bifs Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 bifs 32 32 Is Digbeth any good? Also, film nights Tue, 06 Apr 2010 18:10:48 +0000 [Read more...]]]> An article on the Guardian’s film blog has asked:

Can Birmingham’s eclectic lucky dip of a festival help rejuvenate its Digbeth base?

That festival being Flatpack. Now, I was always told that if the title of a newspaper article asks a question then the answer is most likely ‘no’. In this case, the answer given is revealed to be more like ‘well, first of all Digbeth needs a cash machine, some residents, public transport, a post office and some street lighting’. Which is fair enough.

Hanging the cultural hopes of  an entire area on one annual festival (no matter how good) was a bit of a reach anyway.

On another matter, two parts of the article jumped out:

Amazingly, points out George Clark, a curator who put together Flatpack’s Build Them in the Mind programme of short films, Birmingham still lacks a proper arthouse cinema. This in England’s second-largest city.

Which is true but needs tallying against Ian Francis saying:

“I hate it when people say Birmingham is apathetic” about film and culture, he says. “The interest is there”

Which is also true.

That there’s only one independent cinema in Birmingham is a bit of a shocker, but mac reopens soon and don’t forget the Light House is only just up the road.

Even better, there are quite a few people getting off their backsides to put films on away from the multiplexes. Film nights are rife – off the top of my head there’s Moving Pictures, Juniper Cinema, Kino Concrete, Filmrats, Popcorn, the Animation Forum events, BIFS, Screen Sunday at The Plough and occasional things at The Sunflower Lounge. Those are just the ones I can remember, too. Pretty much all of those are in pubs, which isn’t always going to be ideal and they’re unlikely to show the latest releases, but I think Ian’s right about apathy not being the problem.

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Birmingham International Film Society are online! Tue, 02 Dec 2008 00:09:32 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Well hit me with a spanner and call me Susan – the Birmingham International Film Society finally have a website (heck knows I for one have been waiting long enough). This pleases me, especially as it’s a pretty nice one too:

Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth or anything, but an RSS feed for the news/events page would be nice (there’s just an RSS for the schedule at the mo).

(Via BiNS)

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BIFS’ October programme Mon, 29 Sep 2008 18:28:58 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The Birmingham International Film Society (who continue to infuriate with no web presence save for a Facebook Group) have issued their October programme.  Click on the pics to make them legible.

Page 1:

Page 2:

PS – seriously, a free little website can be set up in no time at all.  I set up the blog for the Birmingham Social Media Cafe in 5 minutes (well, an hour once I’d fiddled with the formatting) and can do something similar for you if you bribe me with a coffee or two.  Or visit Pete Ashton in Rootys between 4-6pm on a Thursday.

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Links for June 25th Wed, 25 Jun 2008 09:12:33 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Modulate in Capsule
    Modulate, the West Mids AV and digital arts collective, have a new piece of work which will form part of an Optofonica exhibition in Amsterdam next month. It sounds incredible and they’re looking to bring it to Birmingham in 2009.
  • Jerusalem: The East Side Story screening c/o B.I.F.S.
    “A documentary of the history of perhaps the most hotly contested city in the world”. At the Library Theatre on Thurs 26 June, 7.30 to 9.15pm
  • D’log – Towards a history of the visual arts in Birmingham and the Black Country
    “A quick stab at a list of the most important published resources for a timeline history of visual arts production in Birmingham and the Black Country. In approximate chronological order. Additions are welcome…”
    Dave Allen (of Animation Forum West Mids) speaks to Birmingham-based screenwriter Brendan O’Neill
  • A preview of The Public by Fused Magazine
    Following their review of Ikon Eastside’s launch, Fused have now reported back from the press preview of The Public. Which is good, cos I couldn’t make it.
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    Links for May 26th Mon, 26 May 2008 16:05:14 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Birmingham: England’s 2nd largest city is a true musical melting point
    Short vid about Birmingham’s musical heritage from Wireless “whatever your favoured musical genre, you’re sure to find it in the midlands”. Spotted by Simon Howes.
  • Birmingham International Film Society (B.I.F.S) Facebook Group
    BIFS has a Facebook group. Next step, a blog with film times, some info about the society, future plans, etc? Pretty please?
  • Colour have a blog
    Colour is a West Midlands-based promotions group, founded in 2006. “Our focus is bringing leftfield folk, electronica, ‘indie’ and other mainstream-eschewing artists to the area through our live events and DJ sets”.
  • Birmingham Daily Photo
    Daily photos of Birmingham, as you might expect. Spotted by BiNS.
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