book for birmingham Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 book for birmingham 32 32 Links for August 12th Tue, 12 Aug 2008 15:13:51 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Ads On Walls round-up
    Another quality, well-attended Animation Forum West Mids event – here’s the list of screenings and contact details for everyone involved
  • Guardian says Digbeth has 2nd & 3rd best outdoor dancefloors in UK
    Ben Neal spotted that “The Guardian voted The Rainbow 2nd best outdoor dancefloor in the UK, and swiftly followed it with The Custard Factory’s Factory Club (Medicine Bar) as 3rd”
  • The Book for Birmingham
    “To celebrate the National Year of Reading, we want to capture the city’s reading choices and ultimately find the The Book for Birmingham… You can nominate a book any time up to 17 August 2008” Voting begins on 1 September. Winner to be announced during October’s Birmingham Book Festival
  • St Patrick’s Day Festival – update
    Spaghetti Gazetti report on July’s public meeting discussing feedback from the 2008 Festival & Parade.
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