artfall Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 artfall 32 32 Changing Birmingham – Highgate Demolition Wed, 31 Dec 2008 11:33:49 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Printmaker Phil Wilkinson‘s latest work:

The demolition of a residential highrise block of flats on Sherlock St in the Highgate area of Birmingham was the basis for this work. With the dramatic jagged pinnacle and exterior walls removed the tower made for a tempting subject


The pic is of the finished print but Phil’s blog post shows how it came together.

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Links for December 7th Sun, 07 Dec 2008 23:00:04 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Festive Film Showcase by Screen WM – Mon 8th Dec @ Radisson Birmingham
    “On Monday, Screen WM are generously putting on a (FREE) day long series of screenings and events, leading up to the featured screening of ‘The Children’ with a masterclass and Q&A session from its director Tom Shankland”
  • Brumcast 113 ‘One Cup of Coffee and a Cigarette’
    More Brummie music goodness from Little Chris
  • Summer Party Videos | Boxer Design
    Worth a look
  • Artfall – The Works Winter Salon
    The Works Gallery in Digbeth have a fine art exhibition on from 9-14 December
  • West Midland RSS nightmares named and shamed – Birmingham Post
    A list of West Mids orgs that haven’t grasped something as head-smackingly basic as making news available via RSS. For a sec I thought of doing a similar list for Birmingham’s creative types but actually I can’t think of enough ‘RSS Rotters’ to name. Which is good (but if your news isn’t available via RSS yet then sort it before Joanna Geary comes after you! If you’re not sure then email and I’ll help)
  • David Leach
    David is “a lancastrian with a ukulele (nothing new there you might think) but i also have been known to play with, a DD-5 drum machine, a casiotone MT-46, and a glockenspiel”. I don’t tend to mention musicians here much (too many to mention) but he gets in because he knits all his merchandise. For his sake I hope he doesn’t get too big. He’s playing Bohemian Jukebox on Tues 9 Dec at the Hare & Hounds
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    Links for December 3rd Wed, 03 Dec 2008 23:51:29 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Prime Objective Blog :: Victor Man Documentary
    For the Ikon’s latest show Chris Keenan spent a few days “filming the installation down at Ikon and discussing Victor’s work with curator Nigel Prince. The edited video is now live on the Ikon site to aid a greater understanding of the work” I like this sort of stuff
  • Folk Monthly from the Traditional Arts Team
    I didn’t know about this. “It covers folk and related events across the Midlands, featuring adverts for clubs, festivals, sessions, bands etc, central diary pages, articles, news and reviews” and costs £12 for 11 issues a year
  • Artfall – Birmingham University Exhibition
    “Members of Birmingham Print Makers have put up an exhibition in Staff House at the University of Birmingham which runs until December 23rd”
  • début
    début was going to be a paid-to-submit-content magazine. I’m not sure if that’s still happening but for now at least it’s in a blog format. There’s plenty being posted up too. Definitely worth checking regularly
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    Links for June 16th Mon, 16 Jun 2008 21:00:54 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Big Picture Workshop at Birmingham’s Rag Market
    ‘Artists Faye Claridge and Helen Berrow will have a stall near the Market Customer Centre in the indoor market, on Tues 17 June to give you lots of photo tips and take pictures with you – or of you!’ It’s a free event, drop in between 12.30 and 15.30.
  • Artfall – Changing Birmingham
    Phil Wilkinson has ‘been working on a now demolished view of a site in Digbeth bordered by High St, Bradford St and Rea St’. There’s a work-in-progress on his blog.
  • Black Tonic by The Other Way Works, Guardian review
    Review of “a site-responsive performance produced by the Birmingham-based The Other Way Works” as part of the Sprint festival in London and coming to Brum in the autumn.
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