beijing map games Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 beijing map games 32 32 Script Games Mon, 22 Sep 2008 21:19:22 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Script are a registered charity based in the Custard Factory and are:

dedicated to developing and promoting new dramatic writing in the West Midlands

For their new project they’re:

inviting writers to submit a short (10 minute) play in response to the “Beijing Map Games” exhibition at Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery

Images from the exhibition will appear shortly on  Writers are asked to select an image and write a 10 minute play in response to its themes.  Five plays will be selected and performed at the Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, in front of the exhibition, on Saturday 22nd November 2008

The deadline for submissions is 24 October.

Additionally, Script are:

offering free 2½ hour writing workshops for writers in the Chinese community to provide an introduction to playwriting.  The two workshops will utilize the images from the Beijing Map Games exhibition and explore the ways in which they could be interpreted dramatically

Those are on 4 October.

For more info have a snoop around the Script website.

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