birmingham zine festival Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 birmingham zine festival 32 32 Opportunities for artists and creatives Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:05:00 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Eye Candy, a Festival of Visual Pop Culture, will be taking place in Birmingham on 11-14th October this year. Fused has several new public art commissions available to illustrators, artists and designers, and typographers for prominent locations in Southside. The deadline is Friday 17th August.
  • Also part of Eye Candy is a commission for artists from new café Le Truc, deadline also 17th August.
  • Recent visual arts graduates from across the West Midlands are invited to show their work at a high profile multi-site exhibition. In addition 5 bursaries are being offered. Organised by BM&AG with the Barber Institute and Grand Union, applications for both the exhibition and bursaries are open. The deadline for submissions is 5pm, Friday 14 September and more information can be found here.
  • From Birmingham Arts, Craft and Vintage comes a Success Workshop: PR, or how to obtain free publicity on Saturday 18th August.
  • Creative Shift are a company based at the Birmingham Hippodrome who specialise in offering training and consultancy to creative businesses. They have just announced the dates of their new half- and full-day skill building courses.
  • Birmingham Zine Festival is taking place in October and they are looking for zines and comics for their reading table, particularly ones suitable for children and teens, music zines, and from the LGBTQ community.
  • Last week we wrote about the Three Week Window Festival. The deadline for ideas is Tuesday 21st August.
  • Our Monstrous Bastard Child is an intensive two week workshop of performance, intervention and collaboration. The workshops will be led by celebrated theatre maker Mark Storor and Birmingham-based Friction Arts.
  • Contemporary circus theatre company NoFit State will be in Birmingham on Saturday 18th offering workshops as part of Six Summer Saturdays.
  • As part of the Nottingham Castle Open 2012 Broadway will select a Midlands artist working in film or video to receive a £1000 prize and be included in the exhibition. More details here.
  • The deadline for the Salon Art Prize is approaching. Any submissions must be received by Saturday 25th August. For more information contact
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    Little Zine Party Fri, 03 Aug 2012 08:00:17 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Ort Cafe will be playing hosting to the Little Zine Party on Saturday August 4th, starting at 12pm and then continuing throughout the day.

    For the £2 entry fee, there promises to be ‘zines for sale, Zine readings & workshops’, including a nifty bit of screen printing if your bring your own canvases – t-shirts and such.

    A great event for Birmingham’s vibrant Zine communities and if you enjoy this, then be sure to check out the Birmingham Zine Festival happening in October.

    And for those of you who don’t know what a zine is, here is Little Zine Party’s description:

    A Zine is a self made, self published ‘magazine’ created with heart & soul. Often photocopied & non-profit. Zines celebrate sharing stories, creating art, words, passion & imagination.


    Photos from Birmingham Zine Festival Wed, 13 Jul 2011 12:00:38 +0000

    Good to see last weekend’s Birmingham Zine Festival looking busy. This is a slideshow from Antonio Roberts.

    Cum Clubbing, Zine Festival & Artsfest Fri, 10 Sep 2010 19:18:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Just a quick round up of everything going on this weekend, there’s a lot and we wouldn’t want you to forget and miss out on anything!

    Cum Clubbing – Hosted by VIVID, this art party does not look like something to be missed (although it’s happening now, so get down quick). From 8pm – late, VIVID’s project space will be taken over by live music, DJs and visual artists who’ll conspire to create an excitingly strange evening of camp disco. Tickets are £5.

    To save time I’m going to be both lazy and efficient, and link you to everyone else who’s been talking about this. Take a look at Digbeth is Good, More Canals than Venice, brianduffyhasabigbrain, and Birmingham: It’s Not Shit.

    Zine Festival – Not put off by the scale of Artsfest, this niche festival has a weekend full of events for you to get involved in.

    • Starting this evening at The Edge is a screening of ‘$100 & A T-Shirt‘, Joe Biel’s documentary on zine culture. Entry is a £1, which also gets you a bag of popcorn, along with a talk from Pete Ashton and Rob Horrocks on the emergence of the small press comics scene and music zine influence in the 80s.
    • The Victoria is host to the Zine Fair on Saturday from 12 – 6pm, along with a workshop from 2 – 2.30pm with Peter Lally, as he runs through the history of Alternative Press and curates a Q&A session on running your own zine events.
    • At 5 – 6.30pm Island Bar are inviting zine fans to ‘Drop in + Draw’, offering a pencil and paper to unwind with, before the party starts with the Atta Girl Zine Party, 8pm – 2am.
    • From 6.30 – 8.30pm, Get A Grip will be guiding guests through the process of making your very own totally unique t-shirt. T-shirt, equipment, inks, images and expertise supplied for £20 per person. If you fancy it, book in advance, more details here.
    • Sunday will be a chilled out picnic in Cannon Hill Park at 1 – 4pm. With nothing for sale and free to attend, the party will be meeting at mac.

    Artsfest – As already mentioned, the weekend of free arts events kicks off this evening and will continue to entertain through to Sunday night. With live performances coming from Centenary Square and Chamberlain Square, along with short films and animations screened at the Crescent, plus various performances and workshops held at theaters and bars across the city, don’t let the miserable weather deter you from leaving the house!

    Links for 23 July 2010 Fri, 23 Jul 2010 18:39:02 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • The Photo Blog – Birmingham Royal Ballet – dancing for Checkum!
    “One of our most demanding Checkum shoots to date took place on location at the Birmingham Hippodrome. In one day we photographed four male and one female artist from the world-famous Birmingham Royal Ballet” Dancers wearing no clothes – don’t say you weren’t warned – and all in a good cause
  • I am The Raspberry | Get in my brains!
    How well are Birmingham’s bars suited for wheelchair access? Here’s a review
  • Maddy Dickerson
    This is Maddy Dickerson’s blog
  • Finger2Finger
    This is Maddy Dickerson’s too – company/label/somethingorother
  • ‘How I got the Jam House out of a jam’ – nightclub boss THEBUSINESSDESK.COM
    Jon Bunce at the Jam House talking about the city’s bars
  • Juice for the Arts « Stan’s Cafe Theatre Company
    “Here is the plan”
  • The Basement: Nail in the Coffin « More Canals than Venice
    That was that then. “Unfortunately nearly 12 months on The Basement Bar is closing due to the landlord raising their rent to astronomical proportions (BOOOO!)”
  • The Tiny Cuts in Your Skin, They Let a Little Fresh Air In. «
    “Poster for the Birmingham Zine Festival later in the year. Should be righteous.”
  • YouTube – Made in Birmingham
    Clever little vid
  • Culture department braces itself for redundancies of up to 50%
    The first article on the subject that actually made me feel slightly queasy
  • CMYKern » Blog Archive » Eastside Projects Kecha Pucha
    “this weeks “Extra Special People” talk is based around the Kecha Pucha format with ESP members, staff and directors at Eastside Projects all giving quick fire presentations”
  • Maria Rankin
    “Maria’s continually evolving photographic and creative practice involves digital / retro analogue photography and filmmaking”
  • CMYKern » Blog Archive » Meisai
    “Got given this wonderful little zine by Lee Basford (Meisai) that was a part of one of his exhibitions”. From whence I discovered…
  • Meisai
    Fluid’s Lee Basford has a blog and it’s filled with prettiness
  • REINVENTING THE LIBRARY | More Intelligent Life
    Interview with LoB’s architect, Francine Houben
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