arts on the move Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 arts on the move 32 32 Arts On The Move Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:05:58 +0000 [Read more...]]]> This one nearly knocked me off my chair:

Birmingham City Council’s Arts Team has two mobile arts units; multimedia high-tech vehicles which convert into spaces for arts activity with drop-down walls and extending floor sections

We are looking for artists to work at outdoor events across the city between October 08 and March 09, to utilise these facilities. We welcome innovative ideas and activities that will engage with the general public at events, incorporating different ages and families working together


The units come with a laptop, plasma screen, PA system, DVD player, cushioned seating and have disabled access and suggested artforms include “video or podcasting, music, design, visual arts and animation, telling stories through music and animation, creating e-books, photography/editing and manipulating images”.

Artists will be paid but have to get their tenders in by 22 September, which sounds like a tall order, given that it’s the 27th today.  Still, I thought it was worth mentioning and if you’re interested you should maybe give them a shout anyway.  Details are a short way down this newsletter from Creative Alliance.

PS – two vaguely related items:

  • I found this bit of info on the Creative Alliance newsletter – a round-up of West Mids “commissions, jobs, training, opportunities and much more”.  Irritatingly you now have to sign up to the membership area of their website to receive it (although it’s free).
  • FAO people putting out email newsletters.  They’re fine and all but I can’t link to them and people not on your list can’t see the info.  Please put the info online.  A blog would be perfect (and free, etc and so on).  Even easier, forward your newsletter to and see what happens.  Honestly, it’s magic.
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