audiences central Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 audiences central 32 32 Links for 30 March 2012 Fri, 30 Mar 2012 07:45:14 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • For Sale – Birmingham: It’s Not Shit
    This is kinda sad but hopefully it can find a good home. Also, at £5k this should’ve sold already
  • Audiences Central
    It’s technically their last day tomorrow but their pub-based send off was last night. Good luck to everyone who’s moving on. For now: “This website is part of the legacy for Audiences Central, the regional audience development agency for the West Midlands (2004-2012)” The links page is very useful
  • Audiences London : AL and AAA announce successful bid to Strand 1 of ACE Audience Focus Fund
    Hello. I hadn’t spotted this before: “All About Audiences will be managing a contract from Warwickshire County Council previously delivered by Audiences Central to coordinate audience development support in the county during 2012/13”
  • We want your food stories! at Birmingham Repertory Theatre
    The Rep. They want your food stories.
  • Emma Case Photography: please RT…
    Sad to hear this from Emma. Insure your stuff and back up your computers people – there are bad people about
  • Flatpack 6 collective memory
    One of those round-ups of what everyone’s written about the festival. I like these.
  • VIVID POD SPACE FOR SALE – Architecture WM
    The VIVID Pod prototype is arguably the first manufactured, mobile artist’s space in the UK. The pod concept was developed by architect Ranbir Lal in collaboration with VIVID in response to VIVID’s artist research programme; it explores the possibilities of integrating production within an exhibition environment.
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    Links for 4 November 2011 Fri, 04 Nov 2011 09:32:57 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • An Announcement from Audiences Central – Audiences Central
    “It is with great sadness that the Board of Audiences Central announces that Audiences Central will cease trading on 31 March 2012.” A victim of the cuts
  • Anna Mairi; writing for writing.
    Anna is an English Lit student UoB English Lit student, among other things. This is her blog.
  • Online survey for bands/musicians/DJs
    “This is a survey to support the conceptualisation of a local music platform. It is a student project of mine within the Music Industries course at BCU”
  • Lots Of Things To See And Do In The West Midlands – November 2011
    From Rihanna to the Supreme Show of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy and everything in between
  • The Cult of Quatermass | Sponsume
    AAS are doing the crowdfunding thing
  • Jaskirt Dhaliwal’s Blog | photographer and visual artist – still thinking of a good title…
    This is Jaskirt’s blog with, amongst other things, a load of photos from The Event, including Curate Me Out, which may have been recorded. If the video goes up anywhere, please let me know
  • Birmingham Printmakers: New work by Jo Ruth and Sue Halstead
    At Number 8 Community Arts Centre from 17 November
  • News: Birmingham Opera Company
    “You’re invited to join us and find out more about the company and how to get involved in our next production Life is a Dream which will premiere in Birmingham in 2012.”
  • Autumn Glory reviews « Birmingham Royal Ballet’s tour blog
    This is good – an even-looking spread of reviews from BRB’s recent tour (from both big newspapers and individual tweets) with links through to the source
  • Open Studio at Birmingham Printmakers
    “At Birmingham Printmakers we are holding an Open Studio on Saturday 26th November from 10am to 4pm”
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    DCD Programme showcase Thu, 24 Feb 2011 18:44:41 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Tomorrow, I’ll be at The Public for the showcase event of the DCD Programme. In case you’d not heard of it:

    Arts Council England West Midlands’ Digital Content Development (DCD) Programme is a three year programme of investment which aims to catalyse the creation and creative use of digital content platforms for arts organisations across the West Midlands region

    The website went up recently and the map on the homepage shows some of the projects, along with how much money they received. Further information is due on the website at some point, but if you look at the page source then you can glean a little more. On the basis that you probably don’t want to ruin your eyes, here’s what I found:

    • Birmingham Repertory Theatre – Towards the development of an online multi-user playwriting resource (£27,884)
    • Pesky People – Development of a multiplatform approach to venue access information (£25,000)
    • Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum – PostCart: creative digital access of art gallery and museum collections (£24,750)
    • Library of Birmingham – Development of an Alternate Reality Game for young people (£23,750)
    • Talking Birds Theatre Company – Development of The Difference Engine – a multiplatform real time access tool. Some mention of it here (£1,500 + £20,860)
    • The Play House – Develop an online resource to match the company’s participatory ethos (£22,349)
    • Eastside Projects and Birmingham City University – Piloting a 3D online art gallery (£22,000)
    • The MAC – Playground: exploring the use of digital technologies in a new-built art centre (£20,500)
    • Royal Shakespeare Company – Creation of a new digital arena for the creativity of the RSC. Pretty sure this was Such Tweet Sorrow (£20,000)
    • Audiences Central – To develop a web platform and plug-in for cross regional arts marketing (£18,000)
    • B Arts – Development of a new form of arts centre/collaboration (£17,380)
    • Rhubarb Rhubarb – To create an online evaluation tool (£17,000)
    • Shropshire County Council – Citizen Journalism (£15,612)
    • Rideout – To explore the production of creative digital content engaging youth crime statistics (£15,000)
    • Radio To Go – A collaboration with the British Library to pilot an online music archive. Called The Pilot Project (£13,750)
    • Rosie Kay Dance Company – To create an online version of the touring production, 5 Soldiers (£12,500)
    • Indigo Ltd – The development of a pilot online platform exploring new forms of crowd-source fundraising in the arts (launching soon and called Angel Shares) (£11,750)
    • Wolverhampton Arts & Museums / Black Country Museums – Research and Development of a collaborative online resource for the Black Country Museums (£10,550)
    • Black Country Touring – Exploration of enhancing a site specific, theatrical experience through live streaming (£10,348)
    • Multistory – To create a new media platform for celebrating local stories as part of place-making (£10,235)
    • Fierce Festival – Towards a Viral Online research game (£8,253)
    • Birmingham Opera – Exploring new models of ownership and sales of published works (£6,737)
    • Borderlines Film Festival Ltd – Experimenting with mScapes technologies (£5,600)
    • Orchestra of the Swan – Research and development towards a strategic plan (£5,000)
    • Capsule – To support digitally enhanced new marketing and distribution opportunities (£4,880)
    • Welsh National Opera – research and development of phase one of iMaestro. To allow Welsh National Opera to research digital copyright law and the possibility of exploiting full-length opera samples under the Creative Commons license (info about that here) (£4,600)
    • Ikon Gallery – Towards the development of a social media project (£3,500)
    • The Other Way Works – Professional development around Augmented Reality and Transmedia (£2,575)
    • Ex Cathedra – Market development, engaging an online music aggregator (£1,323)
    • Dance Consortium – Exploring social media in relation to contemporary dance marketing (£1,000)
    • MADE – To explore the use of digital platforms in placing making (£1,000)

    As well as these projects, the programme supported a range of other activities including workshops, innovation labs and other events.

    I’ve heard of one or two of these projects, but the vast majority are new to me so it’ll be interesting to hear a little more. I should probably also add that I’m involved in the Rosie Kay Dance Company project – that’ll launch next week so I’ll blab a bit more about it then.

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    CiB links for 4 February 2011 Fri, 04 Feb 2011 14:11:57 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • If Birmingham City Council meetings were televised…
    Not strictly arts/culture related, but if you only click one of these links, click this one. Includes chicken dancing, physical abuse of the Respect Party and what gold dealers in the city can be like
  • Why are Birmingham’s Hackers letting FizzPop die?
    Thanks to a bit of nudging from afar, it looks like FizzPop/a Birmingham Hack Space might be back in some form
  • A Sneak Peek Inside New Library of Birmingham
    References to ‘sneak peeks’ in my RSS reader went into overdrive the other day with lots of people posting a CG fly-through of the new library. Nice big escalators.
  • Nigel Singh to step down as CEO – Audiences Central
    “Audiences Central today announces that Nigel Singh is leaving the organisation after three years as Chief Executive Officer”. Due to a serious family illness – best wishes to Ni
  • Behind Gamer Camp: Nano on Vimeo
    “This short promotional documentary about the Gamer Camp: Nano course ran at NTI Birmingham in November to December 2010, to help prepare graduates for working in the games industry.”
  • Team Gozooheck Presents ‘Kung-Fu Night’
    An (early) evening of workshops, networking, screenings of 3D animations and shorts from around Birmingham as well as classic kung fu films and free Marvel comics. There’s also something about a Film Society and Festival but I can’t quite tell how that fits in
  • Culture chief won’t rule out Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery charges in future
    BMAG could be merged into a trust with Thinktank . “Martin Mullaney confirmed moves are under way to form the Trust during questions at the City Council but added that there are currently no plans to end free admission.”
  • Simon Clarke Video Production
    I liked the vid for Munroe Effect
  • Rhubarb Seminars
    Rhubarb Rhubarb are doing a one-day artist development event in March. It’s a similar format to one they ran in London last year that seemed to go down very well (click the link and scroll down the page to ‘The Crossing’)
  • Events – Architecture WM
    A list of architecture-related events happening in Feb
  • Bursary opportunity for West Midlands museum staff
    “OpenCulture is the annual international event for Collections Managers, Curators, Registrars, Archivists, Librarians. Renaissance West Midlands are offering 10 free bursary places to museum staff or volunteers who work at a West Midlands Museum”
  • Soldier On
    “I’ve seen some of the best bands in Birmingham play to a handful of people. It’s actually quite sickening. A terrible waste of talent”.
    Ronan is in a band called Nerve Centre and blogs about that and unsigned music in general
  • Call For Submissions – Crowd6 Online Gallery
    “Crowd6 will soon be launching an online gallery, showing artwork made specifically for the web. This might be time based, code based, illustrative or performative”
  • February at VIVID – We Are Eastside | Birmingham
    “VIVID kicks off its 2011 programme with the launch of ‘The Garage presents…’ a brand new strand of one off events embracing music, live arts, installation, performance, and films”
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    CiB links for 27 October 2010 Thu, 28 Oct 2010 13:03:17 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Tate team up for Ikon – Audiences Central
    “Ikon Gallery are one of the partners of the new Plus Tate initiative which aims to support the development of the visual arts across the UK, and to foster a climate where exchange and partnership can flourish”
  • Women admitted as Birmingham’s Saint Paul’s Club modernises the rule book – Birmingham Post
    “Falling membership and a desire to modernise are why women are allowed, said Bart Dalton, membership committee chairman”
  • Twitter / Simon Lawson: The most recent Ace Bushy …
    “The most recent Ace Bushy Striptease album has sold out now so we’re giving it away for free download”
  • Shetland ponies escorted by Police, Created in Birmingham, and new exhibition – a day in the life of Hippodrome staff!
    Next post in a nice series showing the people behind the scenes
  • Royal Television Society Midlands 2010 Nominations
    And the nominees are…
  • Area Culture Guide – November 2010
    The new one’s out
  • Paper on Advantage West Midlands’ Digital Media Cluster |
    “It’s had a wide distribution via email to the various business/public sector bods who were doing the LEP lobbying but I suspect it’ll never get formally published anywhere so I thought I’d dump it on here”
  • New apprenticeships launched in creative sector – Birmingham Post
    “Noel Dunne, director of Creative Alliance, an organisation which aims to support and develop creative talent, said: “The new creative and digital media apprenticeship will help employers attract talented young people to their organisation”
  • Jobs in the Meeja | Mind over Matter
    Ian gives a few of his top tips for getting a job in the media (although most of it applies to pretty much any sector). Worth a read
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    Today’s cuts, plus a bunny Tue, 26 Oct 2010 22:32:55 +0000 [Read more...]]]> You know the deal by now. I witter on about cuts to arts funding and make up for it all with a picture of a bunny at the end. Only this time it’s a video.

    Now, the good thing about writing this twelve hours after today’s announcement is that everyone else has summarised, pontificated and moved on. I can just link to what they’ve written. Blogging is ace. Anyway, onward…

    Here’s the Arts Council’s announcement. Fair play to them for getting this out in reasonably good time following the spending review.

    Audiences Central have summarised things and the Birmingham Post has calculated the cuts the region’s orgs are going to face from April 2011.

    To skip through the announcement:

    • Most regularly funded organisations will have their funding cut by 6.9% in 2011/2012
    • By 2014/15 cuts will have risen to 14.9% in real terms (ie. ignoring inflation)
    • Arts and Business and Creativity, Culture and Education will have their public funding halved next year and taken away completely the year after that. That’s very bad news for them
    • The Arts Council will have to halve its admin costs
    • There’ll be a new system for funding from 2012 onwards (arrangements to be announced 4 November 2010). Everyone will have to reapply – some existing orgs won’t be successful, some new ones will
    • The budget for budget for ‘strategic opportunities for artistic work’ such as touring, large events and the Cultural Leadership Programme is being knocked down by 64%

    Next year will be a ‘transition year’, hence the lower-than-expected cuts, the stay of execution for A&B and CCE and the Guardian describing arts groups as ‘relieved’. So expect things to get worse. Oh, and don’t forget the local authority funding that’s disappearing.

    In A&B’s ‘defence’ Colin Tweedy has released an utterly unimpressive statement quoting an easily-swatted away question in Parliament and referring to the generalised views of unnamed ‘private sector partners’. Go get em, tiger.

    Still, it’s not all bad news in the arts. Working at the top at the Royal Opera House can net you £630,000 a year.

    Here’s the bunny vid:

    Arts Council’s new public engagement campaign Wed, 25 Nov 2009 15:23:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Last week I went along to Wolverhampton Art Gallery to hear about the Arts Council’s new national campaign for the arts – due to start in April 2010. Here’s the opening presentation that was delivered by Julie Eaglen, Arts Council WM’s Audience Development Officer.

    The standout point from the presentation for me is this bit:

    … despite the significant efforts of arts organisations and the Arts Council to broaden audiences – and there has been, and is, some really excellent work going on – our statistics show that there has been no significant shift in the profile of people who engage with the arts over the past three years.

    This means that we can’t simply continue doing more of the same; it’s not working. We need a new approach

    You can read the presentation to see how this is to be achieved (and from the tone of language used, it has to be achieved), but in a nutshell there’ll be:

    • a programme of arts engagement activity
    • a large-scale broadcast, media and marketing campaign
    • targeting of an identified group of 12.8 million people who currently have some interest in the arts but have expressed an inclination/desire to do or see more
    • a new national arts web portal

    Locally, the programme is being coordinated by Audiences Central. Each region has been asked to pick a hot-spot to focus their activity on and in the West Mids it’ll be the Black Country. It’s hoped that the rest of the region will benefit from a ‘halo effect’ from this activity and from the national media campaign.

    On this last point, the idea is to develop a brand and kitemark that venues, promoters, organisations, etc will want to apply to their work in the same way that many food producers have voluntarily taken up the 5-a-day brand.

    Success will be measured via the national Taking Part survey and the Active Peoples survey (for local authorities that use an indicator called NI11 – hopefully that’ll mean something to someone).

    I’m not sure what the budget for the national campaign is but, after much talk of ‘limited resources’, it transpired that the amount of cash available for the West Mids (and therefore the Black Country) is £200,000 over two years. Consequently there was much talk about partnership working and the reliance on organisations finding a benefit in piggybacking on the national campaign.

    In the meantime, the Arts Council have set up a website at Hello Art where you can find out a little more and sign up for future updates. It’d be also be worth following Audiences Central for updates about the West Mids focus.

    Finally (and because someone asked me to keep count):

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    Links for February 11th Wed, 11 Feb 2009 23:23:58 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Creatives are invited to comment on the Big City Plan
    Following the cancellation of the Big City Plan workshop, Creative Republic have rescheduled the event for 6pm on Wednesday 11th February. The format remains the same with the event featuring a presentation on the Big City Plan with a discussion afterwards that will be written up as a formal submission to the consultation process.
  • Kate Beatty – new website
    Kate is a photographer based at Fazeley Studios, Digbeth who’s impressive portfolio and client list can been seen on her brand spanking new website, designed by Substrakt. The site is clean and functional and is home to the beginnings of a passionately written personal blog.
  • Last exhibition at Jibbering Records
    The last exhibition at Jibbering Records, Moseley will be The Shapes of  Things to Come…..and Have Been,
  • an exhibition of original artwork exploring the philosophy of interconnectedness by James Dawson. Jibbering Records will close its doors for the last time on Saturday 21st February and will be sadly missed by many people, it has been a hub of creative activity for many years.
  • Arts Assembly
    Arts Assembly is a non-profit making organisation based in Warwickshire. They are hosting their next group exhibition at the Vaad Gallery, The Custard Factory, March 6th, 7th and 8th. The preview night is on Friday 6th with the usual free drinks to quaff.
  • Audiences Central job vacancy
    Audiences Central is the audience development agency for the West Midlands and they are currently looking for a Data Inputting Administrator.
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    Links for December 20th Sat, 20 Dec 2008 12:56:56 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • BBC NEWS | Magazine | The sit-down comic
    An interview with Birmingham’s Laura Howells – the Beano’s first ever regular female artist (hat tip to Andy Mabbett)
  • John Garghan, exhibition in the new year
    The guy who takes the fasinating photos of torched cars. He’s getting ready for an exhibition at the Solihull Arts Complex at the Touchwood Centre, Solihull. 19 Jan to 7 March
  • Screen WM – Annual Review
    You can get Screen WM’s annual report for 07/08 (and the past couple of years) here
  • Where next for the Custard Factory and other independent venues?
    Interesting post from Kenny at Big Cat pondering what direction a large-ish, credible venue should take in terms of booking acts. Would be interesting to see what people would suggest
  • New Season Announced at Birmingham Rep : Whatsonstage Midlands
    There’s some Philip Pullman, a Caribbean musical, a collaboration between writers and actors from the UK, Japan and Korea and lots of other good things
  • Young People’s Free Theatre Scheme- successful West Midlands theatres – Audiences Central
    A list of “theatres who have been successful in their application for the Arts Council England Young People’s Free Theatre Scheme”
  • Kebablog – DAB con
    A poke around Birmingham’s digital radio options
  • Dressing-the-Pooh | Crescent Theatre Blog
    Interesting from the Crescent Theatre – they’ve got a production of Winnie-the-Pooh coming in the new year. A comment on a previous blog asked whether Pooh would be played in full, semi or no costume. Here’s the answer (maybe drop them a comment on your thoughts)
  • Still Waiting
    Not sure what this is, but it’s to do with Antonio Roberts so it’ll probably be interesting
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    Links for December 16th Tue, 16 Dec 2008 01:08:34 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • New ‘Creative’ guide launched for West Midlands entrepreneurs
    I can’t find a copy but it looks like it could be a blimmin interesting/useful document to get your mitts on. Can anyone find this online?
  • Young People Arts Project: New Project Opportunity – Audiences Central
    “Audiences Central, with arts consultant Kerry Endsor, is looking to develop and deliver a high-profile, public-facing, arts project that will encourage and inspire young people in the West Midlands to engage with the arts and culture”. If you’re interested in getting involved then register your interest on the Audiences Central site before 19 Dec
  • Welcome to BYPY
    Nominations for the Birmingham Young Professional of the Year are open
  • heavy handbag
    Ramjeena Aujla is a “split-second-stealing snapper” and she blogs at Heavy Handbag
  • Screen WM – The year that was… 2008
    Suzie Norton wraps up what they’ve been up to over at Screen WM this year
  • B(l)og
    A couple of the Audiences Central peeps have started their own blogs recently, with this one from Fiona likely to be the most, um, quirky. She has/had a secret obsession – rating the city’s (and likely other cities’) toilets. So far pubs and restaurants feature highly
  • Birmingham Jazz News – Birmingham Jazz gigs in Guardian’s top gigs of 2008!
    Congrats to Mary and co for gaining “recognition from respected Guardian Jazz critic John Fordham on the Dave Liebman tour and the Django Bates StoRMChaser project amongst others as highlights of the year”
  • Make and Do at The Edge
    Antonio Roberts went to “the first Make and Do Party over at The Edge, which was hosted by Friction Arts. There were about 20 artists present and there was a strong emphasis on just having fun creating art!”. He has a quick write-up and some pics
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