birmingham comedy festival Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 birmingham comedy festival 32 32 Is the Birmingham comedy scene any good? Wed, 02 Mar 2011 08:10:37 +0000 [Read more...]]]> From time to time a disgruntled promoter will write something accusing the people of Birmingham of being an apathetic bunch who’d rather stay at home than go out and have a good time. See this post from a year ago for an example.

James Cook has joined this cohort with a post titled ‘Why the Birmingham comedy scene repeatedly dies on its hole…‘. His gripes are that (and I apologise for paraphrasing):

  • research shows that residents of Birmingham are the most risk averse in the country. We have a drinking culture, but not much of a ‘going out’ culture. This makes things difficult for promoters
  • there are too many poor quality comedy night charging people good money to see new, unpaid acts. These nights are rubbish and will put people off ever going to a comedy night again

I don’t claim to know too much about this – I go to the occasional stand-up show, but I don’t have James’s experience of the local comedy scene and he’s not the first to have made this complaint. However, from a lay punter’s point of view, I was under the impression that if comedy’s your thing then Birmingham caters for you pretty well. We’ve got:

In terms of general promotion, we’ve got a dedicated comedy website and (almost?) every year the Birmingham Comedy Festival draws a ring around a load of shows happening over the space of a month and shouts about them.

That seems like a pretty healthy spread to me. Certainly a good deal more than many other towns and cities can claim. Does it constitute a ‘scene’? If not, is it just the audiences for the smaller gigs that are missing, or something else?

I’d be interested in hearing what people think. Or, seeing as how he started the discussion, leave a comment on James’s post.

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Popcorn Comedy Thu, 18 Mar 2010 11:45:30 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Please excuse this little bit of self promotion…

After its Brum debut at the Birmingham Comedy Festival last year, cult London comedy night Popcorn Comedy is back, this time at The Victoria on Thursday 25th March 2010.

Popcorn Comedy showcases the funniest comedy videos from around the internet, combined with live stand ups and character comedians, who mix in their own comedy videos for good measure.

This time, Popcorn has live performances from Rob Rouse (8 out of 10 Cats, Grown Ups) and Brian Gittins (described by Ricky Gervais as “One of the best comedy characters of the decade”). I’ll be hosting the night along with my Dice Productions cronies, so I’ll see you there.

It’s a fiver in (and less for students), so follow this link and book your tickets for Popcorn Comedy.

]]> Popcorn Comedy Mon, 05 Oct 2009 14:39:05 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Very late notice, but if you’re at a loose end tonight then you could do a lot worse than head over to the Electric Cinema for the Birmingham launch of stand-up/video comedy phenomenon Popcorn Comedy:

featuring the rap/stand up stylings of Doc Brown and the wonderful Holly Walsh live on stage, as well as a selection of the newest and funniest videos from the web in glorious high resolution

It’s part of the Birmingham Comedy Festival (which is currently ongoing) as well as being sponsored by Hello Digital.

Tickets are £6, get them from the Electric Cinema website or, more realistically given the time, on the door. I’ll be going along, maybe see you there.


There’s a little more info on Dice Productions’ blog – they’re organising things and will be premiering their new video.

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Who’s Laughing Now? Thu, 09 Oct 2008 12:54:57 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Ah, the cockles of my heart – how they are warmed.

Created in Birmingham doesn’t tend to cover comedy very much although, as people have pointed out, there’s no lack of creativity going on with it.  The problem is that, although I come across plenty of listings, there’s been no-one (that I’ve found) writing passionately and consistently about the city’s comedy scene.

Until now – enter Who’s Laughing Now?:

With news, listings, features and a kind of curation area for YouTube vids, it’s been launched to coincide with the Birmingham Comedy Festival and is the brainchild of Rich Batsford and Simon Harper.

Rich explains on his own blog that:

The site has been created with the intent of developing the comedy scene in the area and is more or less an open forum – we are very happy for all local promoters to send in previews of their events.

We are also on the lookout for other writers or budding journalists who are interested in publishing reviews through the site. Whilst there’s no money on offer, its all good experience and we would expect to be able to get free show tickets for our contributors when they are reviewing a show. Are you interested? – please contact us

I’m really chuffed to see this and think there’s a whole heap of potential here, so good luck to them.

Birmingham Comedy Festival 2008 Mon, 01 Sep 2008 21:22:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Comedy escapes CiB’s notice most of the time so here goes a mention of the Birmingham Comedy Festival 2008, featuring an impressive list of talent, including the Edinburgh Festival’s newly crowned Perrier (or whatever) Award Winner, David O’Doherty.

Holding up Birmingham’s end are drag duo Patrick and Bernadine (Solihull Arts Complex, 4 Oct) and a whole host of local folk at ‘Wrote Under and Friends Comedy’ at the Kitchen Garden Cafe on .  There’s possibly a few more localers too, but none I recognised on the festival’s listings page.

The Old Joint Stock Theatre is also hosting a day dedicated to Tony Hancock at the Old Joint Stock Theatre on 11 October.

It’s the big names that will stick out, of course, and there are plenty of those this year.  As long as Dylan Moran, Mark Steel and Ted Chippington get the attention they deserve all will be well.

The festival starts on 3 October and ends on 12 October.  Visit the Birmingham Comedy Festival website for more info.

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