailers with prints, paintings, etc) have received £150,000 investment from the Creative Advantage Fund
  • Judge wins arts award – Audiences Central
    “Birmingham-based artist Harminder Judge has won the Arts Foundation Fellowship Award in Performance and Live Art 2011”
  • Media Trust’s Youth Mentor Training
    “Media Trust’s Youth Mentoring scheme enables media professionals to share practical skills with disadvantaged 13-25 year olds working on media projects”. Want to be a mentor? Info’s here
  • Marketing Birmingham funding cut by more than £500k – News – THE DRUM
    “A Marketing Birmingham spokesperson confirmed: “Marketing Birmingham has received an 11% cut in funding from Birmingham City Council for 2011/12, which is equal to 6% of its total annual budget of £8.5 million”
  • Say It Online
    “The Say it Online project will see 6 Birmingham families immerse themselves in arts and culture for 4 weeks and review their experiences using digital media”
  • design and innovation west midlands
    “A blog to uncover the wealth of design excellence and innovation in products and services produced across the West Midlands and Heart of England referencing the inspirational from around the world”
  • ]]>
    DCD Programme showcase Thu, 24 Feb 2011 18:44:41 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Tomorrow, I’ll be at The Public for the showcase event of the DCD Programme. In case you’d not heard of it:

    Arts Council England West Midlands’ Digital Content Development (DCD) Programme is a three year programme of investment which aims to catalyse the creation and creative use of digital content platforms for arts organisations across the West Midlands region

    The website went up recently and the map on the homepage shows some of the projects, along with how much money they received. Further information is due on the website at some point, but if you look at the page source then you can glean a little more. On the basis that you probably don’t want to ruin your eyes, here’s what I found:

    • Birmingham Repertory Theatre – Towards the development of an online multi-user playwriting resource (£27,884)
    • Pesky People – Development of a multiplatform approach to venue access information (£25,000)
    • Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum – PostCart: creative digital access of art gallery and museum collections (£24,750)
    • Library of Birmingham – Development of an Alternate Reality Game for young people (£23,750)
    • Talking Birds Theatre Company – Development of The Difference Engine – a multiplatform real time access tool. Some mention of it here (£1,500 + £20,860)
    • The Play House – Develop an online resource to match the company’s participatory ethos (£22,349)
    • Eastside Projects and Birmingham City University – Piloting a 3D online art gallery (£22,000)
    • The MAC – Playground: exploring the use of digital technologies in a new-built art centre (£20,500)
    • Royal Shakespeare Company – Creation of a new digital arena for the creativity of the RSC. Pretty sure this was Such Tweet Sorrow (£20,000)
    • Audiences Central – To develop a web platform and plug-in for cross regional arts marketing (£18,000)
    • B Arts – Development of a new form of arts centre/collaboration (£17,380)
    • Rhubarb Rhubarb – To create an online evaluation tool (£17,000)
    • Shropshire County Council – Citizen Journalism (£15,612)
    • Rideout – To explore the production of creative digital content engaging youth crime statistics (£15,000)
    • Radio To Go – A collaboration with the British Library to pilot an online music archive. Called The Pilot Project (£13,750)
    • Rosie Kay Dance Company – To create an online version of the touring production, 5 Soldiers (£12,500)
    • Indigo Ltd – The development of a pilot online platform exploring new forms of crowd-source fundraising in the arts (launching soon and called Angel Shares) (£11,750)
    • Wolverhampton Arts & Museums / Black Country Museums – Research and Development of a collaborative online resource for the Black Country Museums (£10,550)
    • Black Country Touring – Exploration of enhancing a site specific, theatrical experience through live streaming (£10,348)
    • Multistory – To create a new media platform for celebrating local stories as part of place-making (£10,235)
    • Fierce Festival – Towards a Viral Online research game (£8,253)
    • Birmingham Opera – Exploring new models of ownership and sales of published works (£6,737)
    • Borderlines Film Festival Ltd – Experimenting with mScapes technologies (£5,600)
    • Orchestra of the Swan – Research and development towards a strategic plan (£5,000)
    • Capsule – To support digitally enhanced new marketing and distribution opportunities (£4,880)
    • Welsh National Opera – research and development of phase one of iMaestro. To allow Welsh National Opera to research digital copyright law and the possibility of exploiting full-length opera samples under the Creative Commons license (info about that here) (£4,600)
    • Ikon Gallery – Towards the development of a social media project (£3,500)
    • The Other Way Works – Professional development around Augmented Reality and Transmedia (£2,575)
    • Ex Cathedra – Market development, engaging an online music aggregator (£1,323)
    • Dance Consortium – Exploring social media in relation to contemporary dance marketing (£1,000)
    • MADE – To explore the use of digital platforms in placing making (£1,000)

    As well as these projects, the programme supported a range of other activities including workshops, innovation labs and other events.

    I’ve heard of one or two of these projects, but the vast majority are new to me so it’ll be interesting to hear a little more. I should probably also add that I’m involved in the Rosie Kay Dance Company project – that’ll launch next week so I’ll blab a bit more about it then.

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