birmingham loves photographers Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 birmingham loves photographers 32 32 Links for 2 June 2012 Sat, 02 Jun 2012 10:56:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Capsule to curate the Library of Birmingham’s Opening Season : Capsule Blog
    “We are extremely proud to announce that Capsule have been appointed to curate the Library of Birmingham’s opening ‘Discovery’ season.”
  • A Brummies Guide to Birmingham
    “I’ve set this blog up really to document my mini adventures around my home city; to promote the good bad and the ugly parts of it; to give a sense of what goes in on in Brum, from the city centre to the suburbs I call home”
  • Richard Battye Photographer BLOG: BLP / BRB workshop
    Last night I had the pleasure of running a workshop for Birmingham Loves Photographers at the request of Craig Bush who is doing great things in the city for the photography community.
  • Twitter / Fusedmagazine
    “We’re organising a design and illustration festival in Autumn. Wanna know more/get involved kerry [@]”
  • Birmingham Community Safety Partnership
    I filled this out because walking through the city centre feels increasingly like that bit in Gladiators where contestants had to run down a channel trying to avoid being blocked by people who were all muscles and lycra. And who wants that?
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    Documenting 48 Sheet Sun, 08 Apr 2012 08:32:04 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The current 48 Sheet project (the reason there are interesting billboards around town) is clearly a GOOD THING. Another thing that is clearly a GOOD THING is when other projects start riffing off what others are doing. A case in point:

    In order to document these works 48 Sheets, BirminghamViewpoint and Birmingham Loves Photographers have teamed up to create a one off project that records this event that allows the photographers of Birmingham to capture it with their own style.

    If you want to get involved then be quick, the deadline’s not far off. More info here.

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    Birmingham {Viewpoint} Sun, 11 Mar 2012 09:15:22 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Birmingham {Viewpoint}

    Another Birmingham photography project for your weekend enjoyment. Birmingham {Viewpoint} is run by a chap called Pete and it works like this:

    On a monthly basis, a subject will be published on this blog for those taking part. They will then have a month to photograph this subject and email their photographs to the email address below or submit it via the Contact page. The idea of the project is to see the different ways different people view the same subject.

    The subject could be a landmark – such as the BT Tower, the Mailbox, the Bullring or a specific area – such as the Jewellery Quarter, the canal system or one of the many beautiful parks in Birmingham. I am open to suggestions of subjects from participants during the project as well, especially if you have a favourite subject that is off the beaten track.

    It’s good to see a shout out to the Birmingham Loves Photographers get-togethers at 6/8 Kafe for motivating and inspiring this project.

    I also like this project’s name for the chance to use {urly bra{ckets – an oft-neglected key on my keyboard.

    Links for 2 December 2011 Fri, 02 Dec 2011 08:11:26 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Urban Buildings • Redevelopment, Redesign, Rediscovery
    A site covering the construction works going on in Birmingham (and further) also looking at old/derilict buildings
  • Galleries Night – On the Art Bus
    Art, bus, art, bus, art, bus, etc. With bonus wine and mince pies. This is tonight and features the Barber Institute, Mac, Ikon, Eastside Projects and RBSA galleries
  • P110HD’s Channel – YouTube
    “Specialising in urban media. Based in Birmingham”
  • Birmingham Loves Photographers
    BLP have a shiny new website
  • Connecting Innovation
    A report by Steve Harding which addresses these themes of cross innovation and that kind of thing in the context of Birmingham. One for the policy heads.
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    Birmingham Loves Photographers and Self Portrait Birmingham Fri, 02 Sep 2011 08:22:21 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Birmingham Loves Photographers is still a very enjoyable blog. Which is a relief – I quite often get excited about a new face on the online scene, only for them to fizzle out after a couple of weeks (often when it turns out it was just a student’s university project).

    Anyway, BLP is worth a subscribe/follow. They’ve been doing a good run of interviews with various photographers, have just released the results of the first round of their Portrait Project and they’ve also flagged up the Library of Birmingham Self-Portrait:

    During the autumn of 2011, seven photographic sessions will take place in a range of locations – in the city centre and in community libraries across Birmingham, at which citizens will be invited to take self-portraits in a studio setting, using a shutter release and a plain backdrop. Participants will be given a copy of their photo to take away. The resulting images will be used in a digital installation in the new Library of Birmingham, with potential for a future publication project.

    It has it’s own website at Self Portrait Birmingham but there’s no information there about this just yet, although BLP mention an event at Ward End Library on Saturday 1st October from 10.00am-4.00pm.

    See also the Birmingham’s People project from a couple of years back.

    Preclusion Tue, 26 Jul 2011 07:41:12 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Ah, so this must be what the whispering was about.



    No Venue : No Permission : No Money

    A genuinely guerilla experience, Preclusion is a totally unsupported spontaneous art exhibition.

    A space has become available for a limited time and the secretive El Perro Radicale has chosen to take advantage of this opportunity to unveil a collection of locally and nationally produced art.

    El Perro Radicale hopes that nothing precludes your attendance.

    More confirmed artists including street art, street dance, guerilla poets and the following:

    • Jane Baker Photography
    • Lucy Grange Photography
    • Ryan Hughes Mixed Media Installation
    • Matthew Hunt Mixed Media Art
    • Lewys Jones  Painting
    • Lucy Sparrow Felt Art and Street Art
    • Luke Thompson Painting
    • Martin Pickard Photography
    • Lizz Lunney Illustration
    •  Wesley Wezism Painting
    •  Pete Grange Photography
    •  Ben Waddington Drawing

    Preclusion will be at the derelict Whitmarley factory on Ivy Road, Stirchley (B30 2NX for the sat nav fiends out there) which is currently playing host to The Birmingham Social Centre.

    There’ll be a grand opening on Friday 29th July at 6:30pm and the exhibition will be up until Sunday 7 August.

    Ta to Birmingham Loves Photographers for flagging this one up. I like. I’m going to try to get along on Friday.

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    CiB links for 3 June 2011 Fri, 03 Jun 2011 10:33:05 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Roxana Silbert Appointed As The REP’s New Artistic Director
    “The REP has today announced the appointment of Roxana Silbert as the company’s new Artistic Director”
  • Summer visual arts exhibitions in the Midlands, 2011 « D’log
    A lovely round-up. Pics and everything
  • Birmingham’s thriving independent film-making scene
    Profiles of The Casebook of Eddie Brewer, Tortoise in Love and Turbulence with chats with the folks behind them
  • Local TV in Birmingham Survey
    I don’t like how this (really quite poorly thought out) survey is being spammed around, but if you want to throw some thoughts towards some research into the potential of local TV in Brum here’s your chance. It’s being done by some students (not sure where from) in collaboration with Maverick TV
  • Health & Efficiency
    “These are our first recordings. They’re free so share the love and spread the word”
  • YouTube – Working in partnership: Birmingham City Council, the Arts Council and the MLA
    If you’re up for a blizzard of policy speak and buzzwords then give this video a try. And good luck to you
  • Birmingham Loves Photographers – Mr Khan
  • Another interview in the series (it’s worth going back and checking the others)
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    Birmingham Loves Photographers Fri, 20 May 2011 08:22:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Jill Evans and Ken Harrison are the first photographers to be profiled on a new site called Birmingham Loves Photographers.

    Birmingham Loves Photographers

    I’m not sure who’s behind this, but they’re doing it in conjunction with 6/8 Kafé, in fact it might well just be them – they’re pretty good at featuring photographers and such on their blog. These people are also threatening to run photography events around the West Mids too. If you’d like to be profiled then they say:

    We’re looking for amateurs and pros to feature in the blog. The two requirements are:

    • You are looking to further yourself as a photographer and use this avenue to promote yourself and others; both creatively and, hopefully, gain some financial return to develop your career.
    • That you are being based in Birmingham.

    If you are interested you can contact us by Asking Us on this page, onTwitter or Facebook

    So get to it.

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