Birmingham model for cultural entitlement Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Birmingham model for cultural entitlement 32 32 Creative Futures explained (well, a bit) Tue, 30 Nov 2010 21:58:30 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Pete found this:
Birmingham model for cultural entitlement

I had no idea what it meant or where it had come from, so I had a little look around. The Cultural Learning Alliance came up with the goods:

Since 2006, strategic partners in Birmingham have been working together to develop A Creative Future, a strategy for children and young people (0-19 years) and the arts. The aim of the strategy is to increase access to the arts, raise the quality of arts activities and recognise the achievements of children and young people in the arts.

‘Strategic partners’ isn’t expanded upon, but Birmingham City Council seem to be leading on things and the pic on the CLA’s website is attributed to Craftspace.

To explain the diagram above:

The Birmingham model for cultural entitlement illustrates how the Creative Future roles overlap (see Venn diagram). The vertical axis shows how we would like to see young people progress through from first-time experiences to independent engagement, and on the horizontal axis how they develop skills and understanding from basic to advanced

I also found an interview with Val Birchall, head of BCC Arts Team, about one of the projects that came as a result of the strategy.

So there you go.

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