birmingham city of culture Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 birmingham city of culture 32 32 Links for 20 July 2010 Tue, 20 Jul 2010 10:15:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Producers’ Forum, 21 July at the MAC
    WIth Suzie Norton, Screen WM CEO, and her Senior Management team delivering a presentation on Screen WM’s 2010-11 strategy and the next phase of support for the West Midlands Film community
  • Animation Forum West Midlands
    “Submissions for 2010’s Great Animation Challenge are now open”. Use one of the bits of audio provided to make an animation
  • My five tips for bands online | Mind over Matter
    Useful stuff from Ian
  • The Perfect Balti
    “One man’s search for Birmingham’s best Balti (and naan bread)”
  • BBC – Have Your Say: Which UK city would be most worthy of culture award?
    A nice amount of support for Birmingham’s bid from the Have Your Say commenters. Given the general level of debate on that forum I’m not sure whether that’s a good endorsement or not…
  • Birmingham Post – CBSO celebrates a record season as audience numbers grow
    “The CBSO has seen average attendances increase by 3.5 per cent in the past 12 months”
  • A year in the life of a touring Company « Birmingham Royal Ballet’s touring blog
    Birmingham Royal Ballet’s Chief Executive Christopher Barron writes about the past 12 months for the Company
  • Switchboard – World-class connections for the West Midlands
    “Switchboard is a network of organisations from the screen, digital, media and music industries in the West Mildands”. One to watch. (Disclosure – I’ve been invited on this)
  • The New Optimists
    “We asked scientists “what are you optimistic about?” This site and the book record their amazing answers”
  • Exclusive extract from local author John Dalton’s new book, Urban Nature Notebook « In Birmingham
    “His new book is a collection of short accounts of the author’s encounters with urban nature as he travels around the city”
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    Maybe next time Thu, 15 Jul 2010 20:35:40 +0000 In honour of the fact that Birmingham didn’t tick as many arbitrary boxes as another city in some popularity contest or other (but srsly – congratulations Derry/Londonderry), here’s a picture to lift the spirits:

    Now that’s culture.

    (Via @Robintheoffice)

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    City of Culture announcement tonight Thu, 15 Jul 2010 09:45:42 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Tonight on the One Show (7pm BBC, although it’ll inevitably be kept back until 7.29pm) we get to find out whether Birmingham gets to call itself City of Culture in 2013.

    The Daily Mail has already called it for Londonderry (you’ll have to excuse the lack of link to that one) but we won’t know for sure until later. Win or not, I think the folks who ran the bid should be applauded for their efforts.

    My fave aspect of the whole thing has been the unashamedly promotional posters on the London Underground. Ed Vaizey said of the bid:

    I see it on the Tube in London. It is a very entrepreneurial approach to raising the profile of the city across the UK

    Which was beautifully put. More of that sort of thing, I say.

    Meanwhile, a map’s been drawn up to visualise some of the suggestions that were put forward through the Big Conversation and Talkeoke projects in the run up to the bid:

    Visualisation Map Cultural Birmingham

    City of Culture – nearly there… Mon, 05 Jul 2010 19:15:06 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Word’s been going round (although at the moment I can’t tell where from) that Thursday 15 July is decision day on the whole City of Culture 2013 thing.

    While we work ourselves into barely-concealed bundles of anticipation, Arts Industry have done a quick round-up of each city’s bid. All much of a muchness, but recent events give the Derry bid a bit of topical oomph.

    The Birmingham Post have revealed some of the plans that went into the Birmingham bid. The comments aren’t pretty but some people will never be happy and, until such time as we get the decision or see the whole bid, passing any sort of judgment’s a bit tricky really. I’m still intrigued by the autumn festival and would love to know who the big name guest curators might be (I think I heard preliminary approaches had been made).

    Still, haven’t we had promises that, irrespective of the decision, all these events are going to go ahead regardless?

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    Who Wants To Be…? Wed, 26 May 2010 08:45:32 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Nice idea this:

    Who Wants to Be…? is a spontaneous, democratic, live theatrical experience where the public really do take control. People propose ideas, discuss, and then vote on how to spend the evening’s entire box-office takings: Donate it? Invest it? Gamble it? Waste it? Form a collective and make the best idea happen yourself? You, the audience, decide

    It says it’s inspired by Birmingham’s City of Culture bid, rather than being part of it, although the Hippodrome and Fierce (who are putting this together) have been involved in the official thing too.

    It’s on 11 June Tickets are a tenner and they’re available here.

    Boys on film Fri, 21 May 2010 15:20:23 +0000 Pete and Aaron get on the Internet telly as Birmingham’s City of Culture bid is seen off:

    What nice, polite boys.

    Links for 20 April 2010 Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:32:34 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • New ideas for Cinderella
    A Q&A with David Bintley about his new production for Birmingham Royal Ballet
  • April Meet ’em Up | Birmingham – 28 April
    The get-together for WM-based folks in the games industry rolls into Birmingham
    “yo, i’ve been running a little tape label for a short while now, im using this to post about releases, as well as put up interviews and writings that might be turned into an annual zine!!”
  • Project Pigeon News « We Are Eastside
    An update on goings on at the pigeon loft
  • Ideal Skateboard Supply
    The skate shop in the Custard Factory. I like their blog
  • Best Believe – Vans film premiere in Birmingham
    Amy says – “Just peeped this over at Ideal Skate Supply, looks like they have secured a screening of the Vans film just out. This is a high coo by any standard. The film will be shown at the shop down at The Custard Factory on 24th April”
  • Spaghetti Gazetti: Martineau 10 – the fight continues
    “This is a campaign which is trying to save the Martineau Centre, a building which belongs to Birmingham City Council on Balden Road”
  • Flip Animation Festival 2010 calls for submissions
    “FLIP, and the festivals organisers, would like to invite animators to submit animated films of up to 15 minutes in length”
  • The City Dream
    “A blog dedicated to reviewing and commenting on all things “arts” by a city life lad. Dedicated to theatre, modern / classic art, fashion, dance and all things cosmopolitan”
  • Moseley Folk Festival 2010 – Stewards
    “We are looking for a team of friendly faces to help during the festival. In return for two shifts of stewarding you can free entry for the whole weekend”. Get the form here
  • City of Culture – Talk to us |
    Some follow up from the post where I had a look at Birmingham’s City of Culture related stuff (unfortunately what I intended as discursive has been taken as criticism)
  • Digbeth is Good » Getgood Link: YouTube – CELLAR DOOR 2
    Nicky’s right, this does start off looking like something from a horror film. It’s the trailer for the new Rainbow venue
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    So how’s the City of Culture bid going? Fri, 09 Apr 2010 12:07:14 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    The Birmingham Post’s Jon Walker spotted the above advert at Westminster tube station and this morning the paper (well, website) is reporting ‘MPs sign Commons motion to back Birmingham City of Culture bid‘. So how’s the bid going?

    It’s difficult to gauge this. Thing is, we (as in, the people of Birmingham) aren’t going to be the target of much of the promotional stuff because we’re not doing the judging. You’d assume/hope the effort is being spent outside the city (like the poster above).

    Btw, I should make it clear that I’m supportive of Birmingham’s City of Culture bid and think it’d be great to get the award.

    So far, around Birmingham, I’ve seen a stack of flyers (at the Council House), a few adverts in various brochures and… well that’s been about it. On the plus side, I’ve not seen much of the usual trick of tacking a logo on to anything vaguely within grasp.

    It would be interesting to see how the city is being sold to others, though. Which of the city’s strengths are being pushed forward? Bearing in mind the branding looks like it’s been recycled from a luxury watch marketing campaign, I’m guessing the Jewellery Quarter (and by association, the city’s industrial heritage) features in some way. What else?

    Most visible from our perspective is the online stuff. Here’s what the various cities are doing:

    The good news there is that Birmingham’s website is as bland, information-free and predictable as all the others. The Facebook/Twitter stuff is being done just as poorly as everyone else’s too. Sad to see the previously quite popular site was killed off though (with credits for the local folks who developed it removed).

    I’ve not seen so much discussion (there’s this on the Stirrer) so has anyone got any thoughts on all of this? Feel free to comment anonymously if you must.

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