baskerville Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 baskerville 32 32 Links for November 11th Tue, 11 Nov 2008 17:25:00 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • The Music Network want your music listings info
    Email your Tour Dates, Record release information, flyers, posters, and the rest to info(at) (take particular note of HOW they want your info – help them to help you)
  • Substrakt
    They’ve redesigned their website and it looks lovely
  • New Zealand / Birmingham Artist Residency
    Birmingham and U.K creative culture as experienced by Modulate’s resident artist Damian Frey from New Zealand
  • The headstone of John Baskerville
    Pretty fascinating stuff
  • What I was alive for
    Pete Green says “I used to be in a band called The Regulars. We made an album called Effortless. You can’t buy it any more because there were only 100 copies. But you can download it from this blog, one track at a time, and read the lyrics and notes and stuff”
  • Creative media networking event – Thurs 13th November
    It’s at Kings Heath Cricket club from 10am to 12.30pm. I think it’s being organised by Creative Launchpad but can’t find any info on their own website (or anywhere else) about it
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    Links for October 9th Thu, 09 Oct 2008 20:02:28 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • stereographic – Scribble Diary
    Stereographic have posted up some new examples of their work on their blog (including their work for Birmingham Opera Company and New Art Gallery Walsall) but it’s things like Sam’s scribble diary here which I like seeing and gives more of an insight into what’s going on behind the scenes (monsters and beer, by the looks of it)
  • Platform 01
    “PLATFORM 01 was a multi-media collection of work by predominantly local artists, and featured contributions from painters, photographers, sculptors, printmakers and digital media artists”. It was filmed in the Custard Factory Gallery
  • Punch Winter 2008
    Punch Record’s winter schedule is out
  • Athletico Tortured Artists FC
    This is brilliant (although apparently my hair is to tidy for me to ever get a call-up – fairy nuff)
  • The Type Drawer
    “We are working on a scene whereby a magical Type drawer explains some of Baskerville’s and Birmingham’s industrial achievements” ‘We’ being Sarah Carter, Howie Barker, Tommy Morrison and Alex Bermingham – the people behind this blog and a creative team working on Baskerville The Movie
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    Links for September 16th Tue, 16 Sep 2008 17:25:41 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • The big Film Dash logo vote
    Film Dash – the 48-hour film challenge happening in Birmingham on 17-19 October is picking up pace. We need a logo though. A couple have been submitted; please have a look and vote for your fave
  • Capsule Blog » The Joyful Bewilderment
    Capsule are involved in a group exhibition at Rough Trade East (in London 2-27 Oct) called The Joyful Bewilderment, along with other West Mids types including members of The Outcrowd Collective, Lucy McLauchlan, Rik Cooper, Stef Grindley, Lee Basford, Ben Javens, Chris Keenan and Lawrence Roper
  • Fused – Student Issue
    Fused’s one-off student special has tips from Johnny Foreigner, The Twang, Poppy & The Jezebels, Bigger Than Barry, Bohemian Jukebox and The Editors. Read it online here
  • Punch Update Sept 2008
    Lots of news of things and happenings from the Punch crew
  • Hello Digital – Calling all artists
    “UKType is looking for typographers, lettering artists, calligraphers and other creatives who would like to participate in a day of filming” for production on Baskerville – The Animated Movie
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    Baskerville: The Animated Movie Sun, 07 Sep 2008 23:35:58 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I mentioned this in passing as part of the round-up of Hello Digital-related events but here’s a little more info:

    Baskerville the Animated Movie celebrates John Baskerville, the man, the typeface and his future legacy. The film will be complemented by the development of a site-specific installation

    It’s being headed up at BIAD but from what I hear there are all sorts of collaborations going on.

    A new version of the website will officially launch on 22 September but for the time being there’s a good amount of information on the script, scenes and so on but no shots from the film itself yet.

    The film will get a showing at Hello Digital (where and when TBC) and you can follow the link for the current Baskerville Project website.

    Balena Project and Hello Digital Thu, 04 Sep 2008 18:25:24 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I’ve been feeling a bit off-colour the past couple of days, so apols for the lack of decent posting.  If anything’s going to raise my spirits it’s the prospect of a sodding great whale and a huge robot both turning up in the city.  It’s like Power Rangers or something.

    The former comes courtesy of Claudia Losi’s Balena Project as presented by Ikon Gallery (and previously alluded to).  A 25ft cashmere whale will be deposited by the escalators in The Mailbox from 24 Sept to 26 Oct.  This is what it looks like:

    Hmm, so it doesn’t look like a fearsome, city-levelling villain, more like me flopped on my sofa feeling sorry for myself.

    Meanwhile, flyers for Hello Digital (a mere 6 weeks away and still no-one knows quite what it is) will apparently be distributed around the Bullring tomorrow by a giant robot.  Brilliant!

    I’ll write something about Hello Digital when I know what’s going on but details have been trickling out:

    • It’ll be happening predominently at Millennium Point and will be free to attend
    • SCAMP will kick things off on the first night with an “electro-acoustic and live visual performance”
    • An international digital conference called ‘Hello World’ will take place on 23-24 October
    • There’ll be an interactive ‘Field of Light‘ from the Plus Expo people, controllable via a microsite (this sounds dead cool)
    • Capsule’s ‘Home of Metal‘ project will launch at Wolverhampton Art Gallery on Saturday 25 Oct
    • Baskerville: The Animated Movie will get it’s premiere
    • Killriculum seems to involve getting kids to watch scary short films while lying in coffins
    • Digital Storytelling is “a touching vision of the world we live in”. Hmm, sounds very worthy
    • The Light House in Wolverhampton, in association with 4Talent, will be screening “contemporary and classic film from the Film4 back catalogue”

    So far the Hello Digital blog and Twitter are up and running and the main site is due to go live any minute now.  Meanwhile here’s the flyer:

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