canvas birmingham Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 canvas birmingham 32 32 City of Culture update Wed, 24 Feb 2010 19:20:35 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Birmingham have made the shortlist for 2013 City of Culture along with Norwich, Derry/Londonderry and Sheffield. Which is a shame cos I had a tenner on Durham*.

Fingers crossed though, overall I think this would be a good thing.

I’ve still no idea what went into the bid, other than some blandness in the DCMS statement that says:

the panel was influenced by the expected step change each city was asked to envisage, if they gained the title and subsequent media spotlight.

“It was a hard choice but also heartening that all bidders had recognised the power of culture to bring people together; to work collectively within existing resources for a common goal and bring into being networks that may not have existed before.

So, a step change. Cool.

I’m not sure what sort of profile the campaign’s been having in the city – I know has been seeing some good action and saw some flyers the others day (at the council house – I wonder if they found it hard finding places to put them around town). A vid from the launch night came out the other week too:

City of Culture Bid Launch from Big City Blank Canvas on Vimeo.

*No, of course I didn’t.

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