BBC Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 BBC 32 32 On the Culture Show tonight Fri, 28 Oct 2011 16:02:59 +0000 [Read more...]]]> At 7pm on BBC2:

Michael Smith looks for the positive in what some consider Europe’s most boring city – Birmingham

Putting the ‘n’ into ‘BBC cuts’.


You can see this episode on iPlayer until 7pm on 4 November. It featured The Event (in particular, Creative Machines, Minimalist Sculpture at Curzon Street Station), Eastside Projects and Project Pigeon and was actually quite complimentary about the fringes of the city (although not the centre, which is probably fair enough).

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Changes at BBC Birmingham Thu, 06 Oct 2011 13:51:24 +0000 [Read more...]]]> From p.13 of the BBC’s Delivering Quality First plan:

Factual programming for BBC television and Radio 4 would be moved out of Birmingham and consolidated largely to Bristol and Cardiff, though television production investment with independent producers in the Midlands would increase. Substantial network television drama (eg Doctors, Land Girls) and radio drama (The Archers) would continue in Birmingham alongside the BBC’s local and regional services

Someone’s going to need to spell this one out to me:

  • What are the local and regional services that will be staying? (presumably Midlands Today, BBC WM… anything else?)
  • Who/what will be moving to Bristol and Cardiff? (Asian Network… anything else?)
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CiB links for 18 March 2011 Fri, 18 Mar 2011 15:30:19 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • We Are Birmingham team up with Bullring for a very exciting public art project | We Are Birmingham
    Tom Tebby, Carl Booth, Matt Murtagh and James Thompson are doing something to cover the hoardings while the Spiceal Street development goes on
  • ‘type-writing’ Symposium – good, long, comprehensive write-up of the event from Rachel Marsden, who was also one of the speakers
  • Porter, E. and Barber, A. (2007) Planning the cultural quarter in Birmingham’s Eastside
    From 2007 (deposited June 2010) ” In Birmingham UK, the aim to create a new cultural quarter in the industrial inner city area of Eastside represents a unique opportunity for the city to examine and learn from past lessons of the “cultural turn” in urban policy. The article examines these lessons and whether the Eastside scheme is set to repeat the mistakes of the past”
  • Turning Point West Midlands | Event, 26 May
    An afternoon to find out about professional development opportunities for artists, makers and curators in the West Mids
  • BBC U-turn over Asian Network closure
    “The BBC has reversed its decision to close the Asian Network digital radio station – but will look to cut its budget in half”
  • Licence to shoot | The Sunday Times
    Nice bit of profile for First Light Movies in The Sunday Times. “Wanting to give today’s youth a voice, James Bond producer Barbara Broccoli is backing young movie-makers in an inspiring project”
  • Jurn crowd-funding call « D’log
    “My JURN search-engine is expanding, with your help! I’d like to build on the two years of hard work I’ve already put into building JURN. I want to make a world-class dedicated search-engine for open-access content in the arts, humanities, and (if funded) the social sciences”
  • April Bloomfield: the English chef taking Manhattan by storm
    Similar to the article we linked to a few months back. Fascinating lady
  • Orbital – Live At The Dance Factory
    Live recording of Orbital at The Dance Factory, Birmingham, UK, June 5th, 1993
  • Social Media Tips for Musicians
    Bobbie Gardner did a talk for someone (I think it was Sound It Out) and has written up her notes
  • A Birmingham Flickr Directory
    A nice, healthy list of Birmingham-related Flickr groups. Started in 2006 and still being updated
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    Birmingham’s unpaid internships Mon, 23 Aug 2010 08:37:49 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The folks at In Birmingham have picked up on Andy Burnham MP‘s comments about social mobility and the issues around unpaid internships. Andy Burnham used the BBC to make his point, saying:

    ‘There are young people working within the BBC for long periods without pay’, he said.  ‘This is not fair to them, but more importantly it excludes many others who simply don’t have the means to support themselves’

    While someone from In Birmingham has applied the same to this city’s cultural industries, using un/low paid opportunities at Punch Records and VIVID as examples.

    Here’s the article – Exploitation in the Cultural Sector: unpaid internships in Birmingham’s cultural industries. Go comment if you’ve got an opinion either way.

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    Othello on BBC’s opera season Thu, 13 May 2010 12:54:43 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The BBC are doing a big season of opera stuff including:

    a behind-the-scenes look at Graham Vick’s productions of Aida and Othello

    In fact I’ve just noticed that BOC have announced that:

    Birmingham Opera Company’s Verdi’s Othello and a documentary on the work of Graham Vick are to be broadcast in June 2010 on BBC 2

    Which is good. I remember hearing that the BBC came in to film Othello during it’s hugely fantastic run at the end of last year but I also heard it didn’t go quite as planned. Looks like everything turned out alright after all.

    Last night I saw BOC’s Othello Thu, 10 Dec 2009 10:10:18 +0000 [Read more...]]]> It’d be pointless me adding to the mounting pile of gushing reviews this performance is receiving, so I’m going to float an idea instead (which should give you an inkling of what I thought of it).

    Graham Vick is the Artistic Director of Birmingham Opera Company. Year-round he works with the world’s major operas and returns to Birmingham to let his imagination run riot. If you’re lucky enough to see one of his BOC productions he’ll be the guy with the look of impish enthusiasm ushering the audience around and mouthing the words.

    Here are his notes from Othello’s programme:


    After the first night thousands hijacked Verdi’s carriage to parade him through the streets of Milan in triumph

    I think Birmingham owes Graham Vick the same treatment.

    Othello is deservedly sold out. However, I’ve heard a rumour that the BBC will be filming the show for broadcast, so fingers crossed on that.

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    BBC’s Hustle is coming to Brum Thu, 28 May 2009 22:01:51 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Following a recent announcement that BBC’s drama ‘Survivors’ will relocate to the West Midlands, Screen WM has announced today that  they are investing  in the next series of Kudos Film and Television’s major international TV drama, Hustle.


    The investment means that Hustle will relocate to Birmingham, and the city will provide a new backdrop for the drama which is broadcast across the world. This is a major coup for the city and forms part of a wider strategy by Screen WM to secure and create a more sustainable screen media sector in the West Midlands. The series will bring an estimated £1.2 million into the regional economy and will provide jobs for local crew.

    The Hustle team are due to move to Birmingham and will be living in the city for the duration of the filming. In addition to financial investment, Screen WM have played a significant role in attracting the new series of Hustle to the West Midlands, working closely with Film Birmingham, providing locations and crew support. The producers were attracted to the West Midlands on the basis of the region’s diverse locations, excellent facilities and experienced crew.

    Simon Crawford Collins, Joint Managing Director of Kudos said: “We are hugely excited about Hustle’s move to Birmingham.  It’s a transformed city whose cool new locations have rarely been used for TV dramas and we will hope it will become a hub for Kudos’s output for many years to come.”

    BBC’s Inside Out Wed, 21 Jan 2009 14:43:56 +0000 [Read more...]]]> On tonight’s episode of Inside Out (BBC One, 7.30pm) presenter Ashley Blake will be exploring the recent successes in the West Midlands film industry.


    Ashley Blake goes on set of forthcoming Northern Soul film ‘Souled Out’ during its filming in Stoke-On-Trent, and explores other recent feature films shot in the region such as up-market chiller-horror ‘The Children’, ‘Nativity’, the semi-improvised Christmas comedy starring Martin Freeman and also Ashley Blake! as well as ‘Faintheart’, the world’s first user generated feature film which will be screened in 150 cinemas for free next week. All four films have been co-financed by regional screening agency, Screen WM through its Media Production Fund. (Thanks to Screen WM).
