artsfunding Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 artsfunding 32 32 If Ikon Eastside were to close… Fri, 17 Dec 2010 12:53:48 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Nicky Getgood’s written a brief but thoughtful piece on Ikon Eastside’s place in Digbeth’s cultural scene and what it might mean if the place were to close as a result of the recently announced funding cuts.

The BPo reported on the possibility of this happening yesterday with a few quotes hinting at the situation at Ex Cathedra and Performances Birmingham from people who work there.

Birmingham arts and arts grant budgets for 2011/12 Tue, 14 Dec 2010 01:30:29 +0000 [Read more...]]]> You may remember some discussion on this site about the impending announcement of Birmingham City Council’s arts budget cuts. Well, following a Cabinet meeting yesterday, the results are in.

My first boss always told me to work from first principles and sources, therefore:

So, if you’re interested, have a look for yourselves.

If you’re in a rush

The cuts don’t quite match those suggested by that leaked document but they aren’t far off. The overall 17% cut for 2010/11 was right, at least.

Here are a few headlines:

  • Performances Birmingham get a 23% cut
  • Birmingham Royal Ballet and The Rep get an 18% cut
  • Birmingham Opera Company,  Ikon, Dancexchange and Ex Cathedra get a 15% cut
  • CBSO, The Drum and sampad get a 9% cut
  • BCMG, Craftspace, Birmingham Jazz, Big Brum, Women & Theatre, Sound It Out, ACE Dance, Tindal Street Press, Stan’s Cafe, Fierce and RBSA will be funded for 6 months (‘transitional’ funding). After that they get nothing
  • Capsule, Chitraleka, Friction Arts, The Playhouse, Punch, Vivid and Reel Access won’t be taken into the council’s portfolio of funded organisations (as was apparently planned before all this kicked off)
  • There’s a project commissioning budget of about £250,000 which those smaller organisations (and others) can apply into

An observation – the project funding post has increased from £40,000 to £250,000. That increase would more than cover the funding taken away from those smaller organisations (£113,000 would do it).

The leaked figures suggested a rather bleak scenario of 2012/13 and 2013/14 – one that’s been described as ‘politically unacceptable’. The idea, as I understand it, is for the figures announced yesterday to hold for the next three years. Funding is to be kept at this level by income generated by (for example) sponsorship secured by the likes of Performances Birmingham (Town Hall/Symphony Hall to you and I). I must admit I’m a bit fuzzy on how this is meant to work. Would be happy for any clarification.

If you want the really quick version

Dave Harte says: “Sounds like there was some retreat from Brum arts cuts as leaked but with an expected 6000% increase in need for bid writing.”

If you want some other views

If you’d rather see some cute photos of hedgehogs taking a bath

Then that would be completely understandable. Here you go.

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Recommended BCC arts cuts (possibly) Fri, 03 Dec 2010 11:30:32 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Last night I was sent a link to a document showing what appears to be the amount of funding Birmingham City Council will put into arts organisations over the next few years. I ummed and ahhed about posting it but it’s all over Twitter this morning anyway.

Big caveat on this – I’ve not heard an official announcement about this (or even much speculation, to be honest – there’s been more focus on the Arts Council England and the UK Film Council). Who’s been informed of these figures and whether they’re 100% correct, I have no idea. That said, I’ve asked around a few people and the general gist of it seems to be correct.

The document says these figures are ‘recommended’. If I understand rightly, they’ll be put to a public cabinet meeting on 13 December. If anyone has any info on that then feel free to share it. Info might be at but, well…

If they are right it doesn’t look good, but then not much news coming out of the council is at the moment. Savings of £300k a day need to be made and 10,000 jobs are going.

I’m not going to go through that document an pull apart the figures but the comment box is below if you want to discuss things. Just be aware that I’d rather not have to moderate any potentially defamatory comments.


The Business Desk have done some digging and been told (if I’m reading this right) that the doc that’s doing the rounds may be an example of ‘scenario planning’. Which isn’t to say it’s necessarily right or wrong.

Related to that planning, Birmingham City Council have released their budget consultation with a proposed business plan (PDF) which includes:

  • Considering a “trust” and new operating model for museums and review of commercial approach
  • Reviewing support for arts organisations (additional to existing savings of £0.525m in 2011/12)

See the doc for figures. Comments are welcomed, the deadline is 17 January 2011.

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Today’s cuts, plus a bunny Tue, 26 Oct 2010 22:32:55 +0000 [Read more...]]]> You know the deal by now. I witter on about cuts to arts funding and make up for it all with a picture of a bunny at the end. Only this time it’s a video.

Now, the good thing about writing this twelve hours after today’s announcement is that everyone else has summarised, pontificated and moved on. I can just link to what they’ve written. Blogging is ace. Anyway, onward…

Here’s the Arts Council’s announcement. Fair play to them for getting this out in reasonably good time following the spending review.

Audiences Central have summarised things and the Birmingham Post has calculated the cuts the region’s orgs are going to face from April 2011.

To skip through the announcement:

  • Most regularly funded organisations will have their funding cut by 6.9% in 2011/2012
  • By 2014/15 cuts will have risen to 14.9% in real terms (ie. ignoring inflation)
  • Arts and Business and Creativity, Culture and Education will have their public funding halved next year and taken away completely the year after that. That’s very bad news for them
  • The Arts Council will have to halve its admin costs
  • There’ll be a new system for funding from 2012 onwards (arrangements to be announced 4 November 2010). Everyone will have to reapply – some existing orgs won’t be successful, some new ones will
  • The budget for budget for ‘strategic opportunities for artistic work’ such as touring, large events and the Cultural Leadership Programme is being knocked down by 64%

Next year will be a ‘transition year’, hence the lower-than-expected cuts, the stay of execution for A&B and CCE and the Guardian describing arts groups as ‘relieved’. So expect things to get worse. Oh, and don’t forget the local authority funding that’s disappearing.

In A&B’s ‘defence’ Colin Tweedy has released an utterly unimpressive statement quoting an easily-swatted away question in Parliament and referring to the generalised views of unnamed ‘private sector partners’. Go get em, tiger.

Still, it’s not all bad news in the arts. Working at the top at the Royal Opera House can net you £630,000 a year.

Here’s the bunny vid:

Spending review Wed, 20 Oct 2010 13:17:36 +0000

These cuts will inevitably have a significant impact on the cultural life of the country

For local info on what’s happening, might be worth keeping an eye on.

What do you make of it all?

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Links for 25 August 2010 Wed, 25 Aug 2010 12:17:35 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Culture Guide September Issue « Area Culture Guide
    “The September edition of the Culture Guide is awaiting your perusal”
  • Job going at Bright Space
    They’re after a new new Creative Programmer for Primary, Early Years and Special Schools
  • Creative Networks: Interactive Music & Sound Design
    “Creative Networks welcomes Matt Black, Audio Manager at Blitz Games Studios, whose talk will focus on interactive music used in production of the company’s games title”
  • Committee launches a new inquiry into The Funding of the Arts and Heritage – UK Parliament
    Bit slow in this, but here’s your chance to have your say. Deadline is 2 Sept
  • artsfunding – Arts Funding Information
    Have I mentioned the artsfunding network that’s been set up? Well, I have now. Get involved to contribute to the ongoing debate/discussion
  • My First Seminar – Music Photography — — Steve Gerrard Photography
    “November 10th 2010 will be the date of my very first seminar, taking place at Calumet in Birmingham. The subject is Music Photography”. Steve knows his stuff
  • Heritage Open Days 2010 | Birmingham Conservation Trust
    “The HODs this year will run from 9-12 September and the event directory for this year’s events is now live”
  • Heritage Open Days – West Midlands
    …and here’s the list
  • Breakfast Meeting 1st Oct
    “Creative Alliance would like to invite you to an Employers Breakfast Meeting on Friday 1st October from 9am until 11am”
  • The International Queer Video Open 2010
    Call for submissions – deadline is 2 October
  • Midlands Best Dance Crew 2010 « Dancegeek’s Blog
    “Register now and Step Up for the chance of your crew to go head to head and claim the title of Midlands Best Dance Crew 2010”. To be held at the Town Hall on 12 November
  • UK Sound Map
    “Join the British Library in creating the first nationwide sound map”. Or don’t. Your call
  • ]]>