birmingham arts and culture summit Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 birmingham arts and culture summit 32 32 Arts & Culture Summit 2012 – Tomorrow & Friday Wed, 17 Oct 2012 18:30:02 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Last call out for the ‘Arts & Culture Summit 2012‘ over at the University of Birmingham. This gathering, with lectures and discussions, seeks to “re-position the cultural offer of Birmingham – locally, nationally and internationally, in order that it makes the maximum impact on economic growth in the city.”

While at first that statement seems to surprisingly look as the arts as a money generator, the emphasis would appear to be more on investment in the development of the arts and creative industries, as outlined in their objectives for the Summit:

The objective of the event is to identify actions which will best support the development of Birmingham as a world class cultural centre.

Our aim is for a vibrant, diverse and robust sector which: 

• Plays a more effective role in attracting inward investment

• Grows jobs in culture and the creative industries

• Supports growth of jobs in the wider economy

• Develops innovation and creative skills, especially amongst young people

• Makes Birmingham a first class place to live for all our residents

• Improves wellbeing

• Supports community cohesion and a sense of Birmingham identity                                                     

Over two days, we will create a clear plan for:

• Working together with cultural organisations, public, private and third sectors on supporting the delivery of a shared cultural vision

• Introducing news ways of funding cultural development

• Reviewing our approach to promoting Birmingham’s reputation through our cultural offer

• Strengthening leadership of the sector in the city

• Tackling barriers to the growth of creative businesses

• Ensuring we have the creative skills we need for the future

• Improving the responsiveness of the sector to local need and building on delivery out of the city centre to address areas of low engagement

• Embedding cultural planning throughout the delivery of our Vision for Birmingham (eg Birmingham Baccalaureate, Smart City, Inclusive Economy).  

Speakers so far include:

• Sir Albert Bore, Leader, Birmingham City Council

• Councillor Ian Ward, Deputy Leader, Birmingham City Council

• Ruth Mackenzie, Director of the Cultural Olympiad, London 2012

• Darren Henley, Managing Director, Classic FM

 John Holden, Visiting Professor, City University London

• Graham Vick CBE, Artistic Director, Birmingham Opera Company

International speakers:

• Julie Burros, Director of Cultural Planning, City of Chicago

• Xavier Fourneyron, Deputy Director, Cultural Affairs, City of Lyon

• Reinier Weers, Senior Project Manager, Rotterdam Festivals

All sounds pretty good and I hope that many from Birmingham’s leading creative and artistic centres find time to make the trip over and participate, as while their seems to be some very well established figures on the list in what be great to have some input of some of the more up and coming creative teams around the city. It cannot be denied though that it is great to see such an event geared towards the development of the city.

You will be able to book to go along to this event here and then book workshops with the speakers on the day.

