camille o’sullivan Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 camille o’sullivan 32 32 Grab free tickets for Camille O’Sullivan at the Town Hall Mon, 18 Aug 2008 13:58:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

It’s competition time again!  Well, if a first-come-first-served grab can count as a competition.

Camille O’Sullivan is currently at the Edinburgh Festival and her show, La Fille Du Cirque, is collecting 5 star reviews like they’re going out of fashion.  She sings songs by Nick Cave, Tom Waits, Jacques Brel and Kirsty MacColl and generally looks to be a very interesting proposition.

You can hear what she sounds like on the Camille O’Sullivan MySpace page.

There’s no particular Birmingham link here, in case you’re looking, other than the fact she’s performing at the Town Hall on 5 September and I’ve got 2 tickets to give away.

So, the rules are the same as last time:

  • Two tickets will go to the first (non-CiB-related) person to shout up in the comments
  • Use a proper email address so I can confirm everything
  • If the person claiming the tickets doesn’t’ respond to an email then I’ll go to the next commenter
  • My decision on any/everything is final

Go for it…

Oh, and here she is doing Tom Waits’ ‘A Good Man (is Hard to Find)’:

**Update** Competition closed – congrats to Alex Hughes!

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