ben javens Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ben javens 32 32 Advice To Sink In Slowly Mon, 09 Jan 2012 08:53:10 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I’d come across Advice To Sink In Slowly once or twice:

an ongoing series of posters designed by graduates for the purpose of passing on advice and inspiration to first year students

but I’m not sure I’d twigged that there are a few contributors from around Birmingham, including Ben Javens, Jonny Costello (whose poster is below), Lee Basford and Luke Tonge.

Advice to Sink in Slowly - Jonny Costello

Simon Peplow and Yee Ting Kuit both studied in Birmingham too. Let me know if I’ve missed anyone.

(Spotted by Helga Henry)

Sandford Jr Wed, 02 Nov 2011 09:08:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Sandford Jr

Sandford Jr sells screen printed clothes for kids up to the age of 7:

The desire to collaborate with artists to create something truly unique for babies and children as well as supporting artists along their careers has always been the driving force behind Sandford Jr

The featured artists are Lucy Mclauchlan, Leanne Jones and Ben Javens (who flagged this up on his blog).

Pointe Blank Mon, 13 Jun 2011 23:47:39 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Pointe Blank is:

An exhibition of original images inspired by the story of Coppélia. In a first-of-its-kind project for Birmingham Royal Ballet, 27 artists and designers have been invited to produce individual pieces of artwork based upon toymaker Doctor Coppélius, and his attempts to breathe life into his most prized creation

The exhibition has been pulled together by Rob Lindsay at Birmingham Royal Ballet and Claire Hartley.

It features the work of (deep breath…) Ashley O’Brien, Ben Javens, Chris Henley, Christine Hughes, Claire Hartley, Crayonfire, Darren John, Dave Hughes, Gavin Auty, Harriet Grey, The Hidden Dingbat Collective, Ian, Caulkett, Jamie Littler, Jimmy Rogers, Jo Spencer, Katie Parry, Luke Tonge, Mezzetty, Middle Boop, Nathan Monk, Rachel Tighe, Ryan Dean-Corke, Sam Pierpoint, Sarah Ray, Simon Wild, Studio Family and Sweaty Eskimo.

It’s all online so go and have a look. There’s some lovely work there.

Pointe Blank

It launched tonight for one night only (I was there – that photo stands as slightly blurry proof), although there are plans to exhibit the prints elsewhere and maybe sell them online or something.

It always seems to me that the illustrators around Birmingham are a very talented but criminally underserved bunch. When they get together and do something it tends to be really very good – see also the Not My Type exhibition that we hosted at the CiB shop last year.

Still, a very well done to everyone involved in this.

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2010 Year in Review: May Tue, 04 Jan 2011 12:27:45 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The CiB Shop wound up after three hectic months, with Pete announcing the impending announcing the impending closure. Before that, INKwell popped into the shop for some screen printing, the City of Culture bid got it’s send-off and The Story Exchange popped in.

The Created in Birmingham closed its shutters for the last time at the end of the month. Someone kissed the feedback book:

CiB Shop peteashton 13

International Dance Festival Birmingham came to an end too, while Ian looked forward to what was in store at the 2010 BASS Festival and I had a peek at the Lichfield Festival’s line-up.

RoguePlay left the Custard Factory, I noticed Writing West Midlands for the first time, Ikon announced their series of ‘Favourite Things’ talks, the Daze-Ray exhibition occupied a corner of the Jewellery Quarter and IPEX took over the NEC.

hobbypopMUSEUM spent some time at Eastside Projects, the annual Cure Leukemia Art Auction took place, Ben Javens made a tea towel, end-of-year-show season started up and there was a photography exhibition at the Custard Factory.

I went to visit the flashy gizmos at University of Birmingham’s Heritage and Culture Learning Hub too.

Links for 18 August 2010 Wed, 18 Aug 2010 07:59:06 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Know Your Place
    “If you are a freelancer, recent graduate or SME then why not come and be inspired at the third Know Your Place event” On 23 August at Zellig. These get good reviews – worth signing up for
  • Ben Javens: Time Out Cover Illustration #2
    Nice work by Ben, although Time Out are still in my bad books after one of their writers described Birmingham as ‘scum’
  • Funding launched for young am-dram groups – Audiences Central
    “Individual grants of up to £5,000 will be on offer to non-professional theatre groups that are either made up entirely of members under the age of 25, or which have a youth section and are involved in musical theatre productions.”
  • Birmingham Museums and Art Gallerys – Your Birmingham event
    “Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery is asking the public to help in exploring the history of Birmingham. The first opportunity to do this in person will be at the Museum Collections Centre Open Day on Sunday August 22nd”
  • We Are Fierce» Blog Archive » Fierce’s Dirty Cash!!!
    “Help Fierce Festival discover the filthiest way to spend 250 quid”
  • Capsule zine no.5 : Capsule Blog
    “this edition has been designed by our brand new intern Tom J Hughes, a mighty fine illustrator who has done us proud”
  • View from the top of a crane! «
    That crane being the one at the site of the new library. It’s quite high up
  • New stats on the West Midlands creative workforce « D’log
    “More statistics on the West Midlands creative workforce”
  • Fierce Earth finds new home « Fierce Earth
    The differences between Fierce Earth and the Fierce Festival are now that bit more pronounced. The former has an office, the latter has gone all virtual. Fierce Earth will “have a new strategic focus on training and consultancy for the creative sector and developing creative talent”
  • The Yellow Door Bindery
    “The Yellow Door Bindery is a Birmingham-based workshop offering a bespoke bookbinding, box-making and portfolio making service”
  • Matthew Sefton
    Good stuff from Matthew, blogging about getting into the regional media industry
  • Photography in Birmingham: a review of three exhibitions « In Birmingham
    Steve McCurry at BMAG, Harold Edgerton at the Pallasades and Sheldon Nadelman at Trove
  • OxjamBrum Speed Dating Event- Top 40 Singles « Area Culture Guide
    “The people behind the OxjamBrum Takeover festival are looking for 20 male and 20 female music lovers, also known as the Top 40 Singles, to come along to their charitable and cheeky new speed dating event on Thursday 26th August 2010”
  • Attractions vie for tourism excellence award – Audiences Central
    “The shortlist for the Heart of England Excellence in Tourism awards 2010 has been announced”
  • Birmingham Post – £30m plans for new Birmingham Conservatoire
    BCU have some ambitious plans
  • meorwithlou
    The blog of Louise Whitmore, a designer who had some work in the CiB Shop and who I bumped into again earlier
  • ]]>
    Links for 11 June 2010 Fri, 11 Jun 2010 17:54:37 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • CRAIN report « D’log
    “A useful seven page report from the West Midlands Cultural Research & Intelligence Network conference (PDF link), held in Birmingham on 2nd June 2010”
  • Audition Call « Stan’s Cafe Theatre Company
    Quick, bright female capable of playing between 18-30 wanted to perform with Stan’s Cafe in Beijing in November. Click the linky for details
  • Birmingham Post – New chairman for Cre8us
    “Professor Michael Tovey, responsible for leading and co-ordinating design education and applied research at Coventry University, has been appointed to the board of Cre8us”
  • Birmingham School of Media runs best courses in the country
  • Screen WM & BAFTA Present: Filmmaking and Archive Workshops
    Courses. Not for horses
  • Artist Talk @ Eastside Projects and Durational Performance @ The Rea Garden | Behind Closed Doors
    “We would like to invite you to the finale of Brigid McLeer’s residency at The Rea Garden on Saturday 19th June”
  • art hamster in the city
    Don’t think I’ve linked to this one before, but probably should have. Contains mentions of arts stuff happening around Brum. Sarah Silverwood is the author
  • Signal box L
    Someone’s built a fairly impressive model of the New Street Signal Box
  • The Interview: Ben Javens « The Internationalist
    Ben did some stuff for 8th Continent, a Californian soy milk company. Someone interviewed him about that
  • A seismic shift in the UK landscape
    CiB got props in PR Week at the end of April: “the artistic and creative community website Created in Birmingham, which won a Blog Award in 2008, is popular”. Not sure why that made me laugh so much, but it did. The award was 2009, btw
  • ]]>
    Sunny Days Sun, 30 May 2010 11:00:12 +0000 [Read more...]]]> As reported by the Outcrowd Collective, Ben Javens now has a tea towel for sale via the rather wonderful To Dry For, a website I only discovered the other week. This is the design:

    and, if you like, you can buy one here.

    On a slightly related note, one of the strangest bits of merch I ever saw at a gig was Nick Cave tea towels.

    Notes on a talky talky chit chat Tue, 22 Dec 2009 19:12:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Knowing Me, Knowing You

    The first of what might become a regular thing, Knowing Me, Knowing You was fun last week. As part of Capsule’s longest birthday party… ever, we got together and invited a bunch of interesting people along to introduce themselves and say (for the sake of getting a conversation going) what they might do if they were to get their hands on VIVID for a little while.

    The kind participants were:

    All ably compered by Jon Bounds with half-time entertainment provided by Charlie Pinder‘s cake orchestra.

    Truth be told, we weren’t sure what people would come back with or what sort of direction the evening might take. As it turned out, ideas included:

    • Social spaces
    • Turning the place into a massive ball pool/packing it floor to ceiling with jelly
    • Setting up a swapshop
    • Using it as a place for realising unfinished ideas
    • Creating an edgeless, white room and projecting images through hung pieces of perspex
    • Kipple Live
    • Artist talks

    And some other things that escape me just at the moment. To be honest, the suggestions themselves weren’t the most crucial part of the evening. The point was really to get people out, meeting each other and sharing thoughts and ideas. As far as that goes I think the evening was a success.

    Capsule have written up the event here with lots of lovely photos. Thanks to them, to everyone who took part and to those who came along to watch.

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    Knowing Me, Knowing You Tue, 08 Dec 2009 08:22:05 +0000 [Read more...]]]> knowing_me

    For the next CiB Project we’ve been asked to take part in Capsule‘s 10th birthday celebrations. We’re getting together a bunch of Birmingham creative types, putting them on a stage for 3 minutes and asking them ‘What would you do if you were given the run of a space like Vivid?’

    Featured folks will include:

    ATTA Girl, Scott Johnson aka Film Ficciones, Stephen Earl Rogers, James Yarker of Stans Cafe, local historian Ben Waddington, illustrator extraordinaire Ben Javens to name but a few

    That list is from Capsule’s website.

    There are 20 places left for spectators, so if you want to come along then please If it goes well it might be the first of many such events.

    There’ll be full reporting back after the event, so if you can’t make it down then don’t worry.

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    Ben Javens’s Capsule posters Sun, 18 Jan 2009 17:47:27 +0000 [Read more...]]]> When running any project/ festival/ organisation one of the most difficult things to get right (and one of the most important) is the visual identity or dare I say it,  ‘brand’. When putting any publicity together: flyers, posters, website etc. it is so important that the visual elements speak to your intended audience and tell something of the ethos of the organiser. When I have put together publicity for projects in the past I have found that the finished artwork is sometimes missing that magic ingredient, which for me is illustration.

    In my opinion promoters Capsule utilize the magic of good illustration just right. Each piece of design they commission is executed with full force, and this ballsy,  risk taking approach is one reason why they run some of the most well recognised events around.


    Ben Javens has created these posters for Capsules Jan / Feb events and they are quite typical of the bold,  hand printed style you can see on his weblog, he has some lovely bits for sale in his shop too.
