ben waddington Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ben waddington 32 32 Written in Concrete Wed, 28 Mar 2012 11:52:44 +0000 Still Walking - Written in Concrete

Pete’s photos from Ben Waddington’s Written in Concrete tour as part of the Still Walking festival last weekend. Onna map.

Preclusion Tue, 26 Jul 2011 07:41:12 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Ah, so this must be what the whispering was about.



No Venue : No Permission : No Money

A genuinely guerilla experience, Preclusion is a totally unsupported spontaneous art exhibition.

A space has become available for a limited time and the secretive El Perro Radicale has chosen to take advantage of this opportunity to unveil a collection of locally and nationally produced art.

El Perro Radicale hopes that nothing precludes your attendance.

More confirmed artists including street art, street dance, guerilla poets and the following:

  • Jane Baker Photography
  • Lucy Grange Photography
  • Ryan Hughes Mixed Media Installation
  • Matthew Hunt Mixed Media Art
  • Lewys Jones  Painting
  • Lucy Sparrow Felt Art and Street Art
  • Luke Thompson Painting
  • Martin Pickard Photography
  • Lizz Lunney Illustration
  •  Wesley Wezism Painting
  •  Pete Grange Photography
  •  Ben Waddington Drawing

Preclusion will be at the derelict Whitmarley factory on Ivy Road, Stirchley (B30 2NX for the sat nav fiends out there) which is currently playing host to The Birmingham Social Centre.

There’ll be a grand opening on Friday 29th July at 6:30pm and the exhibition will be up until Sunday 7 August.

Ta to Birmingham Loves Photographers for flagging this one up. I like. I’m going to try to get along on Friday.

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CiB links for 31 December 2009 Thu, 31 Dec 2009 14:51:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • The New Art Gallery Walsall – Mitra Memarzia: The Unwanted Gift Shop
    “Mitra Memarzia will transform the Artists’ Studio at the gallery into a gift shop where unwanted items will be celebrated and given a new lease of life”. 18 Jan – 18 April 2010, although you can leave gifts at reception in advance if you like
  • The Through the Viewfinder photography of Pete Ashton
    The online hub of Pete’s TTV Photography is up and running. He’s an Artist now, dontchaknow
  • Digbeth is Good » Ben Waddington’s beer mat art at The Spotted Dog
    “an advent calendar made up of painted beer mats depicting signs and scenes personally significant to Ben. It’s on display until the twelfth day of Christmas, 6th January 2010”
  • Wolverhampton declared to be a better city than Detroit, Los Angeles, Seoul and Accra
    In a frankly tossy survey by Lonely Planet that I shouldn’t really wasting a link on, except it’s an opportunity to say that Art Gallery, Light House and quality of gigs at the Civic are all pretty darn good. So there.
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    Notes on a talky talky chit chat Tue, 22 Dec 2009 19:12:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Knowing Me, Knowing You

    The first of what might become a regular thing, Knowing Me, Knowing You was fun last week. As part of Capsule’s longest birthday party… ever, we got together and invited a bunch of interesting people along to introduce themselves and say (for the sake of getting a conversation going) what they might do if they were to get their hands on VIVID for a little while.

    The kind participants were:

    All ably compered by Jon Bounds with half-time entertainment provided by Charlie Pinder‘s cake orchestra.

    Truth be told, we weren’t sure what people would come back with or what sort of direction the evening might take. As it turned out, ideas included:

    • Social spaces
    • Turning the place into a massive ball pool/packing it floor to ceiling with jelly
    • Setting up a swapshop
    • Using it as a place for realising unfinished ideas
    • Creating an edgeless, white room and projecting images through hung pieces of perspex
    • Kipple Live
    • Artist talks

    And some other things that escape me just at the moment. To be honest, the suggestions themselves weren’t the most crucial part of the evening. The point was really to get people out, meeting each other and sharing thoughts and ideas. As far as that goes I think the evening was a success.

    Capsule have written up the event here with lots of lovely photos. Thanks to them, to everyone who took part and to those who came along to watch.

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    Knowing Me, Knowing You Tue, 08 Dec 2009 08:22:05 +0000 [Read more...]]]> knowing_me

    For the next CiB Project we’ve been asked to take part in Capsule‘s 10th birthday celebrations. We’re getting together a bunch of Birmingham creative types, putting them on a stage for 3 minutes and asking them ‘What would you do if you were given the run of a space like Vivid?’

    Featured folks will include:

    ATTA Girl, Scott Johnson aka Film Ficciones, Stephen Earl Rogers, James Yarker of Stans Cafe, local historian Ben Waddington, illustrator extraordinaire Ben Javens to name but a few

    That list is from Capsule’s website.

    There are 20 places left for spectators, so if you want to come along then please If it goes well it might be the first of many such events.

    There’ll be full reporting back after the event, so if you can’t make it down then don’t worry.

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    Typographic Horizons Tue, 10 Nov 2009 11:05:30 +0000 [Read more...]]]> One for the font-worriers this (and I know there are a few who read this blog). UKType are organising Typographic Horizons at BIAD on 18 November 2009.

    The programme includes a fair amount of local talent (I’m no expert in this area but I recognise the names of David Osbaldestin, Smile, Ben Waddington and the Baskerville Project) with some international flavour added by Henrik Birkvig from the Danish School of Media & Journalism and John D Berry from Microsoft Typography in Seattle.

    It’s £25 for most folks, £15 concessions. Here’s the full programme and you can register here.

    Speaking of Smile, they went to visit Airside recently and written it all up on their blog. Well worth a read. This quote from Jamie Wieck stood out:

    “We’re now a design company competing with advertising companies that have design and digital design subsidiaries. They know how to talk… some call it strategy, others might call it hot air, but either way we have to learn a bit of that now in order to compete.”

    Digbeth video tours Tue, 06 Jan 2009 17:03:13 +0000 [Read more...]]]> A little while back Fullrange Films gave Nicky Getgood a Flip camera on the condition that she use it to document Digbeth, as is generally her wont on Digbeth is Good.

    The first one she did was the Richard Trengrouse Tour of historical Digbeth.

    Next up was Ben Waddington’s Digbeth Type and Architecture Tour, the videos have been embedded into a Google map and are viewable one after the other here.

    Links for December 8th Mon, 08 Dec 2008 23:26:49 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Radiate
    “Radiate is a brand new training programme which provides the first step in professional development for artists and other creatives across the West Midlands interested in working with children and young people”
  • Digbeth is Good – Digbeth Tours
    Ben Waddington will be taking Nicky Getgood on a (presumably typographical) tour of Digbeth, starting at The Old Crown Pub at midday on Sun 21 Dec. Others are welcome to join
  • CMYKern – This Is Feed Magazine
    After a visit, James speaks highly of the Feed studio
  • The Official mc2 Anthology Website
    Since they were last mentioned on CiB, the Midlands Comics Collective have produced 3 more anthologies and a 5th is on the way
  • Hope for the best, prepare for the worst: Daily Photo #365
    Day 365 of a ‘post a photo a day’ blogging project. Congrats and good luck for year 2…
  • Christmas Events From ArtsFest Artists
    The ArtsFest blog has a round-up of what various artists are up to over the coming month
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