birmingham museum and art gallery Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 birmingham museum and art gallery 32 32 Art Bus Mon, 11 May 2015 08:30:45 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Art Bus

This Thursday take an after-hours cultural excursion on the Art Bus. Visiting seven Birmingham galleries for this edition, (The Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Eastside Projects, Ikon Gallery, mac birmingham, The Parkside Gallery (BCU), RBSA Gallery and the Waterhall Gallery at Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery) all will be open from 5pm until 9pm. The free bus will be transporting visitors throughout the night.

More information can be found here.


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Kalaboration in conversation with Knit 2 Together Fri, 07 Sep 2012 08:00:50 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Is it just me or is Birmingham loving, and seems to be bloody good at, knitting?

I think of this threaded enthusiasm comes as a result of the work in the past of Stitches and Hos, who we’ve chatted about lots and lots.

Well those merry chap and chapettes recently did a project called Knit 2 Together commissioned by Kalaboration (a joint celebration of the 2012 Olympic Games and 50th Anniversary of Jamaican independence) to decorate the pillars outside the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. They did not do it on their own though, along with Birmingham’s Craftspace, over 400 individuals form around Birmingham took part in dressing the BMAG.

On Thursday 13th September there will be a chance to find out everything you wanted to know about this project by attending a conversation between Stitches and Hos Sara Fowles and Craftspace‘s Director Deirdre Figueiredo, which will be at the school of Art in Birmingham starting at 6pm.

Find out more here.

Behind the scenes at BMAG Sun, 31 Jul 2011 08:00:25 +0000 While looking for something completely different the other day, I stumbled across a set of photos on BMAG’s Flickr account called ‘Behind the Scenes at BMAG‘.

Very interesting it was too – fashion shoots, roof works (with views across the city) and the conservation studio. Here’s the slideshow:

Open Weekend, this weekend Tue, 20 Jul 2010 11:58:38 +0000 [Read more...]]]> This weekend it’ll be two years until the Olympics kick off. There’ll be hundreds of events across the country to celebrate this happy fact with a map that looks uncannily like the one below (click it to go to the website) showing what’s going on where.

Around these parts there’s:

and various other things besides.

Heard and Not Seen Tue, 08 Jun 2010 10:00:07 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Heard And Not Seen (HANS) is an arts project and exhibition at Gallery 36 at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery by artists Sandra Hall and Mitra Memarzia, in association with Friction Arts.

Here’s what the project’s website has to say about it all:

The project aims to create a unique, safe space for people to meet and ask questions with each other, of each other; particularly about faith, religion and spirituality.

There is a clear need for ordinary people to discuss, express and enquire about aspects of daily Muslim and religious life in response to the climate of polarised media reporting.

Visitors will be invited to interact with the installation that consists of a series of freestanding sculptures, photographs and projections.  The exhibition contents were generated from community workshops and invites audiences to ask and explore.

For more information on the project, which runs from 10th July to 22nd August, check out the Heard and Not Seen website here.
