birmingham university Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 birmingham university 32 32 Arts & Culture Summit 2012 – Tomorrow & Friday Wed, 17 Oct 2012 18:30:02 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Last call out for the ‘Arts & Culture Summit 2012‘ over at the University of Birmingham. This gathering, with lectures and discussions, seeks to “re-position the cultural offer of Birmingham – locally, nationally and internationally, in order that it makes the maximum impact on economic growth in the city.”

While at first that statement seems to surprisingly look as the arts as a money generator, the emphasis would appear to be more on investment in the development of the arts and creative industries, as outlined in their objectives for the Summit:

The objective of the event is to identify actions which will best support the development of Birmingham as a world class cultural centre.

Our aim is for a vibrant, diverse and robust sector which: 

• Plays a more effective role in attracting inward investment

• Grows jobs in culture and the creative industries

• Supports growth of jobs in the wider economy

• Develops innovation and creative skills, especially amongst young people

• Makes Birmingham a first class place to live for all our residents

• Improves wellbeing

• Supports community cohesion and a sense of Birmingham identity                                                     

Over two days, we will create a clear plan for:

• Working together with cultural organisations, public, private and third sectors on supporting the delivery of a shared cultural vision

• Introducing news ways of funding cultural development

• Reviewing our approach to promoting Birmingham’s reputation through our cultural offer

• Strengthening leadership of the sector in the city

• Tackling barriers to the growth of creative businesses

• Ensuring we have the creative skills we need for the future

• Improving the responsiveness of the sector to local need and building on delivery out of the city centre to address areas of low engagement

• Embedding cultural planning throughout the delivery of our Vision for Birmingham (eg Birmingham Baccalaureate, Smart City, Inclusive Economy).  

Speakers so far include:

• Sir Albert Bore, Leader, Birmingham City Council

• Councillor Ian Ward, Deputy Leader, Birmingham City Council

• Ruth Mackenzie, Director of the Cultural Olympiad, London 2012

• Darren Henley, Managing Director, Classic FM

 John Holden, Visiting Professor, City University London

• Graham Vick CBE, Artistic Director, Birmingham Opera Company

International speakers:

• Julie Burros, Director of Cultural Planning, City of Chicago

• Xavier Fourneyron, Deputy Director, Cultural Affairs, City of Lyon

• Reinier Weers, Senior Project Manager, Rotterdam Festivals

All sounds pretty good and I hope that many from Birmingham’s leading creative and artistic centres find time to make the trip over and participate, as while their seems to be some very well established figures on the list in what be great to have some input of some of the more up and coming creative teams around the city. It cannot be denied though that it is great to see such an event geared towards the development of the city.

You will be able to book to go along to this event here and then book workshops with the speakers on the day.


Links for 28 April 2010 Thu, 29 Apr 2010 08:34:33 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Tower of Song
    Birmingham’s foremost acoustic and roots music venue, it says here. In Cotteridge with lots of events going on
  • First Person: Playwright Nicholas McInerny « Script Online
    The Chair of Script discussing a recent workshop of his new play
  • STUDIO4 GALLERY: Chris setting up show
    “Just finished setting up Chris Bourkes Storm in a Teacup Exhibition with Chris and his lovely wife Jo. Opening Thursday 29th April and on for a month, lots of very nice new lino prints from the blistered hands of Mr. Bourke, come join us for a beer from 6.30pm”
  • We Are Fierce» Blog Archive » DIY 7: Fierce and the Black Country
    “Fierce are pleased to be a partner organisation on this year’s DIY 7 with a specific project opportunity: ‘The Black Country and its Living Museum’”
  • Interview with ARC « More Canals than Venice
    An interview with organisers Laura Coult and Shamrez Marawat
  • Birmingham Central: Musical dome to complete Birmingham’s redbrick vision
    Birmingham Uni’s £16m music project
  • Facebook | Black Country Visual Arts Network
    “BC VAN is open to anyone with an interest in the visual or creative arts”
  • ]]>
    Links for December 3rd Wed, 03 Dec 2008 23:51:29 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Prime Objective Blog :: Victor Man Documentary
    For the Ikon’s latest show Chris Keenan spent a few days “filming the installation down at Ikon and discussing Victor’s work with curator Nigel Prince. The edited video is now live on the Ikon site to aid a greater understanding of the work” I like this sort of stuff
  • Folk Monthly from the Traditional Arts Team
    I didn’t know about this. “It covers folk and related events across the Midlands, featuring adverts for clubs, festivals, sessions, bands etc, central diary pages, articles, news and reviews” and costs £12 for 11 issues a year
  • Artfall – Birmingham University Exhibition
    “Members of Birmingham Print Makers have put up an exhibition in Staff House at the University of Birmingham which runs until December 23rd”
  • début
    début was going to be a paid-to-submit-content magazine. I’m not sure if that’s still happening but for now at least it’s in a blog format. There’s plenty being posted up too. Definitely worth checking regularly
  • ]]>
    The Sanctuary Newspaper, Birmingham Thu, 25 Sep 2008 11:44:13 +0000 [Read more...]]]> No, nothing to do with the Digbeth music venue, Sanctuary Newspapers claim to be “the UK’s leading student newspaper network”.  Monthly editions are produced by students in 12 different cities with the content tailored to their areas.  A new Birmingham edition has just been launched with a website that looks thusly:

    I’ve not found an actual, physical copy yet but I thought the content on the website was a bit hit and miss – head for music and film but give news (woefully sub-Onion) a miss.

    What struck me is that, although it’s written by people in Birmingham there’s precious little about Birmingham.  Aside from a couple of questions put to The Electric‘s Thomas Lawes and an interview with the promoter of student night ‘Naked Lunch‘ there’s not much to differentiate the paper from something that could be produced nationally.

    Still, it’s early days.  There’s a Facebook group here that says:

    If you are interested in contributing to the next one let me know via facebook or email to

    Presumably you need to be at Birmingham Uni but I’m not certain about that.

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    Phase 2 of ACRE Tue, 12 Aug 2008 18:35:06 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    In September 2007 CiB mentioned a research project from the University of Birmingham called ACRE.  Phase two of the project has now come round and involves interviewing people born outside the UK who are working in Birmingham’s creative industries.

    Here’s the blurb in full:

    Do you work in the arts in Birmingham and were born outside of the UK?

    We want to hear your views on the city and its creative industries for a major EU research project being undertaken by the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (CURS) at the University of Birmingham.

    Accommodating Creative Knowledge – Competitiveness of European Metropolitan Regions (ACRE) is a research project involving researchers, creative practitioners and policy-makers in 13 countries across Europe.

    Aimed at examining the factors that attract highly skilled, creative people to certain locations, we are interested in obtaining the views of those who have come to work in Birmingham from overseas on the following:

    • Is Birmingham a good place to live and work?
    • Is Birmingham a socially inclusive and tolerant city?
    • Is Birmingham a vibrant and creative city?

    If you are currently living and working in Birmingham, and would like to take part in this research, please email Rosalie White, ACRE research assistant,, or call 0121 414 2237.

    Further details on the project can be found at: For further information about CURS, please see:

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