birmingham opera company Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 birmingham opera company 32 32 Stockhausen: Festival of Light – incl. Birmingham Opera Company and Modified Toy Orchestra Tue, 14 Aug 2012 09:00:37 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Some of Birmingham’s most creative musicians and performers have come together for the ‘Stockhausen Festival of Light‘, a celebration of the hugely influential electronic composer Karlheinz Stockhausen running from 19-21 August. With the backing of the Birmingham musical institutions of the University of Birmingham and the Birmingham Conservatoire, speakers from all around the world have been brought in to share their thoughts on the man. These talks will all lead up to big finale of the festival in the spectacle of the Birmingham Opera Company‘s performance of Stockenhausen’s opera “Mittwoch aus Licht” that will be performed at Argyle Works.

This will be the world premiere of the opera, which has been previously labelled “unstageable”; and no wonder with this description: “string quartet performing in helicopters, electronic and acoustic music and a dancing camel”.  Unfortunately tickets for the performances are all sold out, BUT there is still hope!

If you want to catch one of Birmingham’s best theatrical production companies doing something never seen fully on stage ever before, your only chance to see some of the 6 hour Opera will be a visit to the dress rehearsal on Tuesday 21 August as part of the Stockhausen festival, or head to the website the Space ( where the Helicopter String Quartet is due to be broadcast.

This just in:  The Big Screen in Victoria Square on Wed 22nd will be showing a live  satellite relay, so now you have no excuse to miss out.

As part of the festival will a performance at the MAC called ‘Modified Stockhausen‘ and will feature the Birmingham toy tamperers Modified Toy Orchestra, tracing their influence back to Stockhausen through their playful electronic dismantlements.

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Links for 22 June 2012 Fri, 22 Jun 2012 12:48:48 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Cultural intern scheme – University of Birmingham
    “Applications are now being sought for 10 interns at leading cultural organisations within the West Midlands region as part of the University’s Cultural Partnership Scheme. The paid placements are for 6 months and will start in October 2012”
  • Birmingham Opera Ticket Booking
    Tickets to the next show (Stockhausen, helicopters, Nihal, etc and so on) have sneaked on sale. With a nod to Russ for spotting this one
  • Design Hunter – Birmingham Made Me
    “I’ve put together a round up of some of my favourite things from the Birmingham Made Me Design expo which is on until Friday at the Mailbox in Birmingham and where Graham and I are exhibiting our design archives project”
  • First Fizzpop meeting and more! – Black Country Atelier
    Fizzpop has now relocated to our workshops and we hosted their first meeting this Wednesday. Here’s to many more making sessions with the hack space!
  • Watch the Cultural Olympiad trailer – West Midlands Dance
    Olympics! Here’s some dance stuff that’s happened over the past couple of years
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    Helicopter opera Sun, 25 Mar 2012 10:59:19 +0000 [Read more...]]]> In August, Birmingham Opera Company are going to stage Stockhausen’s five-hour epic Mittwoch aus Licht (Wednesday from Light). Get this:

    Featuring real helicopters, two choirs, octophonic sound, numerous musicians, the Radio 1 DJ Nihal and requiring two separate performance halls, this will be the first time that all six parts of the opera have been staged together.

    Yeah, helicopters.

    Wednesday from Light easily ticks the once-in-a-lifetime criteria. Its finale, in which a string quartet perform in separate helicopters – so the whirring blades become part of the music – has been performed in isolation, but never as part of a complete performance. Vick said the DJ Nihal would be part of the helicopter segment in the role Stockhausen intended for himself, as a kind of moderator or commentator.

    What’s not to love about that?

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    Go and see Life is a Dream Mon, 19 Mar 2012 23:40:36 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Last night I saw the dress rehearsal of Birmingham Opera Company’s Life is a Dream. It was excellent and featured:

    • A big guy with a phenomenal voice
    • A man in a Spiderman costume pushing a pram
    • A king who fashions himself after the dad out of The Royal Family
    • A cast of hundreds
    • A couple of brave guys in nothing but underwear (their choice apparently, and it’s not warm in that building)
    • A woman in killer heels with a bloody great big sword

    I know I always go on about BOC’s stuff but I don’t care – we’re lucky to have Graham Vick and co doing their thing in Birmingham. And if the ‘opera’ tag puts you off then there’s all the more reason to see this one. Buy a ticket. Go and see it. Do wrap up warm though, it’s a bit chilly in there.

    If you want a sneaky peek at what they’ve done with Argyle Works this time, here’s a video of us all clapping at the talented people (well, I was waving my phone around like some sort of pillock, but you know what I mean).

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    Birmingham Opera Company – Life is a Dream Fri, 24 Feb 2012 13:54:39 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Birmingham Opera Company - Life is a Dream

    There are three types of people:

    1. Happy people who get tickets for Birmingham Opera Company productions (they sell out quickly);
    2. Grumpy people who miss out; and
    3. Oblivious people who don’t know what they’re missing

    Tickets for Life is a Dream are on sale now and I strongly recommend you get yourself in Group 1.

    Oh yes, and there’s information about Life Is A Dream here, but that can wait until after you’ve grabbed your tickets.

    Links for 4 November 2011 Fri, 04 Nov 2011 09:32:57 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • An Announcement from Audiences Central – Audiences Central
    “It is with great sadness that the Board of Audiences Central announces that Audiences Central will cease trading on 31 March 2012.” A victim of the cuts
  • Anna Mairi; writing for writing.
    Anna is an English Lit student UoB English Lit student, among other things. This is her blog.
  • Online survey for bands/musicians/DJs
    “This is a survey to support the conceptualisation of a local music platform. It is a student project of mine within the Music Industries course at BCU”
  • Lots Of Things To See And Do In The West Midlands – November 2011
    From Rihanna to the Supreme Show of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy and everything in between
  • The Cult of Quatermass | Sponsume
    AAS are doing the crowdfunding thing
  • Jaskirt Dhaliwal’s Blog | photographer and visual artist – still thinking of a good title…
    This is Jaskirt’s blog with, amongst other things, a load of photos from The Event, including Curate Me Out, which may have been recorded. If the video goes up anywhere, please let me know
  • Birmingham Printmakers: New work by Jo Ruth and Sue Halstead
    At Number 8 Community Arts Centre from 17 November
  • News: Birmingham Opera Company
    “You’re invited to join us and find out more about the company and how to get involved in our next production Life is a Dream which will premiere in Birmingham in 2012.”
  • Autumn Glory reviews « Birmingham Royal Ballet’s tour blog
    This is good – an even-looking spread of reviews from BRB’s recent tour (from both big newspapers and individual tweets) with links through to the source
  • Open Studio at Birmingham Printmakers
    “At Birmingham Printmakers we are holding an Open Studio on Saturday 26th November from 10am to 4pm”
  • ]]> 1
    Radar Magazine – A Year in the Life Tue, 30 Aug 2011 11:03:21 +0000 [Read more...]]]> 15 July 2011 was the first anniversary of Birmingham not winning the title of City of Culture 2013. An odd thing to celebrate maybe, but Radar Magazine used it as an opportunity to get a load of people to talk about the creative or cultural experience that had most impressed them over the past year.

    I could’ve mentioned any number of things, but in the end I gave a nod to Birmingham Opera Company‘s really-very-excellent-indeed Othello.

    Others went for the 4am Project at Birmingham Central Library, Birmingham Royal Ballet, Lundahl & Seitl at Fierce Festival, Companis, Flatpack Festival and the Soweto Kinch Quartet.

    Radar Magazine - A Year in the Life

    I can’t find a copy online – if there’s one floating about then please add a link in the comments.

    Actually, speaking of CoC 2013, have the plans for the “six-week Autumn Festival which will have the significance of the Edinburgh festival and Paris Autumn Festival” been officially binned? I remember statements to the effect that it was going to happen regardless of whether Birmingham got the title or not, so strong were the arguments in favour of going ahead.

    Still, as has been pointed out, there are quite a few festivals happening in October already.

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    CiB links for 19 May 2011 Thu, 19 May 2011 11:20:15 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Job listing for Birmingham Contemporary Art Forum: Call for Proposals (The Event)
    Good to hear this is happening again, I liked the last one. “Birmingham Contemporary Art Forum is pleased to announce it is currently seeking projects from artists and curators in the UK for inclusion in The Event 2011, to take place 21 – 30 October”
  • Happy Birthday to Frilly! – blog – frilly
    A big happy birthday indeed to Frilly
  • Experiencing Burningham’s Live Graffiti Battle: Tagged@EXYZT
    “We hope Tagged@EXYZT opened new minds to street art and showed the soul and joy a community the city would rather not exist can create. For all of us involved it was an evening where Birmingham sparkled”
  • Presenting the world’s biggest art prize: the £175,000 Gulbenkian
    “Graham Vick and his Birmingham Opera want to turn Brecht and Weill’s political satire Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny into a multi-participant online production examining the survival of the soul in a virtual world”
  • Birmingham Hippodrome: Chief exec’s 10-year journey
    Interview with Stuart Griffiths
  • Desert Island Life « More Canals than Venice
    Jeans Retailer Promotion in Decent Line-up of Events Shock. Featuring Project Pigeon, Flatpack Festival, LOAF, Chicks Dig Jerks, Them Lot and Mr Hudson (NB – some, perhaps all, of this has happened already)
  • AE Harris
    The venue now has its own website
  • Pickled
    Based in The Oasis: “Here at Pickled, we aim to provide a hireable exhibition space for anyone in the arts. From the amateur to the professional, we want anyone with an interesting art idea or project to come along and exhibit their work”
  • The Style Kaleidoscope
    “A vibrant street style documentary of Birmingham, UK”
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    Birmingham Opera Company on BBC2 Wed, 16 Feb 2011 08:55:53 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Just a quick one to say that BBC 2 are broadcasting a double bill of Birmingham Opera Company this Saturday, 19 Feb. You can catch Verdi: The Director’s Cut at 3.25pm and Othello at 4.25pm – 7pm.

    Verdi: The Director’s Cut – Graham Vick prepares his production of Verdi’s Aida for Bregenz Festival on the banks (and sometimes in!) Lake Constance. The film maker, Andy King Dabbs then followed Graham Vick to Birmingham to document the creation of another new Verdi production, Othello, with Birmingham Opera Company in the Argyle Works, a former factory, in Digbeth.

    Othello – a broadcast of the Birmingham Opera Company production in its entirety starring Ronald Samm as Othello – the first time in a professional production in the UK the role has been sung by a black tenor. He is joined by Stephanie Corley as Desdemona and Keel Watson as Iago and the Birmingham Opera Company Orchestra & Chorus is conducted by the distinguished UK conductor Stephen Barlow.

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    2010 Year in Review: December Mon, 10 Jan 2011 13:05:14 +0000 [Read more...]]]> CiB celebrated it’s fourth Birthday, a stir was caused when a leaked document of recommended cuts to local art organisations sparked concern over their future, and legendary Birmingham promoters, Leftfoot, celebrated their 1oth anniversary.

    Birmingham Royal Ballet and mac managed to raise a decent amount of money through The Big Arts Give, while Moseley Folk and OxjamBrum ended the year with a Christmas Ceilidh and Flatpack released a few highlights set for their 2011 festival.

    We also featured a few independently made Christmas cards by local designers, took a look at what can be expected from the new Library of Birmingham interior and the much anticipated budget for Birmingham art organisations was announced by Birmingham City Council.

    As the year drew to a close, Rhubarb Radio made a plea for help, the 2010 Twitpanto production of Jack and the Beanstalk took place and we took a look at what Birmingham’s creative minds had come up with for the festive season.

    Christmas Day television treated us to Birmingham Royal Ballet, with a prime Christmas dinner slot on BBC1, while Birmingham Opera Company also made it onto BBC4 for post dinner relaxation.
